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DonorSearch Results Primary Tier

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Primary Tier displays the essential results to be used in reviewing the donor's analysis. This information is suggested be referenced when building mail lists for prospects for your donation campaigns.

Parts of the Primary Tier Tab

DS Rating A ranking of a prospect's ability and propensity to make $5,000+ donations.
Quality Score Confidence level of name matching to donor records. Anything over 17 indicates a high degree of confidence. Note that in the comprehensive Profile, each piece of data is individually scored for confidence.
High Range This indicates the largest gift found when the exact amount and/or a range of giving are reported.
Low Range This indicates the lowest gift found when the exact amount and/or a range of giving are reported.
Capacity Range The amount a donor can give as a "stretch" gift over a five-year period, based on his/her wealth. The individual philanthropy and wealth report on each prospect includes two capacity ranges: one based on wealth and one based on previous philanthropy.
Real Estate Count Number of properties owned by the donor.
Real Estate Total Estimated value of all real estate owned by the donor.
Submit Date The date that the DonorSearch record was processed.
Profile Link A link to the prospect's complete wealth and philanthropic profile on the DonorSearch web portal.