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How To

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  • How-To guides can be thought of as recipes, directions that guide the reader through the steps to achieve a specific end

Volunteer Activity Status

The Status tab is used to indicate if the volunteer/personnel activity code is active or inactive as well as where it might be used.

Initial Set up of TM Server port forwarding

You may need to make some changes to your TM Server setup to see graphs, especially if you want to see the graphs change in real time as tickets are sold or donations are entered. AMS can help make the changes for you. What needs to happen depends on your setup per the diagram to the right.

  • DMZ and Primary Listener only
  • DMZ, Primary and Secondary Listener(s)


Selling Passes/Gift Certificates to a number of Patrons

There are occasions where you want to give passes to certain groups of volunteers, staff, subsets of donors, subscribers. An example might be to give people working on an event free passes, or to give staff passes for a predetermined number of shows during the year. Once they have the passes or gift certificates, they can obtain their tickets online and/or manage their own tickets without the need to contact the box office.

You can add those passes to the patron record one at a time, or you can add them EN MASSE to selected people in a mail list.

Remove Patrons using External Email Unsub/Bounce file

It is possible to remove patrons from a mail list using an external file containing unsubscribes and/or bounces - which is typically created by exporting that data from an external mailing tool like Bronto, Mail Chimp, or the like. This feature has two functions:
  • Remove people from a mail list based on patron number -and/or-
  • Remove email addresses completely from the database

Logging in to the REST API As Programmer

Programmatically, there are currently two options to log into the REST api. You can use:
  • HTTP Basic Authentication The httpWatch web site describes the general process. Since it all occurs via TLS, this is quite secure
  • JSON web Tokens (JWT). Refer to the wikipedia description for more info.

Logging in to the REST API

There are two likely ways you may wish to log into the REST API:
  • As a human using a browser or other program to view data. You will be prompted for a user id and password as per the help page.
  • From a program which submits requests and manages the data that returns. Current options are HTTP Basic Authentication or JWT

REST API Adding Alias Names to Column

If you wish, you can rename the columns from the Theatre Manager standard names by adding an alias. This is done by adding a : and your alias name after specifying the column in the URL. You can use this feature if you want a different name when transporting the data to another service. renames to patno on output

REST API - showing relationships

If you just wish to show the other tales that are related to a specific table, you can show an endpoint (like orders or carts or patrons) and add /related to the url. eg:

Other Examples:

REST API Using Pagination

If you would like to see some data from an endpoint, you can use the page=XX parameter to specify which page of data you would like from the table. The contents of the page is affected by the any sort or other query parameters that you provide.

A quick way to see a sample of data is to use page=1. When you display a page, you will have next and previous on the html page so that you can navigate to next or previous pages easily.

REST API Accessing a Specific Record using ID

If you know the record's ID number, you can retrieve it simply by adding /xxx after the endpoint. This retrieves data using the output format you've selected (the default is html).


Some examples of accessing a specific record are:


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