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Context Menu

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The Context menu is reached by right-clicking (CTRL + click for a single button mouse) anywhere in the Form Letter window as per the example to the right.
  • This menu is useful for quickly doing operations.
  • This is also where the option to add database merge fields is located.

Some of the text formatting features are also available on the tools palette


Parts of the Context Menu Window

Preferences Opens the Preferences Flyout menu. You can:
  • Hide Toolbar - Hides the toolbar icons.
  • Hide Text - Hides the text titles under the icons.
  • Small Icons - Changes the size of the icons from to .
  • Restore Column Defaults - Changes the window size back to the default.
Format Style This will open the Format Style window. For more information on formatting styles click here.
Format Font This will open the Format Font window. For more information on formatting fonts click here.
Format Paragraph This will open the Paragraph Properties window. For more information on formatting paragraphs click here.
Bullets and Numbering This will open the Bullets and Numbering window. For more information on bullets and numbering click here.
Page Size This will open the Page Size window. For more information on page size click here.
Insert Document Object This will display the sub-menu for inserting a document object. For more information on inserting objects click here.
Insert Database Field This will display the sub-menu for inserting a database field in the letter. For more information on inserting database fields click here.
Insert Word Processor Field This will display the sub-menu for inserting a word processor field into the letter. The word processor fields are default fields that are commonly used when creating a document. Some examples are time and date formats. When using a field, the field will automatically update each time the document is opened or printed.
Undo This will undo the last action taken. If there is no action to be undone, then it will say "Can't Undo."
Redo This will redo the last action that was undone. If there is no action to redo, then it will say "Can't Redo."
Cut This will cut the selected text or objects to the clipboard.
Copy This will copy the selected text or objects to the clipboard.
Paste This will paste any text or objects from the clipboard into the letter.
Clear This will clear the selected text or objects.
Select All This will select all text and objects in the document.