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Copy Sale Rules Mapping to another Sale Rule window

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If you have sales rule promotion mappings in one or more sales rules setups that you want to copy into another sales rule, it is and easy as dragging them from one window to another.

The process is:

  1. Open the sales rule mapping tab that has the mappings you want to copy into another sales rule
  2. Open the sales rule mapping tab that you want to receive the copy of the sales rules
  3. Select the sales rules to be copied as per the diagram and drag them to the second window you have open

  4. When you release the mouse, sales promotions mappings will now be in the second sales rule as well.

    Note: Sales rules must be unique. Any rules that already exist in the window you are copying to will be ignored during the copy process.

  5. The copied sales rules will automatically be placed last in the list and ordered to be applied last.
    If you want the sales rules applied in a different order, refer to changing the sales rule mapping sort order/