Recurring Donations Detail Window

All the details of a recurring donation can be entered, edited and kept track of in the Recurring Donation Detail window. This page explains the details of the window and its tabs.

Recurring Donation Detail Window

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window

Opens a new Recurring Donation Detail window to enter a new recurring donation.
Saves the currently open recurring donation.
Creates a duplicate of the currently open recurring donation.
Can be clicked while editing to revert back to the last time the open recurring donation was saved.
Deletes the recurring donation currently open.
Checks the spelling in the appropriate fields.
The Details tab is where you enter the descriptive information about the recurring donation. Click here for more information about the Details tab.
The Notes tab is where you enter default values and notes for the recurring donation. Click here for more information about the Notes tab.
The Matching Gift tab is where you define the matching gift profile of the company who will match this recurring donation. Click here for more information about the Matching Gift tab.
The Statistics tab shows the various total amounts for the selected recurring donation. Click here for more information about the Statistics tab.
The Donations tab displays the list of gifts and matching gifts associated with this recurring donation. From here, you can open the selected donation. Click here for more information about the Donation tab.

Recurring Donations Detail Window - Detail Tab

Recurring Donation Details

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Detail Tab

Active Indicates if the recurring donation is enabled and currently active to create scheduled gifts.
Patron The patron's account making the recurring donation.
Campaign The drop down list containing the possible donation campaigns to give the donation to.
Start Gift Date The start date for the recurring donation.
Next Gift Date The date for the first recurring donation to occur.
Solicitor Select the person responsible for receiving the donation from the drop down. This person must exist in the Employee table.
Recurring Amount The amount for each recurring donation.
Recurring Frequency The frequency for when a gift will be created for the recurring donation.
Matching Gift Select the Matching Gift if you wish to link this donation to another patron who will also donate as a result of this patron giving a new donation. Click Here for more information.
Tax Receipt Type Indicates if this recurring donation was given by the patron or by the patron's company.

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Payment Information

Payment Method Choose the method of payment that will be used for each recurring donation.
Credit Card

Recurring Donation Payment Method Credit Card

  1. Select the Credit Card type from the Payment Method drop down.

    If the patron has made a previous credit card payment, the previous credit card type, number, and expire date will display as the default. Refer to the Payment Methods section of the Code Tables for defining the credit card types.

  2. Enter the credit card number.

    Theatre Manager checks the credit card number entered to ensure it is a valid sequence of numbers. This helps prevents card numbers from being typed in wrong.

    If your Workstation is equipped with a credit card swipe device, swipe the card and Theatre Manager will insert the number, card type and expiry date automatically.

  3. Enter the credit card expire date in the mm/yy format.

    If a credit card number is recorded in the patron record, it may automatically be displayed. If the Patron wishes to use an alternative credit card, the card number can be entered at this time. Click Here for more information on changing credit card information.

  4. Enter the name as shown on the credit card.

Recurring Donation Payment Method EFT

  1. Select the EFT payment type from the Payment Method drop down.

    If the patron has made a previous EFT payment, the previous EFT type, bank, branch, and account will display as the default. Refer to the Payment Methods section of the Code Tables for defining the EFT payment types.

  2. Enter the Bank Account's owners name.

    The Bank Account Holder's Name should match exactly as to what the bank account was created with. The Bank Account Holder Name may be used by the banking system as part of the verification process prior to accepting and authorizing transactions. This name does not need to match exactly as to the patron's name.

  3. Enter the Bank Account Information.

    If an EFT payment method was previously recorded in the patron record, it may automatically be displayed. If the Patron wishes to use an alternative Bank Account, the banking information can be entered at this time.

On Account

Recurring Donation Payment Method On Account

  1. Select On Account from the Payment Method drop down.

    No payment will be received at this time, so the amount due on the order will be placed as an outstanding balance due on the patron's account. You will still need to deal with the non-zero order balance later in order to clear your books.


Recurring Donations Detail Window - Notes Tab

The Notes Tab allows you to define specific fields for each gift created by the Recurring Donation.

Recurring Donation Details

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Notes Tab

Donor #1 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #2 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #3 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #4 (char) A customizable character field. This field can be made a mandatory in Company Preferences.
Donor #5 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Donor #6 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Donor #7 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Recurring Notes Additional important information or general background information about this recurring donation.

Recurring Notes will not be transferred over to gifts created from the recurring donation. These notes are kept separate and are to reflect information specific to the recurring donation itself.


Recurring Donations Detail Window - Matching Gift Tab

Recurring Donation Details

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Matching Gift Tab

Campaign The drop down list containing the possible donation campaigns to give the donation to.
Solicitor Select the person responsible for receiving the donation from the drop down. This person must exist in the Employee table.
Patron The matching gift company account making the recurring donation.

The patron account selected must be setup as a Matching Gift Company before it will be accepted for the recurring donation.

Matching Gift Ratio The percentage the matching gift patron's donation is in relation to the original donation.
Match Amount Value of the donation the matching gift patron will make.

This value is for reference only. When the gift is created, the Matching Gift Ratio will be used when setting the Matching Gift Amount.


Recurring Donations Detail Window - Statistics Tab

Recurring Donation Details

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Statistics Tab

Annual Summaries/Projections

Contains a backward look at actual amounts and a forward look at projections over a 6 year period.

Actual 2021 This is the total recurring donations from TWO years ago based on this template. (the 2021 refers to the year and will change as time moves forward.
Actual 2022 This is the total recurring donations from ONE years ago based on this template. (the 2022 refers to the year and will change as time moves forward.
Estimate 2023 This is a combination of the actual recurring donations created this year plus an estimate of the future recurring donations not yet created. For example:
  • if it is march and only one monthly recurring donation has been created,
  • this attempts to predict that the future might only be 9 months worth of recurring donations.
(the 2023 will change as time moves forward).
Projected 2024 This is the projected total donations ONE year in the future based on this recurring donation template.
  • If the the template is inactive, the value will be zero.
  • If the recurring donation is slated to end in the year, that is taken into account as well.
  • If the recurring donation is not scheduled to start in the future, that is taken into account as well
(2024 will change as time moves forward).
Projected 2025 This is the projected total donations TWO years in the future based on this recurring donation template.
  • If the the template is inactive, the value will be zero.
  • If the recurring donation is slated to end in the year, that is taken into account as well.
  • If the recurring donation is not scheduled to start in the future, that is taken into account as well
(2025 will change as time moves forward).
Projected 2026 This is the projected total donations TWO years in the future based on this recurring donation template.
  • If the the template is inactive, the value will be zero.
  • If the recurring donation is slated to end in the year, that is taken into account as well.
  • If the recurring donation is not scheduled to start in the future, that is taken into account as well
(2026 will change as time moves forward).
Overal Actual Amounts

contains the summary of every donation that has been created because of this recurring donation template.

Total Amount Total amount of gifts created for the recurring donation.
Total Donations Number of gifts created for the recurring donation.
Matching Gifts Total amount of matching gifts created for the recurring Donation.
# Gifts Matched Number of matching gifts created for the recurring donation.
Source Information
Transaction Source The source location where the recurring donation was entered.
Shopping Cart The websales shopping cart number in which the patron confirmed their request to create this recurring donation.

This value is for reference only. The shopping cart number is automatically assigned upon confirmation of the websales order containing the request to create this recurring donation.


Recurring Donations Detail Window - Donations Tab

Recurring Donation Details

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Donations Tab

Status Icon based indicators on the various aspects of the donation.
Order # The order number is a reference number for the order.
Prog Yr Program Year.
Use Indicates the source detailing hose the donation was received.
First / Last & Company Name Name of the patron making the donation.
Campaign Name Name of the campaign the donation was applied to.
Fiscal Year The accounting Fiscal Year the donation was made.
Donation Date Date the donation was made.
Pledge Amount The amount the patron pledged to this donation.
Actual Amount The actual amount the patron has confirmed they will donate towards their original pledged amount.
Giving Level What level of giving the donation is at.
Balance Outstanding balance of the pledged amount remaining to the paid.
Total Receipted The amount of the donation that has been issued paayment/receipts.
Soft Credit The total amount of Soft Credits that have been applied to the donation.
Program Name How the patron would like to be recognized on the program.