June ArtsMan Chronicle is now available for your reading pleasure. It contains a number of articles such as Rick Geary's kind and generous comments about
Saratoga Performing Arts Center's very pleasurable experience as a large venue converting from TicketMaster.
There is also a cool example of how the Facility Management module can be used to schedule and notify your volunteers and/or artists of rehearsal schedules, where they should be, and integration with their own calendars. Introductory pricing ends July 31st.
Mostly, we are excited to announce the imminent release of Version 9. In addition to the many enhancements that you've come to expect, there are two key features.
These are:
PCI PA DSS 1.2 compliance. There are still 4 months left in Theatre Managers PABP 1.4 certification. The replacement certification is PA DSS 1.2 and we have completed all the documentation and paperwork and are ready to take it for the preliminary audit on June 10/11. Version 9 will be released after the audit.
- There is also WYSIWIG editing of e-blasts and optimization of storage of images that go along with e-blasts. We think you'll like this.
The version 9 field trial has been ongoing for about 3 months at selected venues and we are just putting the finishing touches to it and the upgrade documentation because it involves all components, per PCI audit requirements.
Past newsletters can be obtained here