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Network Security Policy

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Recognizing that employees may use Arts Management computers from time to time for non-related Arts Management business; this document outlines Arts Management’s position on the Network Security Employees need adhere to during the performance of their duties.


Network Security Policy

It is Arts Management Systems policy that Employees:

  • Adhere to safe computing practices when using the Intranet, Internet, Email, IM, FTP, web and other related communication tools;
  • Use the company network for work related to Arts Management Systems in performance of their duties;
  • Obtain specific approval for non-work related uses or for an exception to any item mentioned in this policy; and
  • Prevent others from contravening the Network Security Policy.
  • Ensure the Firewall is enabled on their computer
  • Use Company authorized hardware for their network connections
  • Use a VPN at all times to access company servers



  • Arts Management Systems hereinafter called “AMS”.
  • AMS spends considerable resources to implement and maintain a corporate network of computers, routers, telephony, VPNs, data services, corporate information, and application portfolio’s (hereinafter called “assets”) for the benefit of the company and its employees. It is the intent of the company to safeguard those assets and ensure that the company adheres to copyright and fair trade practice.
  • AMS employees are encouraged to take full advantage of this network (Intranet), including the Internet access to the World Wide Web, subscription-based information resources, newsgroups, list-servs, bulletin boards, threaded discussions, Telnet and FTP resources to maintain a knowledge base suitable for the successful performance of their duties.


Revision History

  • April 2006
  • Aug 2020