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Federal/GST Tax Tab

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Parts of the Federal/GST Tax Tab

Tax Number
Your organization's tax ID number.
Tax Rate
The percentage of the tax rate that applies to Federal or GST taxes.
Deferred Tax Account
Deferral account number from your Chart of Accounts for the Federal/GST tax. For more information about the Chart of Accounts in Theatre Manager, click here.
Tax Payable Account
Liability account from your Chart of Accounts for the Federal/GST tax.
Apply To Base Sale Price Only
When selected, this option will apply the percentage set above to only the base price of the ticket or pass (parallel method).
Apply To Base + City
When selected, this option will apply the percentage set above to the base price plus the City price set in the City Tab(cumulative method).
Apply To Base + State/PST
When selected, this option will apply the percentage set above to the base price plus the State/PST tax set in the State/PST Tab(cumulative method).
Apply To Base + City + State/PST
When selected, this option will apply the percentage set above to the base price plus the City tax and plus the State/PST tax (cumulative method).