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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Parts of the Mail List - Lists Window

The Mail List Lists window allows you to:

  • Access the mail lists already on your system to edit, duplicate, delete, export, create labels and merge one or more lists.
  • Add new mail lists
  • and Execute a selected individual mail list.

Execution Log Tab

List of the dates and times the mail list was executed.

Access Restriction Tab

Displays a listing of who can change the contents of the selected mail list.
  • If you are on the access restriction list, you can add, rebuild and remove people from the list - and you can delete the mail list in entirety.
  • If the list of employees is empty, anybody can add, rebuild or remove people from the list

Who's In Tab

This window displays a list of the patrons in the mail list. There are a number of things you can do with these patrons like:
  • generate mail labels
  • determine distance from your venue
  • export them
  • use them in criteria for reports or other mail lists
  • drag individuals from one mail list to another to place them into two lists
  • use the list to allow people to subscribe and unsubscribe to marketing lists online
  • drag them onto tasks to indicate who is invited.

Criteria Groups Tab

Displays the selected Criteria for the mail list and allows you to add others to the Mail List.

Description Tab

The Description tab of the Mail List window displays information about the mail list and its behaviours.

Subscription Date Change

The values from this table are displayed on the Season Subscription Detail Window. They reflect if a patron changed the date which they were attending plays for their subscription. They also allow for better marketing records to be kept and provide another value which can be used in reports and form letters.

Resource Tab

The Resource Tab is used by the Facility Management portion of Theatre Manager to keep track of Resources associated with a Patron. For more information on Resources, Click here.

Ticket Printing Tab

Ticket printing options and e-ticket delivery for print at home are most often enabled and disabled in the Play tab of the Event window. You can over-ride the settings to allow them to be different for every performance.

For the steps on Turning on Print at Home Options at the Individual Event level, Click here.


This tab relates to the management of Courses in Theatre Manager and is more thoroughly covered in the Course Management section of the online help.


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