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  • How-To guides are aimed towards users, Tutorials are aimed towards learners
  • How-To guides in your documentation helps frame the picture of what your product can actually do
  • How-To guides can be thought of as recipes, directions that guide the reader through the steps to achieve a specific end

Complex Query Criteria

If you are designing a very specific mail list you will need to use some complex criteria to ensure you receive the desired data. Complex criteria uses brackets combined with operators and conditions to find specific groups of data. Click Here to view the different types of operators and conditions along with a description of their function.

Creating an Invoice through the Payment Window

While taking the payment for an order it is easy to create an invoice. All invoices can then be printed as a batch at the end of the day.

  1. In the Payment Tab of the Order window, check the Send Invoice box.

    This places the invoice in the Print Ticket Invoices batch.

  2. When a batch of invoices is ready to be printed, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Ticket Invoices.

    The Print Invoice Criteria window opens.

Creating Invoices

Invoices are often used to send to groups, companies or individuals as a record of their ticket purchase. In Theatre Manager there are two parts to the invoice. The default invoice style that is set in Theatre Manager, and the adjustable comments fields that can be adjusted by the user.

In Theatre Manager there are multiple ways to create invoices for an order. Select the appropriate type of invoice to be created below for more information.

Creating an Invoice through the Patron Window

After placing an order for a patron, an invoice for the order can be created and printed from the patron window.

  1. Open the patron's record and click on the Order tab.

  2. Select the order to be invoiced, and click the Invoice button.

    This will open the Print Invoice Criteria window.

Importing Patron Data

At this time Theatre Manager allows organizations to import patron data only from another program. All other data importing should be handled by the Arts Management staff to ensure the data is properly imported. Before beginning the import process, please click here to read the tips on importing data.

  1. From the main menu bar, go to File >> Import/Export >> Patron >> Patron.

    This will open the Import Data window.

Exporting a Form Letter to Another Application

A Form Letter can be exported to be used in another application. This can be used to edit the letter in another application and then import it back in to Theatre Manager. Letters can be exported as an RTF, HTML, or TXT document.

All merge fields will be lost when exporting a letter in these formats. To retain all merge field properties, use the Theatre Manager file format TMD.

Soft Credits

The donation module contains a system for tracking donation soft credits. This allows you to enter any number of soft credits to any number of other patrons, for a gift given by one person.

A soft credit is a way to give recognition to someone who 'encouraged' the original hard donation without entering a real donation.

For example:

Pledge Schedule

A Pledge Schedule allows you to assign pledge reminder letters to a donation, so that at a certain time (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) you can print letters reminding donors that their payments are due.

To set up a pledge schedule, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Pledge Schedule/Contacts tab in the Donation Detail window.

    Click here to learn more about adding pledges.

Matching Gift

A Matching Gift is a donation from another patron as a result of the current donation being entered. Example: as a result of Blaine Abel's donation, Jake Belleville would also like to donate by matching his gift. The amount of the matching gift can be less than, the same as, or more than the amount of the current patron's donation.


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