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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation


The Countries in the code table list appear in the Country drop down list in the Patron window, Default Data, Maps, Web Sales, and other places using the Country drop down list in Theatre Manager.

You can shorten the list by setting countries to inactivate, or if a country is not a 'System' country, it can be deleted from the code table. If a country is not in the Code Table, it can be added.

For 'System' countries, Theatre Manager has built in controls for phone numbers, postal codes, and more. Currently these are:

Donor Giving Capacity

The Donor Giving Capacity values are displayed on the Donor Tab on the Patron Window. Click here for more information on the Donor Tab.

For information about editing values in Code Tables, click here.

Patron Age Codes

The Code Table Age Codes is used to categorize personnel and/or volunteers into particular age ranges. If the age is unknown, then an age code Unknown may be useful. Age codes could also be specific birth years if required.

For information about editing values in Code Tables, click here.

Receivables - Based on Patron Balances

The Receivables - Based on Patron Balances report can be found under the Order and Payments category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Receivables - Based on Order Balances by Play

The Receivables - Based on Order Balances by Play report can be found under the Order and Payments category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Receivables - Based on Order Balances

The Receivables Based on Order Balances report can be found under the Order and Payments category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Payment Detail by Patron

The Payment Detail by Patron report can be found under the Order and Payments category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report. You can also quickly see (and print) your post dated payments in a window on the screen

Payment Summary

The Payment Summary report can be found under the Order and Payments category. This report has additional criteria options. Click here for more information about the Sort & Subtotal tab. Click here for more information about the Formatting tab. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

Order Detail - by Employee, by Patron (Tickets Only)

The Order Detail - by Employee, by Patron (Tickets Only) report can be found under the Order and Payments category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Order Summary

The Order Summary report is found in the Order and Payments category. This report has additional criteria options. Click here for more information about the Sort & Subtotal tab. Click here for more information about the Formatting tab. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.


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