Campaign Detail Window

All the details of a campaign can be entered, edited and kept track of in the Campaign Detail window. This page explains the details of the window and its tabs.


Parts of The Campaign Detail Window

Opens a new Campaign Detail window to enter a new campaign.
Saves the currently open campaign.
Creates a duplicate of the currently open campaign.
Can be clicked while editing to revert back to the last time the open campaign was saved.
Deletes the Campaign currently open.
Checks the spelling in the appropriate fields.
Campaign Name Enter the internal name for the campaign.
Outlet Allows you to chose between any outlets avaialbe for your organization.
Access Groups Specify which groups of people can access the data
The Description tab is where you enter the descriptive information about the Campaign. It is described on this page.
The Accounting tab is where you enter the Account information for the Campaign. Click here for more information about the Accounting tab.
The Edits tab is where you define where donations to the campaign can be accepted and the Giving Level Matrix. Click here for more information about the Edits tab.
The Statistics tab shows all the total donations for the selected campaign. Click here for more information about the Statistics tab.
The Notes tab lets you enter text notes for the campaign. Click here for more information about the Notes tab.
The Donations tab shows you the list of donations to the campaign. From here, you can open, delete, make payments and print the selected donation. Click here for more information about the Donations tab.
The G/L Entries tab shows you the list of G/L Entries to the campaign. From here, you can add, open and delete, G/L entries. Click here for more information about the G/L Entries tab.
The Transactions tab shows you the list of Transactions related to the campaign. From here, you can add, open and delete, Transactions. Click here for more information about the Transactions tab.

Description Tab

Campaign Name The name of the donation campaign.
External Name Name to be displayed on the internet.
Category Assign the donation to a category that can be used to group and sort the campaigns in online web pages. These are set up in Donation Campaign Category code tables.
Campaign Starts Ends The time period that the campaign is running.
Ticket Face (Optionally), you can select a ticket face to be used for donations. Click the Ticket button to open the Ticket Face List window. Select a ticket face to be printed for a donation receipt. This function can only be utilized by thermal ticket printers.
A ticket face is usually not necessary. Only add one if:
  • You want to print a specific looking receipt on a ticket printer for box office donations that emulates CRA needs (the tax receipt report should be used instead)
  • You like to have a sort of paper audit of donations at the box office to hand to development or finance (there are great reports for that too, meaning this isn't usually required)
Notification The workflow notification type that you would like to be sent out for this campaign. Click here for more information on setting up Workflow Notifications.
Tags You can add any number of tags to the donation campaign.

Accounting Tab

Parts of the Accounting Tab

Posting Accounts

Restricted Campaign Generally funds are deposited to the Operating Account as setup in your Default Posting Accounts.

If you want the funds deposited to another account for this campaign, check the Restricted Campaign box and enter the correct Bank Account and transfer information below. This will cause Theatre Manager to create a general ledger clearing entry for your finance department to indicate the movement of funds via their bank interface. Refer to the example on restricted donations

Note: you will not be able to set up a restricted donation campaign if:
  • A restricted bank account is provided for the campaign. This is a physically separate bank account from your main bank account if required by law. it is typically an asset account
  • The restricted bank account is one of the special bank accounts in code table default accounts
  • The xfer from bank account and the clearing account in code tables are the same account in default accounts
Restricted Bank Account Restricted Bank Account for this campaign. it is normally a physically different bank account if you are tracking funds for special purposes like capital campaigns or casino/gaming accounts - as may be required by law.

Click the button to open the Chart of Accounts lookup.

Income "Prior Year in blue" and earlier. Prior fiscal year account for this campaign. We recommend that this be an unrecognizable account in your accounting system to prompt you to look at any posting to a prior year donation account.

The reason for a non-sensical account number is simple: posting to prior year donation accounts usually causes auditors to be concerned because the year end has been closed and audited as far as donations for prior years which have been compared to receipts issued.

An account number with an account name like 'Donation posted to prior year, please investigate' is a good idea.

Click the button to open the Chart of Accounts lookup.

Refer to the link about what happens if you change Amount, Campaign, or Fiscal Year for a Prior Fiscal Year donation for more information.
Income for "Current Year in blue" Current fiscal year account for this campaign.

Click the button to open the Chart of Accounts lookup.

Deferred Revenue for "Next Year in blue" and Later If you wish to defer donations for a future fiscal year for this campaign, you can select a different account than the current year account. It would normally be a liability. During year end rollover, any donations entered in future fiscal years will be rolled into the earned accounts. Click the button to open the Chart of Accounts lookup.
Patron is allowed to receive a benefit when giving to the campaign Applies the benefit matrix from the giving level matrix to this campaign. Click here for more information on setting up benefits for donations.
Can be changed from the default for the giving level Allows the value of the benefit to be edited during a donation.

Benefit Amount

Checkbox Patron is allowed to receive a benefit when giving to the campaign.
Checkbox Can be changed from the default for the giving level.
Benefit Account Benefit general ledger account for this campaign.

Click the button to open the Chart of Accounts lookup.


Changing Prior Year Donations

Changing financial information about donations after your year is complete is usually not a good idea especially if its after your financial audit and approved financials have been send to the Government.

If you need to do it, make sure you have a discussion with your accounting staff and/or auditors first.

You will be reminded of the accounting ramifications if you happen to change any one of the following items for a donation (per the image below) that was entered for any fiscal year PRIOR to this year:
  • Campaign
  • Donation amount
  • Fiscal Year on the donation
An other data fields on the donation can be changed at any time without financial implication and you will not see any of the messages below.
This process mentions fiscal prior year account setup in the campaign - refer to that if you need to see hour your accounts are set up and where things will post

Changes to Campaign, Amount or Fiscal Year

If you change Campaign, Amount or Fiscal Year, you will see a messages similar to below below asking to confirm the change.

If you really want to change the prior year financial data, you will see a second message to confirm the change, as below.


If you agree to both dialogs, the donation data will be changed.

Theatre Manager will create transactions that

  • Reverses the original amount, campaign and fiscal year using the account number below that relates to the donation fiscal year
  • Create a new transaction for the new amount, campaign and fiscal year
Thus, if you are changing a donation from the current to the past year, then you will affect prior year books. This will take funds out of out of the current year account and put into the prior year account.

Since the Government has been told about the prior year, your finance people and auditor will need to know, so that they can amend prior year. This is especially important if it is a multi year pledge that is not full paid because of the discounting for present value that need to be done on Government forms.

In other words, if you need to do this, make sure your finance people know. IT may not be an issue at all.. but then again, it might be very important to know.

Sales Tab

Accept Donation at

Via the Donor Tab Allow the campaign to be displayed as a choice when a donation is being entered through the donor tab on the patron window.
In conjunction with a Ticket Sale Allow the campaign to be displayed as a chouce when a donation is being given through an order created on the ticket tab in the patron window.
Taken during a Ticket Return Allow the campaign to be displayed when a ticket is being refunded / returned for any reason.
Accepted on the Internet Allow the campaign to be accessed via the Internet and donations made Online. Additional option, Visible in Internet List. This allows for the selected campaign to appear in the list of available donation campaigns for patrons to give to.
  • If both options are enabled, the donation campaign will appear online on this page -
  • If Accepted on the Internet is enabled for a donation campaign, this would apply to the campaign used for rounding up a online cart, where the donation campaign should NOT appear on the organizations donation page.
  • Another use for Accepted on the Internet is in conjunction with direct donation link where the campaign would not appear online for everyone.
Visible in Internet List Normally, donations campaigns available online should be visible online. There may some special purpose donations that you may create a quick-add button for that do do not want to see in list. If so, uncheck this option.

Examples might be: round up donations or quick donate on checkout window for a particular purpose.

Sort Order Allows you to specify an online sort order for campaigns (instead of purely alphabetical). The default is a three level sort:
  • Grouping order as specified for the Campaign Category code table, if one is provided)
  • Sort order specified for the campaign in this window (if any)
  • Finally, by the Campaign Name
Accept Post Dated Payments If post dated payments are accepted online, indicate the final payment date. Monthly payments will be set up through to the end of the payment date. You could set the date to be end of the year to get recurring yearly payments.
At other Outlets Allows the campaign to be accessed and donations made at other outlets.

Include in Patron Statistics

Include in Annual Statistics Donation values will appear in patron statistics tab.

Default values for a new Donation

Fiscal year Normally, the fiscal year on a donation defaults to your fiscal year in which the donation falls. If you enter a donation for a future year, it will take on a future fiscal year.

If you want to change the default behaviour for this donation campaign and force the fiscal year to be in the future, you can enter a future non-zero year into this field.

It must be a future year (since the default of zero means the current year now and forever). And if it is always to be the next fiscal year, you will need to edit this field at year end every year.

Accrual accounting (GAAP, FASB, IRS an CRA) says you should not set for future years. But sometimes auditors will allow deferral of subscription donations to the next year.

NOTE: Default Fiscal/Program Years are Copied to each Donation at time of creation of the donation. After that, you can change either of then on the donation.

Changing the default does not affect past donations - you must change them manually.

Program Year The default program year for a donation is the calendar year on the donation date. If you wish it to be different then set a default value into this field. It must be a future year.
Default Solicitor The primary solicitor for the campaign. You can select or change the solicitor, by clicking on the Solicitor button to open the Employee Listwindow to select or change a solicitor for the Campaign.

Edits Tab

Parts of the Edits Tab

Print Controls On Receipts

Print receipts for this Campaign Allows receipts to be printed for this campaign and you may (optionally) set a minimum donation mount if desired for receipt printing.

You can choose the conditions under which you want to print tax receipts in Canada.

Email Receipt for Online Donor If checked and the patron donates online, a single one receipt per payment style donation receipt will be created and attached to the patron's web confirmation.

You will be warned if your company preference setup contains no:

The above images should be in place to so that the tax receipt looks complete (and in Canada, contains all the required information for tax receipts).

This option is not available:

  • if you are not printing receipts for the campaign -or-
  • the online donation amount does not meet the minimum amount required for a receipt
    • If the online donation amount does not meet the minimum amount required for a tax receipt, then no tax receipt will be sent. The receipt option will remain the default for the campaign.
If Over A certain Amount If an amount is entered, then any single donation that is under the specified amount will never get a tax receipt printed in the batch printing or automatic emailing of receipts.

Note: Receipts are generated for each payment towards a donation. As long as the donation is over the threshold for receipting, each payment gets a receipt. If you are expecting multiple payments, you may want to consider selecting Annual Statement Style receipts when entering the donation - to minimize any administrative burden.

For example: A donation might be $100 (and entitled to a receipt). if the patron pays with post dated payments for $10.00 each, monthly, each payment will get a receipt (i.e. 10 receipts, regardless if the receipt is under the threshold). Printing the Annual Statement Receipt might be one way to reduce receipting effort if the payments are small and donations are large.

Default Tax Receipt Options Theatre Manager has a number of tax receipt options that you can set for each donation.

You can set the default for the campaign, which will be copied to each new donation when the donation is created.

Suggested Donations Online

Suggested Amounts You can enter a list of suggested donation amounts - and if you do, then the online donation module will have buttons that let the patron quickly pick that amount as a donation - without having to enter information. The patron will always have the ability to enter a custom amount.

If you have no suggested amounts, then the patron will be required to type in a value for the donation.

If you drag some of the giving levels to this list, Theatre Manager will take the minimum value in the range for that giving level and add it to the list. You might want to take most popular ranges and drag onto this field for quick entry.

Giving Level Matrix

Giving Level The giving level matrix that will be used for the campaign. For information on setting up a Giving Level Matrix for use here, click here.
Opens the Giving Level (inserting) window, allowing you to add more levels to the campaign. Click here for more information on adding levels.
Opens the Giving Level window, allowing you to edit the selected Giving Level. Click here for more information on editing levels.
Allows you to delete the selected Giving Level. Click here for more information on deleting a level.

Statistics Tab

The statistics are kept as a total for all Donations to this Campaign. Targets are useful for long term capital campaigns. Theatre Manager does not support targets on an annual basis for ongoing/annual campaigns.

Parts of the Statistics Tab

Total Target Goal for the campaign.
Show on Internet Shows the progress to date on the web pages in the internet.

It will show the progress on the:

Non-Financial Donation Amounts

Prospects The total value of prospect donations for the campaign.
Soft Pledges The total value of soft pledge donations for the campaign.
Soft Credits Total value of soft credits allocated for the campaign.

Donation Amounts Affecting G/L

Actual Total amount received.
Total Donations Total number of donations for the campaign.
Hard Pledges The total pledged amount for the campaign.
Matching Gifts The amount of matching gifts for the campaign.
# Gifts Matched The number of matching gift donations for the campaign.
Written Off The total value of donations written off against this campaign.
Balance Owing Total balance owing on donations for this campaign.

Notes Tab

An area for any internal notes about this particular campaign. The Notes tab is not a mandatory field when setting up a Campaign.

Parts of the Notes Tab

External Sales Notes Enter any notes about the campaign that you would like patrons to see online - that might help them decide to give to this campaign.
Internal Sales Notes Enter any notes about the campaign that are for staff only
Icon You can drag a 200 pixel wide by 250 high image to this area - which will be shown during online sales in the list of donations

Donations Tab

Parts of the Donations Tab

There are some actions you can do to one or more donations from the context menu that are not available on the toolbar:

Status Icon based indicators on the various aspects of the donation.
Order # The order number is a reference number for the order.
Prog Yr Program Year.
Use Indicates the source detailing hose the donation was received.
First / Last & Company Name Name of the patron making the donation.
Campaign Name Name of the campaign the donation was applied to.
Fiscal Year The accounting Fiscal Year the donation was made.
Donation Date Date the donation was made.
Pledge Amount The amount the patron pledged to this donation.
Actual Amount The actual amount the patron has confirmed they will donate towards their original pledged amount.
Giving Level What level of giving the donation is at.
Balance Outstanding balance of the pledged amount remaining to the paid.
Total Receipted The amount of the donation that has been issued paayment/receipts.
Soft Credit The total amount of Soft Credits that have been applied to the donation.
Program Name How the patron would like to be recognized on the program.

G/L Entries Tab

Parts of the G/L Entries Tab

View Selection Drop-down (set to All G/L Entries in the example) Choose which entries you want to see in the list and then click the lookup button to view the list. The default is All G/L Entries.
Journal # The unique Journal # for the entry
Description The type of journal entry it is (ie. Sales Posting)
Date The posting date for the entry.
Debit The Debit amount of the entry (if applicable)
Credit The Credit amount for the entry.
Not available.
Opens the selected entry for viewing/editing.
Not available.

Transactions Tab

The Transactions tab allows you to view the specific details surrounding the audit transactions of the selected campaign.

Seq # The transaction reference number.
Trans Date Date the transaction took place
Journal No Journal Entry reference number.
Code Theatre Manager reference code used to determine the type of transaction.
Transaction Desc Brief description of what the transaction was.
Order # Reference number used to tract the components of the order.