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Online Help - Priority 3

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The help is all contained within Each support representative has access to edit and correct pages that are factually inaccurate. Before responding to a patron, find a web page that answers their question. Read the pages to see if it makes sense, or if some part of Theatre Manager has changed due to a version release, correct the discrepancy in any text and revise pictures if required.

The goal is that any question that could be answered more than once must be answered with reference to a web page so that procedures and processes are consistent throughout all support responses.

All staff members are responsible for:

  • Identifying deficiencies and provide the updated corrections or improvements in manuals and support documentation.
  • Monitoring Email responses and add to existing online support web pages where appropriate.
  • Perform queries within online support web pages to bring up answers to questions and provide those links to clients within responses to their questions.