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Employee Information

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An employee needs to be first added to the database as a patron, then it can be activated as an employee. Using the Patron Import process, it will do both steps at the same time. Refer to either information provided by the client as part of the data import for the listing of employees, or refer to the company's website for a listing of the current Staff Members.

Remember, within the data to be imported, it should contain a listing of employees who are currently working at the venue and has worked in the past. Do we import past employees? Yes we should. This way we can tag historical ticket sales, membership sales, donation sales to those employees if that reference is within the data. Just as historical data is important, having a listing of historical employees shows the completeness of data importing that Arts Management provides. It goes towards the 'extra step' that we do. Having employees imported during data conversion also allows the onsite trainer to 'move quicker' during the initial training as everyone has their own login ID, and less time is spent setting up employees on the first day when the goal is to introduce them to the application rather then 'how to setup employees'. This also avoids the initial discussions of user access and who gets what privileges - at least until later.

Employee Initials are important. If they are not provided in the import data, they will be created based on the employee first, middle and last name. If possible, define them within the import spreadsheet.

After importing the employees, it is recommended to review the initials and make them unique for each employee. This is not mandatory, however it does allow for more easy identification between the employees throughout Theatre Manager.

All employees import will be created with a user access level set as a 'Normal User

Initial password will be set as Tickets@123


Defaults: gPatronType = Staff Member