


  • This web page include file is designed to show the buttons listed at the top of most pages within the online sales. Since all pages are responsive, on smaller screens like smartphones, the menus will collapse until there is only a logo and the hamburger menu (per the image to the right). clicking on the hamburger will expand or collapse the hidden actual menu items.
  • The name seen on the button can be altered by editing the text within the double quotes
    • in some cases, you only need to change the value in Company Preferences - Appearance Tab.
    • For example changing the work Gift Certificate in value="Gift Certificates" to be Passes or Memberships.
  • The icon can be changed by picking a different icon name from any of those supported by font awsome
  • The cart countdown feature (beside the cart link) can be enabled and disabled in Company Preferences->Web Options tab
  • It is recommended buttons are commented out within the file if not needed (rather then deleted) in the event they are needed at a later date.



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