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How To

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  • How-To guides in your documentation helps frame the picture of what your product can actually do
  • How-To guides can be thought of as recipes, directions that guide the reader through the steps to achieve a specific end

Submitting a report to the background queue

Running a report in the background report server is not much different than running it on your own machine. You need to:
  • enter your report parameters and any other options for the report
  • Click the queue button at the bottom of the parameter window (per the image) instead of clicking done
  • confirm or change the following for the report:
    • The description you want for the report in the report queue - enter something that will let you identify different running of the report - like Year End Financial Statement

Holding Seats in the Order Window


Holding Seats in the Order Window

  1. Create a Buy List

    Click here to learn how to create a Buy List. Once the Buy List is complete click Seat Selection tab in the Orders window. 

    Performance in Order Window

Holding Seats for a Performance


Holding Seats for a Performance

There are several situations that may call for holding seats within a Performance.

Adjusting/Fixing the map

NOTE: This only works on TM 64 bit versions to adjust map size.
Adjusting the dimensions of the map's background display only works on 64 bit versions of Theatre Manager that have an SVG map already in place for pick-your-own seats.

Map Building

Only an editable SVG map is required for making maps in 64 bit Theatre Manager. However, not all tools can create proper SVG maps with true vector graphs in them so you may be limited to Adobe Illustrator, Open Office or other tools. You can still use powerpoint if you wish.

The key difference is that you only need the common SVG map to build for Mac, Windows and Pick your seats.

Recurring Donations Create for an Online Donation

A Recurring Donation can be initiated by the patron during an online donation submission. When the patron fills in the required fields to complete the online donation, the patron selects a recurring frequency from the "How often do you want to make this donation?" pop-up list. During the checkout process, Theatre Manager will automatically create the Recurring Donation based on the information provided with the online donation.

Delete a Recurring Donation

  1. Open the Recurring Donation window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

    Recurring Donation Templates List

  2. Click on the recurring donation you want to delete.

    The recurring donation must not be tied to a previously created donation in order to be deleted.

Duplicate a Recurring Donation

Duplicating a Recurring Donation will not duplicate previously created gifts associated to the recurring donation. Only the Recurring Donation itself will be duplicated.

  1. Open the Recurring Donation window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

Creating a Recurring Donation

There are 3 ways to create a Recurring Donation.


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