A Project:
For example, construction has to stop for a day or two while a rehearsal happens.
For example, or two tasks must begin or end at the same time or on the same day.
When you look at this window, down the left side - in what is called the tree list - are the tasks. The Gantt chart on the right shows the tasks, linked together. It shows that task A needs to be complete before you start task B.
Each of the tasks can be further grouped within the Gantt chart.
For instance, all the build tasks can be grouped under Construction, or all of the production meetings can be put under a group titled Meetings.
If you find that you have projects that follow a particular pattern, you can create a project to use as a template with the basics filled in. When you need to create a projecte of this type, duplicate the project template and modify it accordingly.
From this window you can search for projects, create a new project, edit projects, open an existing project, or duplicate projects.
A project is a method for your organization to group tasks together and create relationships between the various tasks that make up that project. Your projects can be as simple as somebody booking a conference room at your facility or as complicated as bringing in a Broadway show and including all the builds and move-ins and resources associated with it.
To create a new project, you perform the following steps:
The Project List Window opens.
The New Project (inserting ) window opens.
This is a required field.
As the project goes along, this can be altered to any of the other selections in the drop down menu.
Projects deactivated will not display, unless specifically asked for.
Click here to continue to the Description Tab.
Patron/Order |
Order Number |
When selected, some of the order notes (internal and external) will appear, along with the patrons name and address. Click for more information on the Order Window and what you can see in the order process. |
Project Status | Billing Status |
A project has 3 main billing stages:
Start Date | The Start Date is the date the project starts. This will change as the project progresses, based on the tasks in
the projects.
To change the start date, click the Date Note: The start dates and end dates cannot be changed after posting to the GL (except by changing the project plan) since that affect deferred revenues to the Project. |
End Date | The end date will be modified as well as tasks are added. |
Duration | The duration of the project is indicated (but cannot be edited). A duration of 1w 5d 10h 30m would indicate an elapsed time of 1 week, 5 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes. |
Completion | When a project has been completed, its completion date is filled in for you. |
Status | ![]()
To change the Status, click the Status Drop down. |
Priority | ![]() |
Project Colour | ![]() |
Defaults for Tasks in the ProjectA project can contain a number of tasks within it. These tasks contain costs, activities, venues, events / plays and/or employees with primary responsibility. Any settings made here will be the defaults for all new tasks that are created. With some items, filling in one field will default others to an appropriate value. For example, entering a performance will automatically enter the event / play for that performance and its theatre / venue. | |
Owner | The person who "owns" the project.
To change the Employee, click the |
Play | To add or change an event / play, click the ![]() |
Performance | To add or change a performance, click the ![]() |
Theatre | To add or change a venue, click the ![]() |
Project Notes | |
Access | Define the access that people have to the project |
Notes | Any general notes you want about the project. |
Deferred Accounting |
Use Deferred Revenue | If selected, you will also need to provide the date to transfer to earned.
Deferring revenue means that the deferred accounts for resources and volunteer/staff activities will be used instead of the earned accounts (if they are individually set up for deferred accounting). |
Project Fiscal Year | Enter the Fiscal Year for aggregating this project into patron statistics. Defaults to current Fiscal year. |
Date to transfer to earned | The date to transfer to earned revenue is the date that end of day will convert any of the deferred revenues for this project earned revenues. |
Transfer to earned Sales Posting | This is the sales posting that caused any deferred revenues to transfer to earned revenues after the Date to transfer to earned.
If the sales posting is:
Date Converted to Invoice | When the project is converted to 'invoice' status and the first transactions is posted to an order, this date will be filled in for you. Before that time you can alter the use deferred revenue status. After that point, you cannot. |
Patron Statistics | To include the project in patron statistics tab, mark the Include in Statistics checkbox. |
Estimated Value of Project |
Overall Estimate | If a project has a billing type of Estimate, the values in the Estimated column is used when printing the invoice. |
Subtask Total | You can see the total of these tasks in the "Subtask Total" field. |
Print Options | If "Include subtasks on estimate" is checked, the estimates entered into each task on the Task Detail window in the Facility tab are used.
Individual tasks can be excluded from printing on the invoice by unchecking the "Include in Invoice" box in the same Facility tab. If "Include subtasks on estimate" is not checked, individual lines for each task are not shown and only the value from "Overall Estimate" is used. When printing invoices for projects, either estimates or actuals can be used. The values to use are seen on the Facility tab of each Task Detail window. If a project has a billing type of Invoice, it prints the Actual numbers, based on the actual resources and personnel records attached to each task of the project. |
Actual Value | Subtask Total
Resource Total equals:
These will be calculated for you and displayed. |
You can drag a task from the calendar or from another task list to this project window. If the task is already part of another project, you will be asked if the task should be moved and the previous transactions reversed.
Status | Indicates the status of the task. statuses are:
Task # | The task number as displayed in the task # field of the Task window |
Status | Status of the task - Done, Not Done, In Progress, Cancelled |
Begin / End Date | Dates as entered in the Task Detail window |
Description | Name that shows in the resource list and elsewhere in Theatre Manager |
Duration | The duration of the project is indicated (but cannot be edited). A duration of 1w 5d 10h 30m would indicate an elapsed time of 1 week, 5 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes. |
Task Sub-Type | |
Event / Play # | Displays the Event / Play number if one has been assigned to the task. |
Project # | Displays the Project number of the Project |
Event / Play Title | Displays the title of the Event / Play number if one has been assigned to the task. |
Event Code | Displays the Event / Playcode, if one has been assigned to the task. |
Performance #, Event #, Date, Time | These columns display the Performance Number date and times, if one has been assigned to the task |
Estimate | Estimate of the costs of the task if any costs are associated with the task |
Resource Cost | The replacement cost per unit of the resource |
Complete | Indicates if the task has been completed |
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Opens the Task Detail window for the highlighted task. |
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Description |
On the project window, you will see:
Click here for a full description of this tab and how to save and recover attachments from the list.
To edit an existing project, you perform the following steps:
The Project List Window opens.
The Project Window for the selected Project opens.
You can now make and changes to the selected project.
Certain types of projects can have very similar pieces and may make good templates for other projects. For example, if you have shows that go up in your facility that have certain general steps, such as "Build Set", "Move In Set", "Hand Lights", "Rehearsals", etc., you can make a project that is a template that includes the groups and typical tasks associated with a project of this type. This can then be used as a template that is duplicated, along with all tasks and task participants.
You may also want to duplicate a projects like "2011 Auction", or "2010 Dinner Fundraiser".
When you duplicate a project, you use a wizard with a series of screens where you can make a variety of decisions to indicate how you want to make changes to the original project when creating the duplicate of the project.
To duplicate an existing project, you perform the following steps:
Click for information on opening the Project List window.
The Duplicate Project Step 1 window opens.
For example: You have a recurring yearly auction.You could change "2010 Auction" to "2011 Auction" leaving all the auction project tasks available for the new auction.
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Click the 'start date' or 'end date' radio button to suit your purpose. If you click:
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In a later step, you can decide if you want all tasks associated with the project to be offset from those in the original project by the same number of days the duplicate project's starting date if offset from the original starting date. |
You can choose that the accounting goes into deferred accounts for resources and volunteer/staff activities.
The rollover date will automatically be set to the date of the last task in the new project. It can be changed later in Project Accounting Setup if need be.
To cancel the Duplication, click the Cancel button.
You also have the option of:
Click the button, to change the venue.
Click the button, to change the Play.
To cancel the Duplication, click the Cancel button.
To return to Step 1, click the Step 1 button.
In this step, you indicate whether the Relationships between the tasks should be carried forward, if the suspension of specific tasks should be included and if all the dates from the original project should be offset. That is changed to match the new project start date.
For Relationships, choose between Clear all current relationships between tasks (which will remove any "Start to Start", "Finish to Finish", or "Finish to Start" relationships between any tasks in the project) and Retain any existing task relationships (which will retain those relationships).
For Suspensions, choose between Clear any existing suspensions (which will remove any periods of time during the tasks when there must be a suspension of work) and Retain any suspensions in current tasks (which will not remove those suspensions).
For Starting Date, choose between Set start date of all tasks to be start date of project (which will make all tasks align their start dates with the starting date of the project) and Retain task start date as offset from start of project (which adjusts the starting date of each task in the new project from the start date of the new project, to the same time/date offset as in the original project).
To cancel the Duplication, click the Cancel button.
To return to Step 2, click the Step 2 button.
In Step 4, you can make a global change to tasks that are attached to different performances in a new project. A list of performances associated with the Project are displayed.
The Performance List Lookup window opens.
You are returned to Duplicate Project Step 4 and your selection is in the Replacement Performance pane.
Click the Assign Last button to assign all replacement performances to the original performance. (This is the default.)
To cancel the Duplication, click the Cancel button.
To return to Step 3, click the Step 3 button.
If there are any conflicts, such that you have tasks scheduled in the same venue within 1 hour of some previously assigned task, you will be asked to confirm if you want to overbook the tasks into this venue.
To Change the Workers:
This removes the person from the Task Participants.
If the individual is an employee or Patron, you have the option to select which list to choose them from Patron or Employee.
If the individual is a Volunteer, the Volunteer List opens for selection.
All of the Replacement workers are removed.
This is the default setting when the window opens.
To cancel the Duplication, click the Cancel button.
To return to Step 4, click the Step 4 button.
In Step 6, you will see a calendar displaying the tasks associated with this project.
Possible conflicts in venue will be displayed as background tasks on the calendar.
To cancel the Duplication, click the Cancel button.
To return to Step 5, click the Step 5 button.
This window displays information about the selected project. To access this window, you perform the following steps:
The Project List Window opens.
The Projects Window opens.
The project window displays a lot of information about your project in a small space.
This window saves information a little differently from other portions of Theatre Manager. As soon as a change is made, it is saved. This allows immediate feedback and changes in this window. When editing this way, you MUST press the Return key to save the data. |
Ribbon Bar / Toolbar | The Projects Ribbon Bar / Toolbar has a number of different selections that do not appear in other windowsd. Cick here For a more detailed description. |
Tree List | On the left is the treelist. It displays the parts of the project along with their groupings. You can have a hierarchy of tasks, allowing for lists of tasks to be grouped together under a common title. You can change items in the treelist by double-clicking on the text you want to change. Click here for more information on the Tree List. |
Gantt Chart | A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. It displays in a graphical form some of the details for each task in the project, including any temporal (time-related) relationship between tasks, how close it is to completion, etc. Click here for more information on using Facility Management's Gantt Charts. |
Task Detail | By single clicking on a task in the Gantt chart, you can see a detail subwindow showing the details of the selected task. Click here for more information on how to use the Detail Editing sub-window. |
Click on a link to learn more about the features.
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Opens the Help file for Projects. Click here to view the Help page. |
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Creates a new project. Click here to go to the Task Detail window. |
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Saves any changes made to the open project. |
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Duplicates the entire project. Click here for information on the Duplication Wizard. |
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Undoes any changes to the current project since it was last Saved. |
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Deletes the current project. |
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Opens the Gantt Print dialog. Click here for more information. |
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Unavailable in this window. |
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View the project as a Calendar. Click here for more information on calendars. |
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Opens the Gantt Chart of the project. Click here for more information on Gantt charts in Facility Management. |
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The Estimate/Invoice button changes name depending on the status of the Billing dropdown menu. When printing an Estimate, the estimate values are used. When printing an Invoice, the actual values are used. |
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The Patron button displaysopens the Patron record for the patron whose order is attached to the project. Click here for more information on Patron records. |
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The Order button opens the Order record for the order attached to the project. Click here for more information on Orders. |