There are approximately 350 web pages contained in the web module. Below is a list of the basic pages to be need to be edited. Additional pages can be altered as needed.
Files in the WebPages directory |
favicon.ico |
- Create a favicon.ico file to reflect the organization's branding.
- This is used for pages not processed by the TM Server.
- You should copy this to the tmGifs folder (or you can make a different one for each Outlet).
index.html |
- Replace "" with the name of the web server to be accessed (
- Replace '1' with the Company number found in Company tab of Company Preferences.
Files in the WebpagesXX folder (/1/WebPagesXX) |
TMcart.html |
- Alter the D_MEMBER_DESC field to accurately reflect the name of membership items sold online.
- Once changes have been made, this page should be saved to the /1/WebPagesXX folder.
Files in the tmGifs folder (/1/WebPagesXX/tmGifs) |
favicon.ico |
- Copy the overall favicon so that there is one for each language or outlet, or create a custom one for this language/outlet in a multi-company setup.
tmCompanyLogo.jpg |
- Replace the existing tmCompanyLogo.jpg with an image that reflects the organization's branding.
- This image will appear in the upper left corner of the ticketing site and is restricted in size for better representation on smart phones and tablets.
ticketAd.png |
- Replace the existing ticketAd.png with an image that should appear at the bottom of the print-at-home-ticket.
custom.css |
- Can be updated to override stylesheet options from the default theme.
- Should be done by someone with extensive experience with bootstrap themes and stylesheet design.
Files in the tmTemplates folder (/1/WebPagesXX/tmScripts) |
Can be used to update the default bootswatch theme.
- Comment out the following line:
Uncomment the following line:

- Update the default theme name as desired.
- Once changes have been made, this page should be saved to the /1/WebPagesXX/tmScripts folder.
Files in the tmTemplates folder (/1/WebPagesXX/tmTemplates) |
tmCheckoutDonationReasonToBuy.html |
- Find the sequence number that you want to use as the donation reason to buy for any online donations. This is found in Setup >> System Tables >> Code Tables under Order Reason to Buy.
- Update the ORD_REASON_BUY_FC_SEQ numeric Value in the web page
- Once changes have been made, this page should be saved to the /1/WebPagesXX/tmTemplates folder.
tmContactHours.html |
- Update the contact hours to reflect those of the Box Office or organization.
- Once changes have been made, this page should be saved to the /1/WebPagesXX/tmTemplates folder.
tmnavButtons.html |
- Remove any button references that are not used by the organization.
- Change the names of the buttons as needed.
- Once changes have been made, this page should be saved to the /1/WebPagesXX/tmTemplates folder.
tmSocialMedia.html |
- Update the social media links within the page to reference the company social media links.
- Once changes have been made, this page should be saved to the /1/WebPagesXX/tmTemplates folder.