Reopening Venues After Covid

Some Provinces and States are implementing phases for reopening to the public that are conditional on:

  • Number of people partially vaccinated
  • Number of people fully vaccinated
  • Rate of decline for new COVID-19 cases
  • Demand on ICU and hospital facilities
  • Variants of COVID-19 prevalent in a region
  • Other mitigating local factors

Since its a guessing game exactly when you might be able to open, the following scenarios/examples might hep you with your own strategies

Entry Requirements (such as Proof of Vaccination)

Some States and Provinces are implementing proof of vaccine requirements for entry to theatres, bars, restaurants and more.
  • Rules varies from place to place and change by the day.
  • Please be aware your your local requirements and edit the following web pages as appropriate.

Theatre Manager does not support uploading vaccination status. Most rules we have seen require proof at the door to avoid issues such as people buying tickets for others.
Adding Covid 19 related instructions for entry to the venue including those Provinces or States that require vaccine proof or passports means adding text to some fields in web options in Theatre Manager Company Preferences.
These instructions assume you have not customized the following pages:
  • TMTickets.html which should refer to the following, if not customized:
    • TMtemplates/tmTicketCustomPatronInstructions.html - which has been updated to contain the event list notes.
  • TMcheckout.html

If you want to let your patrons know that they are subject to some specific requirements, editing one or more of the following web pages are things you can do right now:

Warning before purchase There are three note/warning/danger text areas you can add to the event list in the Event list in the purchasing tab in the Web options on the company preferences window.

You can make your event list look like the one to the right be editing the Warning and Danger tabs as per the images below.

Note: that the example uses markup to achieve bold, underline and bullet points -- without having to know HTML.

Sample Warning Note in Markup

Sample danger Note in Markup

Explicit acknowledgement at time of payment

There are two notes that pertain to terms and conditions that you can change on the Carts and Check tab in the Web options on company preferences.

These are:

  • Terms and Conditions - which show when you click on the 'terms and conditions' tab
  • Covid 19 - which adds a line to the I accept terms and condition per the image above AND also adds a link to the COVID 19 policy page. If the users presses that, it will pop up your covid 19 policy.


Please be sure to enable the Acknowledge Terms and Conditions checkbox to see this warning.

If enabled, the user will be required to acknowledge they have read the terms and conditions. This acknowledgement is stored for each cart. The requirement for acknowledgement of terms and conditions must be enabled in company preferences.

We suggest only saying that you have a policy and add a link so that they can read the policy on your main web site.

Terms and Conditions

Add your extra terms and conditions that will show when they are enabled on the checkout window.

Covid 19

Enter your Covid 19 policy in plain text, HTML or markup language and it will appear in the web site automatically.

Adding words to covid 19 tab are what causes the 'accept terms and conditions' checkbox on the web site to say that there are Covid 19 conditions per the instructions above.

Payment Acknowledgement Page

The edits for this consist of manipulating the following files in the TMtemplates as follows
  1. editing tmCheckoutRefundExchangePolicy.html
  2. editing tmtermsandconditionsmodal.html
  3. duplicating
    • tmtermsandconditionsAccessibleSeating.html
    • and calling it tmtermsandconditionsCovid19.html
  4. Copying and Editing a new tmtermsandconditionsCovid19.html

Copy tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19Modal.html

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Copy the file tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19Modal.html from the sample webpages tmFee folder and put it into the same place in your website
  2. The file look like the code below - you do not need to make any changes
<div aria-labelledby="AccountModalDialog" class="modal fade" id="Covid19Policy" role="dialog" tabindex="-1">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button aria-label="Close" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" type="button">
<span aria-hidden="true">
<h3 class="modal-title modal-info">
Box Office Policies
<div class="modal-body">
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19.html" -->
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-info" data-dismiss="modal" type="button">

Edit tmBoxOfficePolicy.html

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Copy the file tmBoxOfficePolicy.html from the sample webpages tmFees folder and put it into the same place in your website
  2. Edit the file which will look like the code below
  3. Add in the new line highlighted in yellow. You can copy and paste it
  4. If the line looks like it is already there, remove the comment: in it to make it the same as below
  5. Save the File
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<base href="<field>F_HTML_IMAGE_SERVER</field>"/>
<field>D_COMPANY_LONG</field> | Box Office Policies
<!--#include virtual="tmScripts/styles.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmScripts/pleaseWaitMessageFunction.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmScripts/googleHeader.html" -->
<body class="backgroundPopup">
<div class="container">
<div id="content">
Box Office Policies
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyTickets.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyExchanges.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyLostTickets.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyOrderFees.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyMailingFees.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmContactHours.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmFooter.html" -->

Edit tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Find the file called tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19.html in the sample web site tmFee folder
  2. Copy it to your web site tmFee folder
  3. This file has sample wording in it about covid 19 policies
  4. Find the code in yellow and DELETE it from your web page
  5. Make any wording changes you might need to make to suit your Province or State's specific rules
  6. Save the File
<!-- comment: remove this line and the last line to add a covid 19 policy and then change wording as appropriate
Covid 19 Policy
<div class="alert alert-warning fade in">
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmMessageDismiss.html" -->
British Columbia
requires proof of vaccination
to attend all indoor events that occur
on or after September 13, 3021
Proof of vaccination will be verified at the door.
We are required by the Government to deny entry to anybody without a valid vaccination certificate.
No refunds will be given if you are denied entry.
remove this last line -->

Edit tmCheckoutCovid19Policy

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Copy the file tmCheckoutCovid19Policy.html from the sample webpages tmTemplates folder and put it into the same place in your website
  2. Edit the file which should look like the code below to make it suitable for your needs
  3. Save the File
<field>pick(SCH_TIX_QUANTITY+SCH_PASS_QUANTITY,'<!-- comment: if more than donations, show covid19 policy')</field>
By clicking the checkbox, I also agree to the
<!-- button trigger modal -->
<button class="btn btn-link btn-xs" data-target="#Covid19Policy" data-toggle="modal" type="button">
Covid 19 Vaccination Requirements for entry
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19Modal.html" -->

Edit tmCheckoutTermsAndConditionsAcceptance.html

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Copy the file tmCheckoutTermsAndConditionsAcceptance.html from the sample webpages TMtemplates folder and put it into the same place in your website
  2. Edit the file which will look like the code below
  3. Add in the new line highlighted in yellow. You can copy and paste it
  4. Save the File
<field>pick(D_REQD_ACKNOWLEDGE_CRITERIA,'<!-- comment:')</field>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-9">
<div class="checkbox">
<div class="alert alert-warning">
<label for="conditions">
<input id="conditions" name="ORD_ACKNOWLEDGED_CONDITIONS" type="checkbox" value="1" <field>pick(SCH_ACKNOWLEDGED_CONDITIONS,'','checked')</field>/>
I have read and accept all
<!-- button trigger modal -->
<button class="btn btn-link btn-xs" data-target="#termsConditions" data-toggle="modal" type="button">
Terms and Conditions of Sale
and clicking the checkbox affirms my valid electronic signature for this purchase.
<!--#include virtual="TMTemplates/tmCheckoutCovid19Policy.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmCheckoutRefundExchangePolicy.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmtermsandconditionsModal.html" -->

Edit tmtermsandconditionsSpecialAnnouncements.html

The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Copy the file tmtermsandconditionsSpecialAnnouncements.html from the sample webpages TMtemplates folder and put it into the same place in your website
  2. Edit the file which will look like the code below
  3. Add in the new line highlighted in yellow. You can copy and paste it
  4. Save the File
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19.html" -->

<!-- comment: place any special/topical announcements/policies here. Eg: Covid 19
Special Announcements
<div class="alert alert-warning fade in">
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmMessageDismiss.html" -->
Watch this space for any special policies.

Adjusting reporting capacity to limit online sales

To help manage online sales based on reporting capacity, the lower part of the map window shows current physical capacity, reporting capacity, sold, held totals and the number remaining that can be sold online.
To limit online sales and monitor the process:
  1. Adjust the reporting capacity on each performance to fine tune online sales within a venue.

    For example, if you only ever want 100 tickets sold online for a performance, change the reporting capacity to 100. Once the

    total tickets sold + total tickets held >= reporting capacity

    You will be unable to sell any more tickets online where the event will look sold out, even if there are physical seats that are available which could be sold at the box office.

  2. Monitor your sales process from the box office window (Which will clearly state when there are helds only left) or from the event map window below which indicates similar information.

    The remaining seats indicate how many more seats can still be sold online. When it is negative, online sales are prevented because you have reached reporting capacity, even if there are seats left that could be sold to the performance. They cannot be sold online unless you adjust the reporting capacity (see step 1).

    You may want to

    • Start with a reporting capacity that allows seats to be sold. Don't forget to add house 'helds' to your capacity at the start
    • As total sold gets closer to your desired capacity, you may want to lower the reporting capacity to restrict seats more tightly

    In the example, you can see sold totals , helds and reporting capacity on the event map window..

Conditionally Opening: with Fallback to streaming

If you think you are going to be open for performances, but are not sure if:
  • You might have to close again - and could do streaming
  • You are able to open with social distance seats - and might do streaming, but haven't decided
  • Are able to open fully -but might still decide to offer live streaming for those who don't feel comfortable coming
You can follow the steps below and decide what you really want to do at the last minute.


Reserved Seating Performances

If you intend to use reserved seating when you open, but you want to hedge your bets in case you can't open, then we'd suggest the general approach of:

  • Sell your event using social distance seating
  • Near the performance time, decide how much you are able to open. Depending what you decide, you can open the event for more sales and/or user live event streaming to supplement what its available to the patron
The steps we'd suggest are:

Setup for selling

  • Create a social distance map according to rules you think will be in place (eg 6 feet distance, etc).
  • On the Performance:
    • Turn off the Performance E-Mail Reminder so that no automatic email goes out. We will use this later, but for now, we don't want reminders going out that could confuse patrons since you are not sure how exactly they will see the performance.
    • Add a performance note indicating that how they will see the event is to be determined and subject to re-opening rules
  • Sell tickets using the social distance map as you would normally (online or at box office)

Closer to the performance date:

You will need to make some decisions regarding how you want to sell the performance. It may depend on how much you have already sold.

  • If you cannot open the venue to patrons and want to stream the performance instead:
    1. Change the sales method from reserved to festival and increase sales capacity of the venue. The capacity increase is to allow selling as much streaming a you wish.
    2. Add your live streaming option to the performance
    3. Add a remind before performance date. TM will then send the 'watch this performance' email to patrons who have purchased.
  • If you can open but only with social distancing and might also want to add streaming option
    1. (optionally) add your live streaming option to the performance
    2. Add a remind before performance date. TM will then send the 'watch this performance' email to patrons who have purchased.
  • If you can fully open without social distancing
    1. Change the pricing map for the performance to one that does not use social distance seats
    2. On the Maps Tab for the event, Remove the 'Q' holds by:
      • Highlighting all the seats on the map that have social distance holds (anything sold is ignored)
      • Right click, and use the Release Seats option from the context menu to release the holds on the seats you've selected.
      • If you don't want to release some of the holds, then don't select the seats
    3. (Optionally) add your live streaming option to the performance


General Admission Performances

If your plan is to can sell general admission tickets and convert it to a streaming event if you can't open, the steps we'd suggest are:

Setup the event

  1. Turn off the Performance E-Mail Reminder so that no automatic email goes out. We will use this later, but for now, we don't want reminders going out that could confuse patrons since you are not sure how exactly they will see the performance.
  2. Add a performance note indicating that how they will see the event is to be determined and subject to re-opening rules
  3. Sell tickets as you normally would

Closer to Performance

If you find you can't open as you thought, simply add live streaming to the performance:

  1. Add your live streaming option to the performance
  2. Add a remind before performance date. TM will then send the 'watch this performance' email to patrons who have purchased.

    Removing Social Distance Q Holds

    If a venue has been using the automatic social distance holds feature, the 'q' holds sold online are PERMANENT since that was the offer made to patrons at the time of booking

    As venues reopen after Covid, we suspect rules around social distancing will change, both relaxing and restricting.

    However, if rules are relaxed by the authorities, there are two options that you can use in order to sell those Social Distance holds. These are:

    • Full Opening: Remove all social distance seats from the venue map and proceed forward as if they were never there. You are telling theatre manager that no further social distancing will be required - ever. Online, these new seats will be available to anybody.
    • Selectively Opening Seats: which means you opt to release one or two of the social distance seats at a time to squeeze a patron into those seats. These seats you have released may break bubbles and they will be available for patrons to purchase at the box office or online. However, the social distance map rules are still in force; menaing that the next sale may add some other social distance holds.

      This might be best thought of as opening up only a couple of seats without giving up the full protection of your social distance sales map. It lets a few extra seats be sold and requires special permission to be set up for an employee.

    Full Opening: Removing all 'q' holds from social distance map to return to normal

    If you want to remove social distance seating holds from a reserved seating event and sell the remainder of the seats without the effect of automatic holds, In general, you need to:
    • Switch to a map that doesn't use social distance holds. That prevents them being added for new sales
    • Clear all the social distance 'q' holds that are currently in place

    These instrutions assume that there are the same (or very similar) number of seats and general venue setup in the two pricing maps. This does will not work if the venues are wildly different. eg, this is not recommended if you change a dinner theatre pricing map to something like a hockey arena pricing map.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Change the pricing map for the performance to one that does not use social distance seats.
    2. On the Maps Tab for the event, Remove the 'Q' holds by:
      • Highlighting all the seats on the map that have social distance holds (anything sold is ignored)
      • Right click, and use the Release Seats option from the context menu to release the holds on the seats you've selected.
      • If you don't want to release some of the holds, then don't select those seats you want to remain as social distance holds
      • resume selling tickets
      • You may have to verify seats if the venue sizes are slightly different

    Selectively removing PERMANENT 'q' holds (Temporarily)

    Selectively removing social distance holds is a feature you can assign to some employees. It is designed to allow you to over-ride the holds, break an existing bubble, and squeeze somebody into the seats. However, any new seats that are sold will still see the social distance process applied to the seats.
    Social distance seating held because of an online purchase are, by design, a little more PERMANENT and protected than other types of holds.

    Even if an employee has permission to release these social distance holds in employee setup, they can may not be allowed to release these PERMANENT holds since that was a specific promise made to patrons when they purchased online at that time (i.e. the seats would be held for them).


    Releasing the PERMANENT Social Distance Holds

    Releasing these permanent social distance holds is no different than releasing any other hold, with one exception.

    If Theatre Manager notices you are trying to release one of these seats, you will get:

    • An acknowledgement message similar to the one of the right that tells you how many social distance seats you are trying to release -or-
    • If the employee is not permitted to release these special holds, they will receive a message asking for the initials and password of another employee who can release the seats -- and then they'll be able to release the seats for this sale only

    The PERMANENT social distance ticket holds can be released:


    Enabling Access to Release PERMANENT holds

    Selected employees need to be given permission to release these 'q' holds temporarily. This is given in the employee setup. For those who are not given permanent permission, then as a one time permission can be given at time of attempted release of the holds from another employee who has the capability.