Mail Lists - what are they?

In Theatre Manager, a Mail List is a collection of patrons that fit a particular criteria that you define. Mail Lists can be used to create Mail Labels, merged with Form Letters or executed to gather statistical data. Mail lists are different from reports.
Mail Lists are always about WHO. If your question is WHO has purchased tickets or WHO has made a donation your answer is likely to be found in a Mail List.
However, if you are looking for WHAT they donated, or WHEN they volunteered, or WHY they bought tickets, then your answer will be in a report - not a Mail List.

A mailing list can be directed at a certain group of patrons based on some attribute they share, such as age, location or a viewing choice. Many mail lists can be created and a patron can belong to numerous lists. Several lists can be combined to create one list. Mail lists are easily deleted when no longer required. A mailing list has a number of applications, particularly in marketing. By targeting a mailing list to specific patrons information is aimed at those most likely to be interested while saving money by avoiding those who are not. For example:

A Musicals mail list can be created for all patrons who have attended musical productions, or manually added to the list because they have shown an interest in purchasing a ticket to a future musical. You can then use this list to send personalized letters, print labels, or create reports.

This list can also be used to create another mail list. For example:

You can use the Musicals mail list to create another mail list that includes everyone on the musicals mail list but exclude patrons who have purchased tickets to the current musical.

Theatre Manager's reporting capabilities also create lists. For example, mailing labels for patrons who bought tickets today can be created using reports. Similarly lists of patrons with tickets to a particular play, lists of personnel, a general mail list, and lists of donors can be created from reports.

The difference between lists generated from Theatre Manager's report module and lists generated from mail lists are:

  • A patron must be added to a mail list to be included in a report.

  • The patron record remains attached to a mail list until it is removed.

  • Mail Lists can include patrons selected at random.

  • A list generated from reports requires the included patrons must meet the specified criteria.

  • The reporting module's search capabilities locates records that meet the search criteria entered. If the criteria changes, or the data recorded on the patron record changes, the patron may no longer be included on the list the next time a report is generated.

Mail lists should be avoided for things that Theatre Manager does for you automatically such as general mail lists, ticket purchases, and actual donors.

Mail Lists can be accessed in the menu through Setup >> Mail Lists.

You can download the Cheatsheets (1-2 pages) and Screencasts (online video demonstrations of the functions with narration) by clicking on the icon.

Cheatsheet (pdf)

Flash ScreenCast

MP4 ScreenCast

Create a Mail List

Creating a Query

Deleting Mail Lists

Merging Mail Lists

Conditions Cheatsheet


Mail Lists - List Window

To access the list of mail lists, you perform the following steps:
  1. Click Setup >> Mail Lists from the main Theatre Manager menu.

    Alternatively, you can select the Mail List button from the Main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Mail List search window opens.

  2. Select a Mail List search option.

  3. Enter a search range.
  4. Click the Search button.

    The list of Mail Lists fitting the search opens.

    From this window two or more Mail Lists can be merged into one. Click here to learn how to merge mail lists.


Creating a Mail List

You can download quick reference information for Creating a Mail List by clicking on the icon.

Cheatsheet (pdf)

Flash ScreenCast

MP4 ScreenCast

To create a new mail list, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Mail List - List window.

    For more information on accessing the Mail List window, click here.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Mail List Criteria (inserting) window opens.

  3. In the Name field, enter a short name for the Mail List.
  4. Make a selection for the names to be included on the list.

  5. In the Description tab, select the appropriate flags and in the description field, enter a detailed description for the Mail List.

    This is extremely important for other users who may use the mail list. If the description of the list is good it will not need to be deciphered to understand the reason for the list.

  6. Click the Save button.
  7. You can now add the criteria for your mail list.

    Click here to learn how to add your criteria.

    Patrons can now be added to the list. There are several techniques for adding patrons to the mail list. You can:


Deleting Mail Lists

You can download quick reference information for Deleting Mail Lists by clicking on the icon.

Flash ScreenCast

MP4 ScreenCast

Deleting a mail list will remove the reference in the patrons file prior to deleting the mail list.

Deleting a mail list will not delete the patron information, it will only delete the patron's reference to the mail list.

  1. Open the Mail List - List window.

    For more information on accessing the Mail List window, click here.

  2. Search for the mail list(s) you want to delete.

    The mail lists matching your criteria are displayed.

  3. Highlight the Mail List(s) you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete button.

    A Delete Confirmation dialog opens.

  5. Click the Delete button.

    A second warning message opens.

  6. Click the Delete button.

    A message displays at the bottom of the Mail List window verifying the list(s) are deleted. All associations between the patrons and the mail list will be removed.


Merging Mail Lists

You can download quick reference information for Merging Mail Lists by clicking on the icon.

Flash Screencast

MP4 Screencast

Merging mail lists allows you to merge the data of many mail lists into one large list. Merging mail lists will only copy the data of the patrons belonging to the list. The criteria for the merged list will be the same as that of the list you select in step # 4.

  1. Open the Mail List - List window.

    For more information on accessing the Mail List window, click here.

  2. Search for the mail list(s) you want to delete.

    The mail lists matching your criteria are displayed.

  3. Select the lists you wish to merge by holding down the Ctrl (PC) or Command/Apple (Mac) key.

  4. Click the Merge button.

    The Merge Mail Lists window opens.

  5. Select the mail list you want to merge all the lists into.
  6. Click the Merge button.

    The following warning dialog opens.

  7. Click the Merge button.

    The Mail Lists are now merged together. All patrons belonging to the selected Mail Lists will be merged into the chosen list. Patrons will only appear on the combined list once.


Parts of the Mail List - Lists Window

The Mail List Lists window allows you to:

  • Access the mail lists already on your system to edit, duplicate, delete, export, create labels and merge one or more lists.
  • Add new mail lists
  • and Execute a selected individual mail list.
  • Parts of the Mail Lists List Window

    Opens the Mail List Criteria window. Click here for more information on creating a Mail List Query.
    Opens the selected Mail List.
    Creates a copy of the selected Mail List(s).
    Deletes the selected Mail List(s).
    Generates a report to the screen or default print location displaying the details of the Mail List Listing. Choices are all lists or with the specific flags and search criteria selected.
    Exports the selected record(s).
    Opens the mailing label window to create mailing labels. Click here for more information on Address Labels.
    Opens the Merge Mail Lists window to merge two (or more) selected mail lists. Click here for more information on merging mail lists.
    Rebuilds and executes the criteria in the selected mail list(s).
    Icon Displays icons of the flags enabled in the mail list
    List # Computer generated number for the mail list.
    Mail List Name Brief name of the mail list
    Count Number of times the mail list has been executed
    Web If patrons can add or remove themselves from the mail list via the web site
    Act If the mail list is active or inactive
    Mail List Description Description of the mail list as entered on the description tab of the mail list window.

Mail List Queries

You can download quick reference information for Creating a Query by clicking on the icon

Flash ScreenCast

MP4 ScreenCast

Creating the query requires some planning and foresight. To start, you must decide what criteria you want the patrons to meet. If you are looking for very specific patrons, you must know what makes them unique from the rest. You may also narrow down your search by removing certain data from a returned query.

There are rules around creating a list of deceased patrons. The names and information of deceased patrons can never be emailed to or have mailing labels printed - ever.

If you require a listing of deceased patrons, you can create a mail list of those patrons and print or export the completed listing. Theatre Manager will ask if you want to export deceased patron data when it notices you trying to do that.


Creating a Database Query

You can download quick reference information for Creating a Query by clicking on the icon


Creating the query requires some planning and foresight. To start, you must decide what criteria you want the patrons to meet. If you are looking for very specific patrons, you must know what makes them unique from the rest. You may also narrow down your search by removing certain data from a returned query. Click here for information on complex criteria.

To create a Query, you would perform the following steps:

    1. Open the Mail List - List window.

      For more information on accessing the Mail List window, click here.

    2. Click the New button.

      The Mail List Criteria (inserting) window opens.

    3. In the Name field, enter a short name for the Mail List.
    4. Make a selection for the names to be included on the list.
    5. In the Description tab, select the appropriate flags and in the description field, enter a detailed description for the Mail List.

      This is extremely important for other users who may use the mail list. If the description of the list is good it will not need to be deciphered to understand the reason for the list.

    6. Click the Save button.
    7. You can now enter the Criteria.

    8. Click the Criteria Groups Tab.

    9. Click the Create Group button.

    10. Choose To Add Patrons To The Mail List.

      The Mail List Data Selection window opens. To search for data, you must select a file for the primary source of information for the mail list. Theatre Manager will include information in related parent files.

      Patron Data is the PARENT for most data stored in Theatre Manager. When defining criteria, if you select any file as the main file, you can also set criteria for the patron record.

      However, the converse is NOT true. Selecting the patron file as the Merge File, it does not include the child information - such as donor inormation.

      Select a file that contains the data you are searching for. As the example list is searching for patrons who have made donations; the file to use would be "Patron Address Link". Click here for more information on selecting the file.

    11. Select the "Patron Address Link" file..
    12. Click the Next button.

      The Parameter window opens.

      Click here for more information on this window. This tab displays the added criteria for the query on the database.

    13. Click the New button.

      The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.

      The list contains all the possible searchable fields available in your selected file. The selections on the top left side of the window (and, or, not) are used for searching multiple fields when more then one line of criteria is added within the same file. Click Here for an overview of conditions and search criteria.

    14. Select the field to search.

      In this example "Patron Addresses>>Address Line 1", will be the selected search field criteria.

    15. Select a condition, in this example "is not empty".

      The condition displayed above will find any patron has aan entry in the street address section of the Patron Record.

    16. Click either:
      1. Add / Continue if adding another search criteria to the file.

        The Criteria window remains open until save or cancel is clicked.

      2. Save if the search criteria for this file is complete.

        The Parameter window will return and the entered criteria will appear in the list.

      3. Under Exclude Records, enable the "Don't Mail-Theatre Requested" and the "Don't Mail-Patron Requested" flags, and click the Done button.

        Now the group and its criteria have been added to the main query. For this example, another group needs to be added to include the patrons who have email addresses.

      4. Click the Create Group button.
      5. Choose To Add Patrons To The Mail List.

        Choose a file containing the required data. This example requires the "Patron Contact Link" file.

      6. Click the Next button.
      7. Click the New button in the Parameters window.

        In the Edit/Add Parameters window, leave the And button selected. The field for this example would be "Patron Contact Data>>Contact Data (eg Phone/email/website)" while the condition would be "contains" and parameter would be "@" (to search for an email address).

      8. Click the Save button.

      9. You are returned to the Parameters window.

      10. Click the Done button.

        Both of the Search Criteria are added to the query. The group criteria says add any patron who has volunteered their time as well as any patron who has made a donation to the list.

        Now, all the criteria have been added to satisfy the description, the database can be searched.

      11. If you have criteria that you'd like to print and save, while on the tab, click the PRINT button at the top of the window. You will get a report that you can then print or save to PDF. This can be handy when you:

        • Want to keep a printed format of your Mail List criteria
        • Want to share your criteria with others in the office who may not use Theatre Manager
        • Want to email the precise criteria you have been working on to to ask for help. Emailing a PDF is preferred as it shows all of the criteria, the Description (so we know what you are trying to accomplish), the conjunctions (AND, OR, NOT) and operators (is between, is greater than, is equal to, etc.) used in the criteria. This is the preferred method for Support to receive your criteria help request.

      12. Click the Execute button to begin the Query.

        The patrons satisfying the first criteria will be found and added to the list. Once complete, the second criteria will be performed and any patrons matching the second criteria will be added. Any patron matching both criteria will only be displayed once. The Mail List will default to the Who's In tab displaying all patrons who match the criteria and are in the list.


Complex Query Criteria

If you are designing a very specific mail list you will need to use some complex criteria to ensure you receive the desired data. Complex criteria uses brackets combined with operators and conditions to find specific groups of data. Click Here to view the different types of operators and conditions along with a description of their function.


Mail list of Patrons in a Household With More than One Member

Mail Lists can answer many different "Who" questions.

To create a Mail List that answers the question of the number of Patron Households that have more than one patron, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Mail List button in the main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Mail Lists window opens.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Mail List Criteria window opens.

  3. Enter a descriptive name in the Mail List Name field and enter a description int the Description tab.
  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Change the select drop down to All Patrons In Household and Save .
  6. Click the Criteria Groups tab.

  7. Click the Create Group button and chose To ADD Patrons To The Mail List.

  8. The Mail List Search window opens.

  9. Chose Patron Data from the drop down list, then click the Next button.

    The The Parameters Search window opens.

  10. Click the New button.

    The Edit Report Parameters window opens.

  11. Choose Patron # and select the condition - is greater than or equal to 1.
  12. Click the Save button.

    You are returned to the Parameters window, Search. Note your selected criteria Patron # is greater than or equal to 1.


    You are returned to the Mail List Criteria window. Your final criteria should look EXACTLY like below.

    You now have a list of all patrons in the database who are part of a TM household with at least one primary member and one tertiary member.


Mail Lists - Rebuilding a Mail List

After creating mail list criteria and building the mail list, over time some of the patrons on the mail list may no longer meet the criteria to belong to the mail list. The most effective way to remove the patron that no longer meet the criteria is to rebuild the list.

  1. Open the Mail List Window.

    Click Here to learn how to access this window.

  2. Find the mail list you would like to rebuild.
  3. Click the Execute button.

    The following warning screen will open.

  4. Click the Rebuild button.
  5. Click the Yes button.

    This will remove the current patrons from the list and perform the query again on the new data. Clicking Proceed would have left all current patrons in the list, added patrons who fit the entered criteria and only remove patrons who fit within any "remove" criteria.


Parameters for Mail Lists Window

Parts of the Criteria for Group from Mailing List Window

Default search or sort order for the selected Parameters.
Inserts the last used criteria for the merge field selected.
Displays saved criteria options within the selected merge field.
Saves selected criteria.
Saves the entered criteria to be used again.
Opens the criteria window to insert new criteria.
Opens the criteria window and allow for modifications.
Removes the selected line of criteria.
Removes all lines of criteria in the parameters window.
Inserts brackets around lines of criteria.
Removes brackets around lines of criteria.
Searches the database for patrons who "have" a specified line of criteria. Having criteria is criteria that is based on aggrigate values within the search. Click here for more information on using Having.
Cancels the entry of criteria.
Completes the entry of criteria.

Having Criteria

The Having button allows you to add the having criteria to the search. Having criteria is criteria based on aggrigate values within the search. Examples are:
  • find donors HAVING a total of all donations over xxx
  • find ticket buyers having purchased to multiple distinct events for the current season
  • find subscribers that have a subscriber package set up for all of the last 10 years
  • find gift certificate purchasers with an average gift certificate purchase over $25
  • find auction item buyers with a maximum purchase over $1000 for all items bought
Having is an SQL action that re-examines records for an aggregate (average, minimum, maximum, sum, count, distinct count) based on the record found and then keeps or discards the data.

For example: if you used criteria to find all subscriber records in the past 5 years, you would get 1, 2 ,3 4 or 5 records - depending on how many years the person has been a subscriber. Since we know each subscription package has a year associated with it, if you make a having criteria that is having a unique count of subscription year >= 4, you would find people who were 4 or 5 year subscribers.

To create the query, you need two things:

  • A normal query that finds all the records you want to aggregate in some way. eg: tickets with date sold since 2004 and price paid > 0
  • An additional having clause that uses one field for the aggregation. eg
    • sum price paid >500 -or-
    • count ticket #> 50 -or-
    • distinct count event # > 4

  1. Open the Mail List you want to add the criteria to.

    The Mail List Criteria window opens.

  2. Click the Criteria Groups tab.

  3. Click the create Group button.

  4. Make your selection to Add or Remove Patrons from the listing.

    The Mail List dialog opens.

  5. Select the file for the primary source of information for your list. Then click the Next button.

    The Parameters window opens.

  6. Click the Having button.

    The Edit Report Parameters window opens.

    Note the criteria for selection on the left side of the window gives yous different options to choose from.

  7. Make your selections for the Criteria, and when complete, click the Save button.

    You are returned to the Parameters window and your criteria selection appears in the search.

  8. Click the Done button.

    You are returned to the Mail List window.

  9. Click the Execute to execute your search.

Donations HAVING given in more than xx years

How to find people who have given:

  • between xx times in the past number of years
  • more than a xx times in the past number of years
the trick is that you need a combination of normal criteria to limit the donations you are looking for and a having clause to count what you have found and eliminate those that don't meet the count.


Normal Criteria

The normal criteria is optional. If you don't specify anything, you will retrieve all donations. Some things you might want to include in criteria are one or more of:

  • criteria to eliminate soft credits, prospects, and hard pledges which are not real money - unless you want to count those amounts towards the patrons giving
  • donation date range - if you only want to look at a range of years, or only every second year, or only leap years, or anything you want ...
  • Donation Campaigns - if you want to limit search to certain campaigns
  • Donation actual amount - if you want to limit search to individual donations between a certain range, over a certain range, or anything you want
  • belongs to mail list - if you want to find subscribers in your list, or volunteers, or people who bought giver certificates, or people who returned tickets for donations - anything simple or complex that you want relating to the patron

In short, you can limit the donations selected to ANY criteria you could enter (or select all donations)


Having Criteria

The HAVING clause re-examines the set of data is found using the normal criteria. It then imposes a further restriction on the aggregate set of data. Examples could be:

  • the data must HAVE a UNIQUE number of fiscal years donated >=2 per patron (the example above) -or-
  • the total count of donations must be >6
  • the average donation across the number of years selected must be between x and y
  • the distinct number of campaigns given to must between x and y
  • and much more

Having - Patrons with count of tickets

The sample below shows the basis for finding patrons who have purchased more than a specified number of tickets.

The query is based on ticket data for a patron and you can add other criteria such as:

  • Only specific shows in the past
  • A certain fiscal year, season or range of seasons
  • People who have donated money in the past and are large purchasers
  • patrons who paid for their tickets (eg total cost > 0)

The example below shows the user of Ticket Quantity from the ticket data per performance in the having clause to obtain people who bought more than 20 tickets (in all time). The first line of criteria was added to make sure that they were Paid tickets and not comps.


Removing Patrons Through a Query

If you wish to remove a large number of patrons from a list and they all have a common feature, using a query is the best technique. It is the same procedure as adding a new group except for selecting the Remove function. To ensure that you are removing the correct patrons, place the remove criteria group as the last group to be performed. Click here to learn how to rearrange groups.

  1. Open the Mail List Window.

    Click Here to learn how to open the window.

  2. Find the mail list you want to remove the patrons from.
  3. Click the Criteria Groups tab.

    The Criteria Groups for the selected mail list are displayed.

  4. Click the Create Group button.
  5. Choose "To Remove Patrons From The Mail List".

    The group selection dialog opens.

    Select a file which contains data all patrons to be removed from the list have in common.

    Using the Example List created in Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through a Database Query patrons with last names starting with the letter A will be removed.

    The "Patron Data" file will be used for this example.

  6. Select "Patron Data" from the drop-down list and click the Next button.

    The Parameters window opens.

    Click Here for a detailed description of the window.

  7. Click the New button.

    The Add/Edit Parameters window opens.

  8. Select the field to search by.

    For this example the "Patron Name-Last " field.

  9. Fill the search parameters with the information to search by.

    For the example use "begins with A".

  10. Click the Save button.

    The Parameters window returns and the selected criteria will appear in the window.

  11. Click the Done button.

    The Mail List Criteria window returns.

  12. Click the Execute button.

    An Options dialog opens.

  13. Click the Rebuild button.

    A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  14. Click the Yes button.

    Theatre Manager will highlight each group as it is executed.

    The Mail List Criteria window opens to the Who's In tab. Patrons with last names starting with the letter A will now be removed from the list.


Methods to Add Patrons to a Mail List

There are 7 methods where a patron can be added to a mail list.

6 of these are described on the following pages. The additional method is to randomize an existing mail list:


Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through a Database Query

If you wish to add a large number of patrons from a list and they all have a common feature, using a query is the best technique. It is the same procedure as adding a new group.

To add a patron to a mail list throgh a database query, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Mail List Window.

    Click here to learn how to open the window.

  2. Click the New button in the Mail List Criteria window toolbar / ribbon bar.

  3. Enter a Name for the new list.

    This should be a short, but descriptive name for quick reference.

  4. Enter a detailed description of the mail list.

    This is extremely important for other users who may use your mail list. If you describe the criteria of the list well, they will not need to attempt to decipher the code.

  5. Click the Save button.

    You can now begin to enter your groups of criteria.

  6. Click the Criteria Groups Tab.

  7. Click the Create Group button.
  8. Choose "To Add Patrons To The Mail List".

    The data selection window opens.

    Select a file containing data all of the patrons required on the list will have in common. Using the Example List created in Creating a Database Query we want to add all of the patrons born in 1966 or greater.

    The "Patron Data" file will be used for this example.
  9. Select a file which contains the required data and click the Next button.

    The Parameters window opens.

    Click Here for a detailed description of the window.

  10. Click the New button.

    The Add/Edit Parameters window opens.

  11. Select the field to search by.

    For the example you would use the "Patron Date of Birth" field.

  12. Fill the search parameters with the information to search by.

    For the example, use "is greater than or equal to" and the date December 31 1965.

  13. Click the Save button.

    The Parameters window returns and the selected criteria is displayed in the window.

  14. Click the Done button.

    The Mail List Criteria window returns.

  15. Click the Execute button.

    If this is the first time the list has been executed, Theatre Manager will highlight each group as it is executed, then the Mail List Criteria window will open to the Who's In tab. Only patrons whose birthdays fall after December 31st 1965 will be added to the list.

    If the mail list has been executed previously, the Previously Executed dialog opens.

  16. Click the Proceed button.

    If the mail list has not been updated for some time, click the Rebuild button. This ensures all data is current.


Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through a Ticket Purchase

This method of adding patrons to mail lists, can capture all of the patrons who purchased a ticket(s) for a play. When you set up a play in the Plays and Dates window, there is an option to apply a default mail list. For every ticket bought for that play, Theatre Manager will add the patron to the default mailing list, if the patron is not currently already associated with it.

For example, there may be a general mail list for musicals and many musical productions over the year. If a patron is attending their first musical they will be automatically added to the default mail list. This is an excellent tool to market for a specific genre of productions.

To add patrons to a mail list through a ticket purchase, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Setup from the menu and click Plays.

    The Play List window opens.

  2. Enter the search criteria and click the Search button.
  3. Select the Play and click the Open button.
  4. Click the Marketing tab.

    Locate the Default Mailing List field.

  5. Click the Search For A Value button.

    The Mail Lists window opens.

  6. Enter the search criteria at the top of the Mail List Lookup window and click the Search button.

    Mail Lists marked with a have search criteria implemented for them. That is, patrons could be added to those lists by searching the database for the specified criteria.

  7. Click a Mail list to highlight and click the Select button.

    Every patron who buys a ticket for the production will be added to the "Musicals" mail list.

    For more information on setting up Plays and Dates refer to the System Setup section and click on Events and Dates.


Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through the Batch Function

To add patrons to a mail list through the batch functions, you perform the following steps:

From the Mail List Window, you can quickly add patrons manually, if you have their patron number. Occasionally, the patrons you want to add to a mail list may belong to a report you have just printed, and you wish to add them to a list. Using the batch function you can quickly add the patrons manually by their patron number.

  1. Open the Mail List Window.

    Click Here to learn how to access the window.

  2. Find the Mail List to add the patron to.

  3. Click the Who's In tab.
  4. Click the New Button.

    The Contact List opens.

  5. Enter the search criteria for the patron and click the Search button.

    Highlight patrons in the contact list who belong in the Mail List by single clicking on them.

  6. Click the Select button.

    The patron has now been added to the list. If the patron is already a member of the mail list you will hear a beep and receive the message that the patron is already on the list. Repeat this step until all the patrons have been entered.


Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through the Patron Window

Adding a single patron to a mail list is accomplished thought the Patron Window. To add more than one patron see Adding patrons through a ticket purchase or Adding patrons through a database query. Patrons may also choose to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to a list via the internet.

To add patrons to a mail list through the Patron window, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Mail List Tab tab in the Patron window.

    To learn more about accessing the patron window click here. You can now view all mail lists the patron belongs to.

  2. Click the Add button to add the patron to mail lists.

    The Mail Lists Lookup window will open.

  3. Enter the search criteria and click the search button.

    Mail lists within the criteria will appear in the list. The mail lists which contain criteria are marked with a bullet.

  4. Select the mail list(s) to which you would like to add the patron.
  5. Click the Select Button.

You may also double click the mail list in the Mail Lists Window to add the Patron.

Allowing Patrons to Subscribe or Unsubscribe Via the Internet

Patrons can subscribe to or unsubscribe themselves from mail lists that you choose to make visible online as part of the web sales module. To allow patrons to subscribe or unsubscribe from a mail list via the internet, you perform the following steps:

In order to subscribe to a Mail List online, a patron must be logged in to their online account - OR - you must have enabled the limited profile patron feature for web sales and mail list addition.


  1. Find the mail list you want to allow patrons to subscribe to or unsubscribe from.

    The example shows wording you might use for setting up ticket sales by lottery. This can be used for many purposes requiring patron consent like:

    • Tell me about audtions
    • Keep me informed about musicals
    • Special Events interest me
    • Tell me about last minute deals
    • etc.

  2. Click the Allow patron to subscribe/unsubscribe via internet flag.

    A check mark will appear in the box. Patrons logged into the database through the web sales module can now subscribe/unsubscribe to this mail list.

  3. Optionally, click on double opt in email

    If double opt in is set, the patron will get an email asking them to confirm they opted in. This feature
    • tracks explicit consent per CASL anti spam laws -and/or-
    • can be used to verify accuracy of email addresses submitted online since the patron must confirm them. It might be wise to do this for some mail lists to confirm that the patrons are real.
  4. Repeat for each mail list needing access via the internet.

Mail Lists - adding patrons through drag and drop

You can drag people from the patron list, from another mail list or drag an entire mail list from the list of mail lists to add those people to a mail list manually

Editing data on the Mail List Window

Accessing the Mail List Window

To access the Mail List window you perform the following steps:

To access the list of mail lists, you perform the following steps:
  1. Click Setup >> Mail Lists from the main Theatre Manager menu.

    Alternatively, you can select the Mail List button from the Main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Mail List search window opens.

  2. Select a Mail List search option.

  3. Enter a search range.
  4. Click the Search button.

    The list of Mail Lists fitting the search opens.

  5. Select a Mail List and click the Open button.

    The Mail List Criteria window will open. Alternatively, you can simply double click on the Mail List name.

    For more information on the Mail List window click here.


Parts of the Mail List Window

Opens a new Mail List window.
Saves changes made to the Mail List.
Creates a copy of the open Mail List.
Reverts back to the last save point.
Deletes the open Mail List.
Generates a report to the screen or default print location displaying the details of the Mail List.
Checks the spelling of typed items within the current tab.
Opens the mailing label window to create mailing labels for patrons included in the Mail List.
Provides a report by zip code of all patrons in the Mail List.
Mail List # Computer generated number for the Mail List.
Mail List Name Brief name of the Mail List
Select Drop Down List:
  • Patron who matches criteria
  • Primary household patron instread
  • All patrons in household
Active Active / Inactive Flag
Outlet Outlet that created the Mail List.
Access Groups Specify which groups of people can access the data
# in List Number of patrons currently in the list.
Information about the Mail List and its behaviors. Click here for more information.
The criteria groups for building the mail list. Click here for more information.
List of Patrons who are in the mail list. Click here for more information
List of who may change this mail list. Click here for more information.
List of the dates and times the mail list was executed. Click here for more information.

Description Tab

The Description tab of the Mail List window displays information about the mail list and its behaviours.

VIP List Alert Employee if patron is on the mail list. If a patron is marked on a list as a VIP, the employee will be reminded that the patron is on the list via a popup-dialog window each time they open the particular patron's record.
External List Allow Patrons to subscribe/unsubscribe via the internet. For most mail lists, this is never checked. However, if it is checked, this flag allows patrons to add (or remove) themselves to the mail list using the online sales module.

Possible uses for this setting on mail lists are where the customer can elect to belong (or remove themselves) such as:

  • Send me a season brochure
  • Tell me about auditions
  • I'm interested in 'Dance' performances
Refer to a sample web page with external mail lists to see what the patron would see online.
Patrons must be logged in to subscribe If this is:
  • checked - the patron cannot add themselves to this mail list unless they are logged in. This mail lists are intended for the patron's 'account' page online.
  • NOT checked - then the patron can add themselves to this mail list through the mail list quick add web link. This option is intended for letting people subscribe to lists with a minimum of data. (Name and email address).
Double Opt in Emails This feature is only valid for mail lists that are 'external'. If enabled, then patron who is added to the mail list (manually or automatically) will be sent an email asking them to confirm that they want to be on the list. If the patron:
  • does not respond to the email within 24 hours, they will be removed from the list.
  • responds within 24 hours (or even at a much later date), they will be placed on the mail list with a status of 'double-opt-in confirmed' and the date that they confirmed opting in.

This feature is very useful

  • for implementing CASL (Canadian Anti-Spam Law -and/or-
  • to improve accuracy of email addresses in the system because it requires the patron to confirm the email address, automatically improving the accuracy of the data.
Description Detailed description of the purpose of the mail list (in 'descriptive plain language') so that others will understand its purpose or suggested usages.

Criteria Groups Tab

Displays the selected Criteria for the mail list and allows you to add others to the Mail List.

Inserts criteria for a Mail List. Click here for more information on adding new criteria.
Removes the selected criteria.
Opens the parameter window for the selected criteria.
Rebuilds the mail list based on the selected criteria.
Verifies the number of patrons in the Mail List.
Duplicate will take the criteria group that you have selected and make a duplicate of it at the end of the list of criteria. By way of example, this is useful when you need to
  • Generate a list of people for a time period and are using the having clause feature to get a total of donations, or count of events, perhaps by year
  • Need to repeat that for a number of years to find, for example, the people who gave more than $1000 in a number of specific time periods so you can find those that are lapsed, or are giving more or buying more.
  • The easiest way is to make one group of criteria
  • Then duplicate it and edit the date parameters
You can reorder groups of criteria on a window by clicking on one and dragging it.
You can also drag a group of criteria from one mail list window to another. If you have built some criteria that you like and want to use portions of them in another mail list, just highlight the group and drag it to this window on another mail list.

Draging Criteria Groups to Another Mail List

If you have some criteria on one mail list that you want to add to another, you can:
  • Select the group you like (see left window)
  • Drag it to another criteria group window


Re-Arranging Grouping of Criteria

Complex groups/criteria adds and removes patrons from a list. Criteria within the query may need to be repositioned. This is easily done by dragging and dropping the grouping.

  • Click the line of criteria to be moved to select it.
  • Click and hold the mouse button to "pick up" the group.
  • Drag the criteria up or down the list and release the mouse button where it should be placed.

Who's In Tab

This window displays a list of the patrons in the mail list. There are a number of things you can do with these patrons like:
  • generate mail labels
  • determine distance from your venue
  • export them
  • use them in criteria for reports or other mail lists
  • drag individuals from one mail list to another to place them into two lists
  • use the list to allow people to subscribe and unsubscribe to marketing lists online
  • drag them onto tasks to indicate who is invited.
Tracking unsubscribes: If a patron unsubscribes from the mail list online, they are not removed from the mail list. Their record gets marked with an unsubscribed date. This tracks who no longer wants information from your venue for a specific purpose.

This can be very useful for CASL purposes to track explicit opt outs and when the patron opted out.

You may alter the subscribe status using the add and remove buttons as described below.

Type Customizable field that allows for classification of patrons by type (Individual, Student, Staff, etc.)
Patron # Unique number assigned to a patron.
Patron Name Patrons first, last name and business.
Source How the patron came to be in the mail list:
  • Added Manually - an employee selected the mail list and added to the patron's record.
  • Ticket Purchase (Box Office) - The patron was automatically added to the default mail list for an event by purchasing a ticket to an event at the box office
  • Mail List Build - The patron satisfied the criteria for the mail list and was added when the Execute was pressed
  • Added During Data Import - The patron was associated with one or more mail lists due to a data import. This could have been done when converting to theatre manager or by using the patron import feature
  • Internet (Patron Self Added) - The patron placed themselves on the mail list online either on mail list screen or on the patron account window after logging in online
  • Internet (Plug In) - You have a custom plugin that may have added the patron to the mail list as part of the processing.
  • Ticket Purchase (Internet) - The patron was automatically added to the default mail list for an event by purchasing a ticket to an event at online
  • Double Opt-In Pending (Box Office) - An employee added a patron to a mail list that requires double opt-in to satisfy CASL or to simply have the patron confirm that want to be on the mail list. The patron is automatically sent an email. If they:
    • confirm - the status will be changed to Double Opt-in Confirmed
    • don't reply - the patron will be removed from the mail list within 24 hours. However, if they subsequently confirm, they will be added to the mail list again as Double Opt-in Confirmed
  • Randomly Assigned - You can build a mail list for marketing purposes and find it too large for our purposes or that you want to try an A-B marketing strategy. if so, you can use the Mail List Randomization feature to randomly assign people to a smaller list or to a number of other lists.
  • Double Opt-in Confirmed - This means that the patron has received the email request to confirm participation in a mail list and confirmed it. This has two main benefits:
    • it confirms the accuracy of the email address because the patron had to respond to it
    • it provided a record of explicit consent as per CASL (Canada's anti-spam laws) or equivalent in other countries.
  • Pass/Gift Certificate Purchase (Box Office) - The patron was automatically added to the default mail list for a Pass/Gift Certificate by purchasing one at the box office
  • Pass/Gift Certificate Purchase (Internet) - The patron was automatically added to the default mail list for a Pass/Gift Certificate by purchasing one online
  • Patron Unsubscribed (Internet) - The patron removed them selves from the mail list online. Theatre Manager actually retains this record as an indication of WHEN they removed themselves. You cannot pick these people for other mail lists.
  • Double Opt-In Pending (Internet) - An employee added a patron to a mail list that requires double opt-in to satisfy CASL or to simply have the patron confirm that want to be on the mail list. The patron is automatically sent an email. If they:
    • confirm - the status will be changed to Double Opt-in Confirmed
    • don't reply - the patron will be removed from the mail list within 24 hours. However, if they subsequently confirm, they will be added to the mail list again as Double Opt-in Confirmed
Primary Phone Patron primary contact telephone number.
Clicking on the New button causes a pop up to be shown that lets you:
  • Manually add a patron to the list.
  • -or- if some patrons are selected that are unsubscribed, you can resubscribe them to the list. Note that the subscribe feature is intended for patrons to manage themselves for mail lists that they can access online. However, if you have a large mail list that is not public, you might find this useful to track who was on the list, and now wishes to be corresponded with by subscribing them.
Opens the patron window of the selected patron.
Clicking on the Remove button causes a pop up to be shown that lets you:
  • Manually remove a patron from the list.
  • -or- if some patrons are selected that are subscribed, you can unsubscribe them from the list instead of deleting them. Note that the unsubscribe feature is intended for patrons to manage themselves for mail lists that they can access online. However, if you have a large mail list that is not public, you might find this useful to track who was on the list and no longer wishes to be by unsubscribing them.
Export the selected rows of contact information from a Mail List. If you want everybody in the list, select all the rows (or click on a line and the Ctrl-A or Cmd-A select them all) before clicking the export button.

  • You will be give a choice of export format: tab delimited, comma delimited, xls, or xlsx format.
  • Then you will be asked where you want to put the file
Add Pass Can be used to add a pass or gift certificate to a number of patrons at the same time.
Unsub Email Can be used to process an unsub/bounce file from an external emailer program and remove patrons from a mail list or remove their email addresses permanently.
Search options for finding patrons within the selected Mail List.
Search's the selected Mail List for patrons matching the selected search criteria.

Using the Unsubscribe feature

In the sample list above, one patron is marked as unsubscribed online. One of the columns in the list contains the unsubscribe date, so you know when people no longer wanted to be part of the mail list.

When building other mail lists or running reports, there are two key selection criteria that lets you select these people:

  • Marketing Patron Belongs to Mail List - Subscribed to

    When used, this will find all the people in the mail list - except those patrons who unsubscribe themselves online. This makes selecting people on a public mail list easy. You don't need to worry about who doesn't want email since they are automatically ignored.

  • Marketing Patron Belongs to Mail List - Unsubscribed from

    This search criteria only picks people who have unsubscribed. Its best use might be for an eblast mail list where people say they no longer want a specific type of eblasts.

    You can include patrons in your normal way and then use this list to eliminate people in the unsubscribed list using something like the criteria below.


Access Restriction Tab

Displays a listing of who can change the contents of the selected mail list.
  • If you are on the access restriction list, you can add, rebuild and remove people from the list - and you can delete the mail list in entirety.
  • If the list of employees is empty, anybody can add, rebuild or remove people from the list
If you want to hide this list from some people, use the Access Feature at the top part of the window.
Preventing employees from altering the contents of the mail list does not prevent them from deleting the entire mail list unless you implement data permissions on the employee record (prevent delete of mail lists) or hide the mail list (as above)

First First name of the employee.
Last Last name of the employee.
E-mail E-mail address for the employee.
Grants an employee access to the Mail List.
Removes an employee from having access to a Mail List.
Opens the employee data window for the selected employee.

Emails associated with Mail List

This window shows which emails are associated to this mail list for the purposes of allowing the user to unsubscribe from the mail list.
For mails to appear in this list, they MUST have been sent out using and unsubscribe list in the form letter merge.

You can:

  • Search by date sent to see what went out on a particular day or for a time period
  • Search by letter to see who got a particular bit of correspondence.
    • You can see who opened it the letter
    • Highlight a number of the lines based on status to see how many were sent and how many were opened
  • Have a look to see what is due the future
  • Select a number of emails and:
    • change their status to Not Done to resend them -or-
    • mark them done if you need to have them on the patron's file but never intended to send them, -or-
    • delete them - which means that the patron could no longer unsubscribe from the email.

Execution Log Tab

List of the dates and times the mail list was executed.

First First name of the employee who ran the mail list.
Last Last name of the employee who ran the mail list.
Start Count Number of patrons in the list before the list is executed.
Stop Count Number of patrons in the list after the list is executed.
Time (Sec) Amount of time in seconds the mail list took to populate.
Status The method chosen to populate the mail list. This will be one of:
  • Duplicated - which means the mail list was original create from a duplicate of another one. The starting and ending counts will be the same and the time indicates how long it took to duplicate.
  • Proceed - the mail list was built without clearing it first. It may mean there are patrons in the mail list that may not match the criteria. (eg if they were manually added prior to the rebuild>
  • Rebuild - the mail list was cleared of app patrons prior to applying the criteria.
Start The date and time at which the instance of the mail list was begun.
Finish The date and time at which the instance of the mail list finished running.

Remove Patrons using External Email Unsub/Bounce file

It is possible to remove patrons from a mail list using an external file containing unsubscribes and/or bounces - which is typically created by exporting that data from an external mailing tool like Bronto, Mail Chimp, or the like. This feature has two functions:
  • Remove people from a mail list based on patron number -and/or-
  • Remove email addresses completely from the database

This process will remove people from mail lists and (optionally) email addresses from the database.

Please ensure you have a recent backup in case you delete data you do not want to delete. The only remedy is to restore a backup database, export the data and then use the patron import processes to bring it back in.


Preparation of Data

Most email services external to Theatre Manager have a feature to export patrons who unsubscribed from the emailer, or whose emails bounced. You will need to create a file that:

  • has (at minimum) a patron number, email address and status. All other fields are ignored. You do not need to get the field names correct as they are matched later.
  • The status must either be:
    • unsub to indicate that the patron has unsubscribed from the mail list. Theatre Manager only looks at the first 5 characters, so you can use unsubscribe or any other variation.
    • bounce to indicate that the email was not deliverable. Theatre Manager only looks at the first 5 characters, so you can use bounc, bounce, bounced or any variation.
  • It can be in excel format, tab delimited or comma delimited


Importing the file to remove patrons from a mail list

To begin the process, open up a mail list window to the Whos In Tab. You can either:

  • Click the Unsub Email button which will ask you for the file you prepared above -or-
  • Drag the file you prepared above on top of the list of patrons.


Match up the following fields:
  • Patron Number - note, any row with no patron number, or a patron number not found in the database will be ignored. This means:
    • if you merged people together and then they unsubscribed, TM cannot will not find them in the database and they cannot be unsubscribed from the mail list.
    • It will also not unsubscribe people who are only in the mail list program database and not in Theatre Manager since they don't have a Theatre Manager Patron Number
  • Email Address - the email address from the mail list program
  • Status - which contains the first 5 letters of either unsub or bounce. Any other status codes are ignored.


There are two functions that the unsubscribe process can support which are indicated on this screen. You can:
  • Remove People from a mail list. The patron's email address is retained in Theatre Manager - they are simply deleted from the mail list based on patron number matching. Since there are two status codes in the import file, you can elect to remove based on:
    • unsub - the patron has indicated that they don't want emails from you by actively unsubscribing from an eblast you sent out. This option reflects the patron's intent
    • bounce - The external email package does not know if the patron got the email from you. A bounce could mean many things such as: an invalid email address, the patron's email sever is not currently working, or their email server is rejecting your email as spam. A bounce does not necessarily mean bad email. Multiple bounces from many emails increases the likely hood of the email address being bad, so you may need to track the bounces for a while before using this option.
  • Completely delete the email address from the database - if you get a lot of bounces, you can elect to DELETE the email address from the database. This option should be used sparingly because it will DELETE the email address from the database and disassociate it from ALL PATRONS IN A HOUSEHOLD that are sharing the email address.


The final step is to confirm what you want to do. It suggests a backup be made since the process cannot be undone without going to a backup.


Removing a Patron Through the Mail List Window

This method is useful for removing multiple patrons from a mail list when they do not have common information. If the patrons all have common information (e.g. they all are non-donors) use the Mail List Database Query method of removal.

To remove a patron through the mail list window, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Mail List Window.

    Click Here to learn how to open the window.

  2. Find the mail list to remove patrons from.
  3. Click the Who's In tab.
  4. Select the patrons you want to remove from the mail list.

    Single click on a patron to select them or use the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command/Apple key (Mac) to select multiple patrons.

  5. Click the Remove Button.
  6. The patron has been removed from the list.


Selling Passes/Gift Certificates to a number of Patrons

There are occasions where you want to give passes to certain groups of volunteers, staff, subsets of donors, subscribers. An example might be to give people working on an event free passes, or to give staff passes for a predetermined number of shows during the year. Once they have the passes or gift certificates, they can obtain their tickets online and/or manage their own tickets without the need to contact the box office.

You can add those passes to the patron record one at a time, or you can add them EN MASSE to selected people in a mail list.

This process can sell a lot of passes or gift certificates quickly. It does not provide a process to pay for any that generate a balance owing by the customer.

If passes are sold that require payment, you may find it easier to pay for them on the Patron Tab in the pass setup window.


Process of selling a Pass/Gift Certificate to Multiple Patrons

Open up a mail list that contains the people that you want to sell the passes/gift certificates to and go to the Whos In tab on the mail list window. The start of the process is:

  • Select the patrons who you want to give the pass to


Then do one of the following two steps:
  • Click the Add Pass button (above window) and then pick a pass/gift certificate type from the pop up list -or-
  • Open the pass type list and drag one of them onto the selected patrons


Once you have picked a pass to sell to the selected patrons, you will see a confirmation message.


Who is on the Mail List

Once a mail list has been created or found you may wish to view the patrons belonging to the list. By viewing the Who's In tab of the Mail List,

  • patrons can be viewed or removed from the list
  • you can export the data
  • you can print labels for the patrons in the list using the mail lable button
  • do maps of where selected people live (context menu)
  • and more

To view a patron on the mail list, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Mail List widow.

    Click here for more information on opening the window.

  2. Find the mail list required.

    Currently there are 30 patrons attached to this mail list as seen by the # in List to the right of the window.

  3. Click the Who’s In tab.

    The Who's In information will be displayed.

    For more information on this window click here.


Removing Patrons from a Mail List

Removing the patron through the Mail List Window or Mail List Query methods are useful if you need to remove more than one patron from a mail list. Removing patrons throughout the Patron Window is useful if specific information is known about the patron you can use to locate their record (e.g. patron #).

To remove a patron from the mail list, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Mail List Tab tab in the Patron window.

    To learn more about accessing the patron window click here. You can now view all mail lists the patron belongs to.

  2. Single click on the Mail List the patron should be removed from.
  3. Click the Remove button.

    The patron is now removed from the list.


Exporting Patrons from a Mail List

You can export patron data from a mail list into:

  • Text, Tab Delimited (.txt)
  • Text, Comma Delimited (.csv)
  • Excel 97-2004 Workbook (.xls)
  • Excel 2008 Workbook (.xlsx)
These files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or other suitable programs to be displayed as a spreadsheet. To export patrons from a mail list, you perform the following steps:

Exporting data from a Mail List means you export the names, addresses, phone numbers, and other general marketing data from the results of the Mail List. It is important to remember the Mail List results, for example, of a criteria set to "All Donors of $5,000 or more" does not list their donations. Rather, the results are a list of patrons who match the criteria. Similarly, a Mail List of Patrons who "Subscribe to the 2011 Main Stage Season" does not list their seats - only their names, addresses, phone number, etc. To obtain data on donations, subscriptions, ticket purchases, etc., you must use the results of the Mail List as criteria in a report. Mail Lists provide a list of patrons - not a list of data regarding the criteria that was used.

  1. Open the mail list you want to export patron data from.

    For more information on accessing the mail list window click here.

  2. Click on the Whos In tab.

    For more information on the Whos In and other mail list tabs click here.

    During the export process, all of the columns displayed in the Whos In window will be exported. Click here, for information on how to change the displayed columns.

  3. Highlight all the records you want to export. If you want the entire list, highlight the top record, then SHIFT+click on the bottom record.
  4. Click the export button.

    Your operating system's Save dialog wil open.

  5. Enter the name and the location of where you wish to save the file and click "Save".
    The file will now be saved in the location you specified.
    1. To view the file, you can use a program, such as Excel.


Mail List Double opt in

CASL (Canada's Anti-Spam Law) has 3 basic mechanisms to provide permission to email your patrons:
  • Explicit Consent which is implemented using a mail list that is set up as either Double opt-in is the preferred choice if you wish to have the patron explicitly confirm their email address and/or permission to be emailed
  • Implied consent which occurs if a client initiated activity with you (any sales or phone contact) where you have up to two years to contact them via email without asking their permission


Explicit Consent is implemented in Theatre Manager using:
  • Single opt in mail list -- simply means if the person marks the checkbox online and they are added to the mail list. No further interaction is required on their part.
  • Double opt-in mail list which means that the patron has to indicate their intent twice to being on the mail list. The patron:
    • Clicks to indicate they want to be on the mail list (on the web site form)
    • Receives an email from the system informing them that they signed up
    • Responds to the email by clicking a link to complete the confirmation. This has the added benefit of double checking the email address.

    THIS MEANS that if a patron does not respond:

    • they are removed from the mail list automatically during the sales posting process based on the retention period in company preferences.
    • Generally that means people will be on the opt-in mail list for 24 hours or more and then removed automatically when the next create sales entry process is run at EOD
    • If they are taken off automatically:
      • the user can still activate the link in the email and they will be added again in confirmed status automatically.
      • but since the patrons are removed from the mail list (until such time as they opt-in), they will not be included in an eblast if that mail list is subsequently used as form letter criteria (i.e. 'belongs to mail list') to identify people for eblasting
Implied Consent:
  • means that if a client initiates a contact with you.
  • You then have up to two years of implied consent to contact them in any way you wish via email regarding the transaction. This includes:
    • confirmation of record updates, password changes, purchases, surveys etc.
    • up to two years from date of purchase for other forms of email (please get your own legal opinion on this).
  • You would create a mail list and use criteria such as purchased a ticket in the past two years, had an order dated in the past two years, donated in the past two years, volunteered in the past two years, (or one or more in combination that might be specific to your needs).

What does an Explicit Consent mail list look like on the Web for the end user?

When one or more email notification lists are set up to allow people to sign in, they will look like this on the patrons account page. (they also show on the mail lists window).

Setting up a double opt-in mail list that will appear on the web

A double opt in mail list has two key settings on the mail list setup window:

  • The mail list must be marked that the patron can subscribe to it via the internet (i.e. they can add or remove themselves from the list membership)
  • It has the 'double opt in' flag checked.
If both these settings are made, then any patron gets added to the mail list will be sent an email requesting an email requesting confirmation that they consented to be on the list. If the patron
  • confirms the addition by clicking on a link, then they will be confirmed on the mail list with a 'double opt in' status. This also confirms the email address and records when the patron gave consent.
  • does not confirm the addition to the mail list, then they will be removed from the list in approximately 24 hours (based on the value for 'keep unconfirmed mail list').

  1. Open the mail list you want to use for the subscribe online with double opt-in.

    For more information on accessing the mail list window click here.

  2. Click on the Description tab.

    The screen should look like the one below.

    A best practice is to make sure that the 'Double Opt-In' option that is highlighted IS NOT CHECKED when building the list for the first time. If it is, then any patron added to the mail list in any manner will receive an email instantly.

  3. Add Patrons to the mail list in any manner you wish.

    You can use any of the standard ways to get people added to the mail list such as:

    • Using criteria to build a list of patrons of interest (see the picture below for a simple example)
    • dragging another mail list onto the who's in window to add all people in the mail list
    • dragging people from the patron list
    • Using the 'new' button on the who's in window to add a patron

  4. On the Description Tab, click the 'double-opt in' option

    Theatre Manager will tell you that there are people in the mail list that have not received a notification per the image below. It will only consider those that have the mail list source status codes of

    • Added Manually (meaning you dragged and dropped them into the list)
    • Added via a mail list build (meaning criteria was executed to find people)
    • Added during some sort of data import exercise
    The other status codes are ignored. That is because they are considered 'implied consent to email' - like 'added because they bought a show online'.

    Click the opt-in button if you want to start generating an email for the patrons in the list with the 3 status codes above. If you click cancel, then you can still do it again by un-clicking the double opt in' button and saving, then clicking the double opt in button again to repeat the process.

  5. Confirm you want to email to people using the 'double-opt in' option

    You are given a second chance to confirm you want emails to go to patrons having the mail list status codes above. This question is asked ONCE after opening the mail list detail window as a WARNING. After that, the message no longer displayed to you. After getting this once, you can continue to drag and drop other people only the list quickly and emails will be sent without a message.

  6. On the 'Whos's In' tab, view the status of patrons.

    If the patron has an email address, the status of the patron will be 'Internet (opt -in'). That means and email has been sent to the patron and they have not responded to the email to confirm them being part of the mail list.

    Patrons who do not have an email address will retain their original mail list source. If you find an email for them, you can add it to the patron address, and then change the opt in status again to send out the remainder of the emails. People with pending opt-in status will NOT receive a second email.

  7. What the Patron sees in their inbox

    An email will be sent to the patron that looks like below and is from the tmPatronUpdateEmailBoxOfficeOptIn.html web page. It will have your background and CSS stylings. The difference is that if there are 'double-opt-in' mail lists as part of the update, then the patron will see the new text highlighted in red. That is the link they will need to click to confirm the opt-in.

    When they click the link, they will be taken to your web site and see the confirmation page below (tmMaillistVerifyOptin.html)

  8. What the Venue sees in the mail list

    After the patron confirms participation in the mail list through double opt-in, the status of that person's mail list entry will change to 'Double Opt-in'. It also records the date of the opt-in.


    Randomizing Mail Lists

    There are situations where we don't want everybody in the mail list - only a random selection. This could be used for things like:
    • Creating a number of random lists for a lottery based on sale system. The resultant mail lists can be used with different on sale coupon/pre-access codes to distribute times to patrons to buy online
    • Generate a random subset of the people in a mail list for marketing purposes like surveys or invitations to special events
    • Taking a general mail list that is slightly bigger than a mail out budget and deciding (randomly) who should get mailers.
    • Breaking up a larger list of patrons into a few random groupings if you want to distribute the e-blast across a number of multiple sendings.

    The steps below indicate how to create a random list of patrons. A few thoughts about these lists.

    Please make sure to remove the lists when you no longer need them.

    Steps to Create Random Lists

    Before creating a random list, you must already have found the patrons you want and placed them into an existing list. For example, if you have a list of members, or new donors, or volunteers, start with that list by opening it up to display it as below.

    Click on the 'Random' Icon in the toolbar and you will see a window similar to below. There are two options that you can select:

    • Randomly distribute ALL patrons into new lists. Type in the number of new lists you wish to create. Theatre Manager will automatically create those mail lists for you and then assign the patrons in the original list to ONE OF the new lists at random. Patrons will not appear in more than one list and the number of people in each list should be more or less approximately equal. Some lists will have more (or less) patrons due to the random nature of the process.
    • Randomly Select a Percentage of Patrons for ONE list take a different approach. Type in the percentage of people you would like in the new list that will be created. Theatre Manager will select them at random from the existing mail list and put them into the new list (up to the specified percentage of patrons). It will never place more than the specified percentage of patrons into the list.

    Confirm whether you want to continue creating the mail lists containing random people.

    When you are done, if you look at the list of mail lists, you will see the appropriate number of new mail lists. The titles of those lists will start with the same name as the one you used to randomize. They will end with a comment indicating which of the random lists it was.

    There is a new status on any window that shows who is in a mail list (or the mail lists that a patron belongs to. If you look at the 'source' column, it indicates that the patron was 'Randomly Assigned' to the list (instead of added at box office, or self added on internet, etc.). This is one way to know how the people got on this list.


    Selling tickets by Lottery (how to)

    Lottery based ticket sales are a way to fairly and equitably sell tickets to a large number of people by spreading out ticket sales across a longer period of time - so that an instantaneous free-for-all on your web site will not overwhelm your hardware.
    Lottery based ticket on-sales can be used in a situation where:
    • many more people want tickets than are available
    • you expect the tickets to go like hotcakes and, most likely, vastly overwhelm your hardware's capabilities
    • you want the patrons to sign up in advance to say that they are interested in having a chance to buy the tickets
    • and then you randomly decide:
      • which of those people will actually get a shot to buy the tickets -and-
      • the unlucky ones do not get a chance during the onsale because they lost the lottery - but might be able to buy later when the tickets are placed onsale, unannounced.


    General Steps to do a lottery based Onsale

    How, you ask? There are a few things that need to be set up as summaried below and explained in detail afterwards. You will need:

    1. A self subscribing double opt-in mail list to track the above patrons who want to be in the lottery
    2. These patrons will need to sign in and create a full account (if they don't have one already)
    3. A merge process to look for duplicate patrons in the mail list - eg same person, multiple emails - so that they can't game the system.
    4. Extract a random group of patrons from the mail list and organize into presales groups
    5. One or more coupons that allow presales access to the event
    6. Set up auto-release holds that release in waves
    7. An eblast to winning patrons telling them when their access time to the tickets are
    8. An eblast to losing patrons to tell them they are not in the lottery.
    The key is that each coupon's access time range corresponds to when some tickets are released - so each group will have access to fresh tickets and the prior lottery winners will no longer be able to buy, since they lost their time slot. At the end, of all lottery sales time slots, you might allow all lottery winners to have acess to anything left before opening to the public.

    Note: this intentionally spreads out web sales across time so that your servers have less load at any given time. eg, if there are 10 lottery slots, hardware/servers required to handle a single onsale need only be 1/10th as powerful to handle a lottery spread out over time (which becomes 10 mini-onsales).


    Step 1: Make a mail list that people can self subscribe to

    You will need to make a mail list that lets patrons to add or remove themselves online.

    • Give it an external name of Lottery Sales sign up for 'the event' or what ever seems obvious to the patrons.
    • The description should describe the purpose of the list, when the date range of the actual onsales occur and a link to your marketing page that describes how the lottery system will work and that not everybody is guaranteed a spot, but that it is random
    • Make sure the mail list is double opt-in which will ensure that the email addresses are real since the patron needs to confirm it (it prevents people creating dummy emails).
    • Refer to the instructions to make a mail list patrons can self subscribe to
    • If patrons call the box office to be part of the lottery, you can manually add them to this list, just make sure you:
      • Make sure that they have an email address on their account
      • If you have to add an email address for the patron, use the reset password feature to send them an email to indicate its better to make a password right away (i.e. well before before the onsale)
      • Merge any duplicate records together for the patron that may exist


    Step 2: Send an email to patrons asking them to sign up

    You can use the form letter feature to send an email to patrons asking that they sign up to the lottery mail list. You will need to:


    Step 3: De-duplicate and merge people

    Now that you've collected a lot of people in to the 'Lottery' mail list, you may still need to de-duplicate entries before the actual onsale. Why is that? One of the tenets of mail lists is that patrons can only be in the list once. Very true, but if a patron signed up multiple times using different email addresses, you may want to do some merging by:

    • Open the 'lottery' mail list
    • Go to the Whos in tab
    • Right click on the list to see the context menu and pick find duplicates
    • This will limit the search for duplicates to people within the list. Try a few broad brush searches like:
      • Combined name
      • Last Name and First Name
      • Name and phone number
    • You may also want to sort the list by various fields and see if you can identify and merge duplicates that way. eg:
      • Sort by phone and see what you can find
      • Or sort by email


    Step 4: Randomize the mail list

    As the date of the lottery nears, you need to look at:

    • the total number of people in the list,
    • the number of available tickets,
    • and match to approximate load that your servers can manage
    For example, if there are 90,000 people, 10,000 available tickets and your servers can sell 1,000 tickets per time period easily, then you need to make 10 random lists (10,000 tickets/1,000 tickets per time period = number of lottery slots). To do this, we need to do two randomizations of the mail list:
    • The first randomization is used to extract approximately 10,000 out of 90,000, or 12% of the patrons into a new mail list to identify the people who you are eligible for ticket sales by lottery (option 2 in the randomization image to the right)
    • The second randomization will take the new list and break it into 10 more or less equal groups of people in 10 new mail lists. It is these last 10 mail lists that we'll use for emailing and coupons in the next steps (option 1 in the randomization image to the right)


    Step 5: Make Pre-access Coupons

    Per the example above, if we have 10 lottery sales groups, then we will need to make 10 preaccess coupons with the following characteristics:

    • Internal Descriptions might be 'Lottery Group 1' through 'Lottery Group 10'
    • Internal Description is displayed to the patron on the shopping cart and should be simply something like 'Pre Sales access to the Greatest Event time xx:xx to yy:yy'
    • Make each one restricted to ONE OF the final 10 random lists created in step 4
    • Set the coupon to be Auto Add in Web and for Any household member
    • Make the coupon usage type Presales access via internet
    • For the Redeemable From and Redeemable to dates, set up distinct sales times on each coupon such as
      • Monday 10:00am to noon
      • Monday noon to 2:00pm
      • Monday 2:00pm to 4:00pm
      • Tuesday 10:00am to noon
      • etc.
        Make the time periods suitable to how your patrons buy online, although for an onsale like this, they will probably just come to your web site.
    • In the Performance tab, select the performances that the lottery presales are for
    • In the Notes tab, you can create html links that will show the event as a convenience for the patron. Contact ArtsMan support and we can help with the link and button names. These will appear on the cart window as an aid to the Patron


    Step 6: Create auto release holds

    This step can be done at any time but needs to be ready before the onsale. The idea is to select and hold an equal proportion of tickets for the performance and auto release them at the same time just prior to the onsales time slot - eg. a couple of minutes or so. To do this:

    • Go to the Maps Tab for the event that you are going to sell
    • If there are 10 onsales slots, you want to:
      • hold 10% of the tickets in each performance
      • for a specific patron - you may want to make a specific before-event-sales patron for this onsale that you can merge into the standard before-event-sales patron later
      • and coordinate the release time to match the coupon access time in step 5 above

    At this point, the Lottery is set up. You have:
    • 10% of the tickets ready to be released in each of 10 waves.
    • 10% of the patrons who applied for the lottery enabled to purchase in each wave


    Step 7: Inform each patron of their lottery time

    This uses Theatre Manager's Eblast capability to merge and send a letter to each of the winning lottery participants informing them of their time slot.

    • Create a different form letter for each of the winning lottery groups
    • Put the access time range for that lottery group into the letter
    • Into the letter, add a
    • Eblast that letter to the patrons that won


    Step 8: Inform those Patrons that did not win the lottery to buy tickets

    You'll also need to create a mail list of those that did not win in the lottery to let them know that they mighrt get some singles after the onsale is over

    • Create a letter to send to the patrons that did not win.
    • Make another mail list of all people in that applied and remove those that won
    • eblast those in this final mail list of people not selected

    Sample Mail List Queries

    The following section gives illustrations of some sample queries that people find useful. Please adapt them to your circumstances.

    Mail Lists explained through a Venn Diagram

    A Venn Diagram is a great way to illustrate criteria for more complex mail lists. Most people find building criteria for a simple mail list fairly straight forward. For example:
    • find all patrons who donated money this year
    • find all patrons who donated money last year
    • find all patrons who donated money any year before this year
    • find all Patrons who donated in a specific period to certain campaigns
    The examples above need exactly one mail list - since the criteria needs only to be applied to each record when it is considered for inclusion in the result. If the record matches the criteria, it is selected.

    The above concept also applies to any data in Theatre Manager such as ticket buyers last year, subscribers this year, gift certificate users in the past 3 years, volunteers since the beginning of time, etc.

    There are 4 combinations that seem a little harder that might require either 'Add' and 'Remove' groups or more than one mail list as illustrated in the Venn Diagram above. These slightly more complex groups are:

    1. Blue group but not in Pink - or in the example above Patrons who did something last year but not this year. This type of group describes two very common data base search needs:
      • per the example above LYBUNT - last year but not this
      • SYBUNT - some year but not this
    2. Pink group but not in Blue - or using the example above Patrons who did something this year but not last year
    3. in both Blue and Pink groups - or per the example above Patrons who did something in both years
    4. in neither Blue and Pink groups - or Patrons who did not do anything in either year
    The key difference in the above searches is that multiple data records must be considered before the patron is selected. In the simple example of gave last year but not this, Theatre Manager needs to consider two DISPARATE SETS of data records to find the difference.
    Multiple criteria are represented by add/remove groups .. which you can think of as combining multiple Venn Diagrams together.
    Individual criteria groups can use the having clause to create very powerful queries that find very targeted groups of patrons.

    eg: you can find all donors that gave 3 or more times last year and didn't give 5 or more times the year before.


    Last year but not this

    (Blue group but not in Pink)

    One way of thinking of this is people who are in one group, but not the other. There are two ways to accomplish this:

    • You can build your entire query in one mail list using:
      • an 'add group' with some inline criteria -and-
      • a 'remove group' with some inline criteria
    • a mail list that refers to two other mail lists that have been previously built to identify patrons.


    • A combination of inline criteria and/or mail lists to identify the different SETS of data

    The above example shows:

    • An add group that finds tickets for patrons where the season is 2019
    • A remove group that then eliminates those patrons who have a ticket for the 2020 season
    The criteria in each group can be multiple lines to be as restrictive as you wish. The important thing is that each group represents a different SET of patrons that must be found first before they can be compared.

    This is similar to the above since it has both add and remove groups. The criteria within the group just happens to refer to previous mail lists that have been built to identify the SETS of patrons.

    This year but not last

    (Pink group but not in Blue)

    This is similar to the case for 'last year but not this'. The criteria is simply reversed - since in both cases you are taking one SET (group) of patrons and removing the second SET (group) of patrons.

    Again, you can:

    • build your entire query in one mail list using:
      • an 'add group' with some inline criteria -and-
      • a 'remove group' with some inline criteria
    • a mail list that refers to two other mail lists that have been previously built to identify patrons.


    • A combination of inline criteria and/or mail lists to identify the different SETS of data

    This example shows the use of two mail lists to find the difference in the groups of people.

    You could use the add and remove group approach as per the previous example.

    In both groups

    (in both Blue and Pink)

    Something that must be in two groups is called the intersection set. To find patrons like this in theatre manager, you need to do it be creating two temporary lists. eg:

    • Build a mail list of people representing group A. In the example above, that would be the 'blue circle' or people who are in 'last year' mail list.
    • Build a mail list of people representing group B. In the example above, that would be the 'pink circle' or people who are in 'this year' mail list.
    • Build the the mail list that uses is all of to find people in all of last year and this year per the image to the right
    Finding the intersection of two SETS (i.e. patrons in both groups) can only be done by pre-building two lists that represent each individual group and using a third list to find people in both lists.

    In neither group

    NOT in Blue and NOT in Pink)

    Finding people in neither group is a little tricky. You need to find the group of everybody you are considering and then remove group 'A' and then remove group 'B'. You can do it in one of three ways:

    • You can build your entire query in one mail list using:
      • an 'add group' with some inline criteria -and-
      • a 'remove group' with some inline criteria -and-
      • a second 'remove group' with some different inline criteria
      • An 'add' group with inline criteria or one that refers to a prebuilt mail list of all people.
      • A 'remove' group with a mail list that refers to two other mail lists that have been previously built to identify patrons.


    • The use of NOT in an 'add' group that finds people in both mail lists (see previous example) in order to NEGATE the search. This approach is useful if the set of everybody really means everybody in the database.


    • A combination of inline criteria and/or mail lists to identify the different SETS of data

    Note: finding people not in a group starts with the premise that you need to define everybody and then remove patrons from that list. For example:
    • Everybody could literally mean everybody in the database -or-
    • all donors forever, -or-
    • all ticket buyers who paid money for tickets in the past two years (ignoring comps) -or-
    • all subscribers who bough their subscription using the promotion 'early bird renewal'
    If your meaning of everybody is a limited set of patrons, you will need an 'add' group at the beginning of the criteria to specify the meaning of 'everybody'

    In this example, everybody is explicitly defined as all patrons with a patron number greater than zero and the remove group says patrons belongs to mail lists 'is all of' last year or thins year.

    They means remove patrons who are on both prebuilt mail lists (or all people who are not in last year or this year)

    In this sample, everybody is patrons who are subscribers and part of the control house for dinner theatre. It then removes all donors and them removes all volunteers.

    This results in subscribers who have never donated or volunteered.

    In this example, we are looking for everybody who does not belong to any of the two prebuilt mail lists. Everybody is implied since Theatre Manager scans for all data, unless explicitly told not to.

    In this case, Theatre Manager was told to only include people 'in none of' the mail lists.


    Combining Mail Lists

    By combining mail lists you can gain access to the data of many lists and from that data form a new list. Unlike merging the mail lists, you are able to keep the original mail lists and their data intact and unchanged.

    To combine mail lists, you perform the following steps:

    1. Open the Mail List Window.

      Click Here to learn how to open the window.

    2. Click the New button.

      The Mail List Inserting window opens.

    3. Enter a Name and Description for the list.
    4. Click the Save button.
    5. Click the Criteria Groups tab.

    6. Click the Create Group button and select To Add Patrons to a Mail List.
    7. Select Mail Lists Associated with a Patron.

    8. Click the Next button.

      The Parameter window opens.

    9. Click the New button.

      The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.

    10.  Select a field and condition.

      For this example the field will be "Mail List #" found under Mail List Setup and the condition will be "is one of"

    11. Select the mailing lists to be combined.

      Hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key to select multiple lists at a time.

    12. Click the Save button.

      You are returned to the Parameters window.

    13. Click the Done button.

      You are returned to the Mail List Criteria window.

    14. Click the Execute button.

      The data from the selected mail lists will be combined.

      If the criteria is changed in one of the combined mail lists the combined mail list must be executed again to update the information.


    LYBUNT - Last Year but not this year

    LYBUNT is an acronym for 'last year but unfortunately not this year'. I have no idea where it came from - yet it is prevalent in fundraising circles.

    You can apply it in many ways to ANY DATA in the database. For example, Patrons who:

    • volunteered the past 3 years, but not this year
    • Donated every even year, but not this year
    • Subscribed 4 years ago but not 3 years ago
    • Lapsed donors who donated last year but did not buy a ticket this year
      • This example is interesting because it was applied to different types of data -- the data file for the second criteria (tickets) is not the same as the data for the first (donations)

    In Theatre Manager, to identify WHO falls into this category, we use a mail list with two groups.

    • The first group adds people to the mail list using criteria from the past
    • The second group removes people from the mail list using criteria from the present

    In the the example below, a very simple data range has been used for both criteria. You can make the criteria as complex as possible, by including items such as:

    • date range
    • Multiple Campaigns
    • Certain Giving Levels
    • Address where the patron lives
    • and more

    IN ALL CASES, THE CONCEPT IS THE SAME -- add people matching data, then remove people matching other data to find out who used to be part of the group and is now not part of the group. Refer to editing mail lists to create your query to find what you want.


    Variation: Removing all household members

    Variation: Sometimes you may want to remove people if anybody in the household gave the second year. This means you must remove primary and non-primary members of the household (in two steps)

    This is possible, but involved a small nuance to the remove steps.:

    • Create an add step to add patron who donated, volunteered, purchased tickets, or what have you.
    • Create the first remove step and indicate to remove Primary patrons only.
    • Create the second remove step with similar criteria, except this time, indicate to remove Non-Primary patrons only.

    When removing Primary FOLLOWED BY removing Non-Primary patrons, you will end up removing all patrons in the household.


    Mail List of Attendees to Multiple Events

    A question that has been asked many times is "How do we find people who bought multiple events?". Just by changing the data you select from, you can use the technique described below to find people who:
    • donated multiple times
    • volunteered multiple times
    • received multiple mailings or eblasts
    • bought multiple gift certificates

    The general steps to find purchasers to multiple events are:

    1. Open the Mail List Window.

      Click here to learn how to open the window.

    2. Click the New button.

      The Mail List Inserting window opens.

    3. Enter a Name and Description for the list.
    4. Click the Save button.
    5. In the Criteria Groups tab, click the Create Group button.
    6. Choose To Add Patrons to the Mail List.
    7. The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.

    8. In the drop down list, choose ticket data per performance.
    9. Click the Next button.

      The Edit Report Parameters window opens.

    10. Select the criteria 'Play #' or 'Event #' (depending on what your venue calls it) and then select multiple events from the pick list
    11. After you have completed making your selections, click Save.

      You are returned to the Parameters window.

    12. Click the Having button on the Parameters window.
    13. The having criteria should be the 'Event #'.

      Pick Unique count on the left.

      On the right, enter the range of unique events such as between 3 and 6.

    14. Click Save.

    When you execute the mail list, you will get people who have bought 'distinct' events out of the criteria you selected.

    You can make the first part of the criteria as complicated as you wish, such as 'all regular tickets' that were 'sold by user xxx' and were 'sold on a thursday afternoon' just by adding more lines to the regular criteria as you've done before.


    Mail List of Patrons Attending an Event

    In this example, of creating a mail list of Patron Attending an Event, the event name will be "Rolling Lego Concert". This mail list will only function if the Confirm Attendance function is being used.

    1. Open the Mail List Window.

      Click here to learn how to access this window.

    2. Click the New button.
    3. Enter a detailed name for the list.
    4. Enter a detailed description of the mail list.

      This mail list is comprised of patrons who attended the recent Rolling Lego Concert.

    5. Click the Save button.

      Once this information has been entered you can now begin to enter your criteria.

    6. Click the Criteria Groups tab.
    7. Click the Create Group button.
    8. Choose To Add Patrons to the Mail List.

      The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.

    9. Choose "Ticket data per Performance" file.
    10. Click the Next button.

      The Parameter window opens.

    11. Click the New button.

      The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.

    12. Choose "Play #", "is one of", select "Rolling Lego Concert".
    13. Click the Save button.

      You are returned to the Parameter window.

    14. Click the Done button.

      You are returned to the Mail List Criteria Groups tab.

    15. Click the Execute button.

    Mail List of Patrons Whose Combined Payments in a Year total XXXX Plus

    One list we are asked regularly about is - "I need a list of patrons whose combined payments a Year total XXXX Plus." In the following example, we are going to use;
    • Add Group: Choose Donation Receipts for a payment to a donation
    • Criteria: Donation Date is between January 1, 2012 and Dec 31, 2012
    • and Donation Receipt date is between January 1, 2012 and Dec 31, 2012
    • Having The sum of Donation Receipt Amount is greater than or equal to $1200

    This will give you a list of donors who have donated between the time frame where the sum of the receipts ( payments ) is $1,200 +

    If you want to know donors who have donated in the past whose sum of their receipts during this time span is greater than or equal to $1,200 - do not use Donation Date is between XX and YY.

    The steps to find Patrons Whose Combined Payments in a Fiscal Year total $####+ are:

    1. Open the Mail List Window.

      Click here to learn how to open the window.

    2. Click the New button.

      The Mail List Inserting window opens.

    3. Enter a Name and Description for the list.
    4. Click the Save button.
    5. In the Criteria Groups tab, click the Create Group button.
    6. Choose To Add Patrons to the Mail List.
    7. The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.

    8. In the drop down list, choose Donation Receipts for a Payment.
    9. Click the Next button.

      The Edit Report Parameters window opens.

    10. Click the New button to open the Edit Report Parameters window.
    11. Select the criteria Donation Date is between (Date Start of desired span) and (Date End of desired span).

    12. Click the Add/Continue button.
    13. Select the criteria Donation Receipt Date is between (Date Start of desired span) and (Date End of desired span).

    14. Click the Save button.

      You are returned to the parameters window.

    15. Click the Having button.

      The Add Parameters window opens.

    16. Select Level All, the Choose the Category Donation Receipts for a Payment >> Donation Receipt Amount. Then entyer the Condition is greater than and enter the amount.

      This will restrict the list to all donors whose combined PAYMENTS in the date range specified totals the amount you want plus.

      For example: A list of donors whose combined payments in the fiscal year totalled $1200+.

    17. Click the Save button.

      You are returned to the parameters window.

    18. Click the Done button.

      You are returned to the Criteria Groups tab.

    19. You can now execute your querry.

    Mail List of all Current Subscribers

    To create a mail list of all of your current subscribers, you perform the following steps:

    1. Open the Mail List Window.

      Click Here to learn how to access this window.

    2. Click the New button.
    3. Enter a detailed name for the list.

      2012 Subscribers.

    4. Enter a detailed description of the mail list.

      This is a list of patrons who are season subscribers for the year.

    5. Click the Save button.
    6. Click the Criteria Groups tab.

    7. Click the Create Group button.
    8. Choose To Add Patrons to the Mail List.

      The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.

    9. Choose the "Ticket Data per Performance" file.
    10. Click the Next button.

      The Parameter window opens.

    11. Click the New button.

      The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.

    12. Choose the Play Number, is one of, select the plays which are in the season subscription package.
    13. Click the Add / Continue button.

    14. Choose Promotion. is one of, select the promotion codes for all of the subscription types.
    15. Click the Save button.

      You are returned to the Parameters window.

      Order of Criteria is very important. If we had selected the Promotion FIRST, The query would search for the Subscription promotions in ALL performances, then search for the matching performance codes. To optimize searching, you would search for the performances and then the matching promotions. Click here to learn how to re-arrange criteria.

    16. Click the Done button.

      You are returned to the Mail List, Criteria Groups tab.

    17. Click the Execute button.

    Patrons With/Without Primary Email Address

    You can build mail lists for people that have primary email, phone, fax or web addresses. Or conversely, you can build mail lists of patrons that do not have any email, phone, fax, or web addresses.

    In the sample picture below, the criteria shows 'Primary Email Address'. You can just as easily search for the other 'primary' fields when adding them to the criteria. So you can use primary email address, primary fax, etc in any query.

    The trick is that if somebody:

    • has an email address, then the primary email address unique # will be non-zero. If that is the case, use criteria like the picture below, but change it to

      Marketing Primary Email Unique # 0

    • does NOT have any email address, then the primary email address unique # will be ZERO. The picture shows the criteria to find people without emails.

    This criteria can be combined with just about any other criteria.


    File Selection for Queries - Considerations

    The most important step in mail list building, exporting data, or creating form letters is the selection of the correct 'file' to be used on order to point Theatre Manager off in the right direction to retrieve the data you want.

    When you select a file, you are able to access all data in that file and all data in the database relating to that file which is above it in the database relationship hierarchy. This is a mouthful, so what does it mean?

    You start by picking the data you want to see and most times is it not 'Partron' -- as patrons are almost always connected to any file you select. Here are some examples:

    • If you want your form letter to contain information about a donation, then you select the 'donor data for a patron' (refer to selecting the file for letters). This means: You can put the date of donation and donation amount on the letter. You have access to any data related to the donation such as campaign/fund, patron, marketing information, order and primary address.
    • If you were to open a donation window, this corresponds to the data you see on the screen, plus the patron data comes along because the donation is for a person.
    • If you want the export to contain information about a gift certificate, then you pick the 'gift certificate data' file (it might be called pass/GC data, depending on what your venue named this part of Theatre Manager). With that, you are also able to access patron, order, marketing data, and Pass/GC setup information because it is all connected to the record.
    • if you want the mail list to find patrons that came to events, you need to look at their tickets to know that they attended a show. Think of this LIKE looking at the ticket stubs. Doing this means you get all related information such as the price, promotion, event, performance, venue, order, marketing data, patron and address that the ticket was mailed to.
    • If you wished to access the schedule for a volunteer (or personnel), you would access the 'Volunteer activity history for a patron'. This lets you see when you have scheduled them, along with the position, marketing data, patron and their address - all data that is automatically associated with each volunteer activity.

    The words letter, export and mail list can be used interchangeably in the examples above because the process is the same for all three - depending on what you are doing.

    In each case, the file selected was the actual data you wanted to see not the patron record. It just happens that all the data is related to patron, so you can have that data as part of the export as well.

    If you have previously built a mail list that contains data from a different part of the database, you can use the patron belongs to a mail list field as part of the query for any data selection -- because this data is actually stored on the patron marketing record and is available in all queries.
    Theatre Manager also has a REST API for those wishing to automate certain data extractions for reports or transfer to another system.