Occasionally, you may wish to create a form letter that highlights the last show the patron purchased tickets to. This type of letter (or email) is the same concept as a Donation Thank You Letter. When we create a thank you letter for a donation, you need to attach it directly to the donation you are thanking them for. This is because a Patron can have multiple donations, and if you attach the letter to the Patron Record, Theatre Manager will not know which donation the to pull the merge information from.
The same applies to "last event". While Theatre Manager knows the patron has purchased tickets, it does not know which was the last ticket purchased. For example, a patron has purchased a ticket to the fourth show in a season and then comes back one month later and purchases tickets to the first show of the season, Theatre Manager only know the patron has purchased tickets to both the first and fourth shows and not the order they were purchased in.
To achieve the proper information in the letter, you need to perform several different functions.
Click here for more information on creating a form letter. When the fields are in the letter, you may also want to consolidate some fields so you can show totals, averages, etc.
The Consolidated Letter Sort window opens.
To get the required letters, set up a sort order for the letter, so that it is in Date Order (descending) or in Order Number (descending).
The Search Criteria window for the Form Letter merge opens. Criteria allow you to refine the amount of information - before generating the letter. Criteria can be used to find specific information and using criteria speeds up the process of generating a letter. Click here for more information on the Criteria window.
The Add/Edit Parameters window opens.
Click here for more information on the Add/Edit Parameter window.
Operators are on the left hand side of the window. They are "AND, OR, NOT."
This criteria and all previous criteria will be used in the search. |
OR |
This criteria or all previous criteria should be used in the search. |
All previous criteria but not this criteria will be used in the search. |
Clicking on the plus symbol (+) next to a data category expands it to show a list of fields.
choose indexed fields when possible as Reports generated with indexed fields generate much faster.
Conditions determine how the parameters react.
Click here for more information on conditions.
Depending on the data field and condition, the parameters may be a single number, a range of numbers, or a list of items.
If a list of items is shown, multiple items can be selected by using the OPTION key (Mac) or the CTRL key (Windows).
The Add/Continue button may also be used to add this criteria, and select additional criteria without leaving the window.
You are returned to the Search Criteria window.
To add more criteria, click Last Used or Save
to enable the toolbar.
The Merge Form letter window opens.
Click here for more information on the Merge Form Letter window.
Reviewing the Still to merge tab, the list needs to be refined.
Notice the parameter selected - Date Bought is displayed. This tells you The first record for Date Bought prints in the field.
Review your printed letters.