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Unprinting a Donation Receipt

If donation receipts have been printed by mistake or the wrong receipts have been printed, Theatre Manager will allow you to un-print those receipts. Theatre Manager will actually allow you to un-print any printed donation receipts, but it is recommended that receipts are only un-printed if necessary. If you need to reprint a donation receipt you must first un-print the receipt if it has already been printed then it can be printed again.

Converting Refunded Tickets to Donations

A patron may come to you and tell you that they cannot attend an upcoming event / play and therefore they would like you to refund their tickets, but they also tell you that they would like the company to keep the money as a donation.

To convert a refunded tick to a donation, you would perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Patron Record.

    For details on locating a Patron Record click here.

Restricting Access To Donor Information

This function is used to restrict employee access to the donor tab within the patron window. For details on setting access within Employee Setup click here.

  1. Open the Patron Record.

    For details on locating a Patron Record click here.

  2. Click the Donor tab.

Setting or Changing the Donation Program Name

If you wish to change the program name (the donor's name as they wish it to appear in the program listing) for a donation it can be done while you are entering the donation. If after the donation has been processed and the patron name on the donation needs to be changed:

  1. Open the Patron Record.

    For details on locating a Patron Record click here.

Deleting and Refunding Donations

You use this function when a mistake has been made in entering a donation. Once the donation has been deleted, the payment for the donation can be refunded or modified. If the donation to be deleted is accompanied by a matching gift the matching gift will not be deleted. If a matching gift needs to be deleted, the same steps must be repeated for that donation in that patron's record.

Printing Receipts from Batch Functions

Donation receipt can be printed from the Donation Detail window individually or on mass through Batch Functions.

Pledged Donations

A pledged donation is when a patron says they are going to give the company X number of dollars over a period of time. A patron may pledge $600, pay $50 immediately and say they will pay $50 a month so there total for the year is $600. Also they may pledge $600 and ask you to post date the payments to be made once a month on there credit card or postdated cheques. Theatre Manager deals with these types of donations within the Donation Detail window which is opened when a new donation is being made or edited.

Merging Form Letters with Donations

As you are creating a new donation for a patron Theatre Manager gives you the option to merge the donation with a form letter. This letter could be a Thank You or Invitation to special donor only events. A variety of letters can be easily setup using Theatre Manager to create new letters. For more information on Form Letters click here. If you require to merge letters with many donations or tax receipts refer to Merging Letters & Tax Receipts using reports.

Manually Reprinting or Printing a One-Off Donation Receipt

Sometimes it may be necessary to:
  • reprint a donation receipt, or
  • manually print a one-off receipt (as opposed to using the Batch Print function) -or-
  • backdate the receipt date if the payment for the donation is entered after year end and you need it to be for the prior calendar year
When editing donation receipts, you CANNOT:
  • date a receipt earlier than the donation date

Inserting a Donation

It is important to recognize that donations can be entered from more then one place in Theatre Manager. You can enter a donation from the donation tab or from the orders window while a patron is purchasing tickets.

Open the Patron Record.

For details on locating a Patron Record click here.


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