The approval of the TLS Certificate is performed by the client. The client is required to reply to the email sent to them by Comodo in order to continue with the process.
The process for approving the TLS Certificate for creation is as follows:
- Client (Site Administrator Email Address) will receive the 1st email from Comodo ( indicating that the TLS Certificate has been submitted for creation.
- Client (Approval Email Address) will receive the 2nd email from Comodo asking for approval for TLS Certificate to be created at the specified authorization email address provided to approve the TLS Certificate.
- Client (Approval Email Address) will respond to 2nd email from Comodo approving the creation of the TLS Certificate by clicking on the acceptance link within that email.
- Upon approval from the client to create the TLS Certificate, Comodo will create the TLS Certificate.
- Client (Site Administrator Email Address) and Technical Contact ( will receive the 3rd email from Comodo containing the actual TLS Certificate information.
The final email may arrive anywhere from 10 minutes to 12 hours after email #2 was accepted by the client (Approval Email Address) depending upon the next processing cycle by Comodo.
If the 2nd email is NOT received by the client at the Approval Email Address, it may be caused by that email account is not working correctly. Test to see if the email account they have provided to use for the Approval Email Address is able to receive 'normal' emails.