AMS Private Cloud

Arts Management Systems has a Private Cloud Network option to assist clients with hardware needs related to the Theatre Manager database and online sales.

Private Cloud Package provides the needs for:

Venue Responsibilities

When using the cloud, the venue is only responsible for providing workstations for the employee to use and sufficient internet bandwidth to access the data in the AMS cloud. Users can access their data from anywhere.

AMS Private Cloud Data Centres - Montreal/Vancouver

Each data centre consists of high availability servers with a lot of redundancy. This is where all new cloud setup will reside.

Implementing AMS Cloud checklist

The following indicates the general steps and/or requirements for implementing or migrating a client to the AMS cloud. It has some key provisions

Sales Cycle

Item Notes Responsibility
1.1 Consult with client and make sure that they are aware of their options for how they want to implement PCI compliance in the database. Options are one or more of the items below:
  1. Default is Schedule "D" compliance: for post dated payments only. In this case, encrypted credit cards are stored in the database only for as long as is needed for a post dated payment. This:
    • drastically limits any risk exposure and
    • should be used if the Merchant Profile option below is not suitable for the venue - such as Moneris who charges exorbitant fees for the privilege.
  2. Schedule 'A-EP' if using Moneris Hosted Payment Page. This has other benefits for the venue like verified by visa, possible apple-pay online, and online debit.
  3. Schedule "C" compliance with two sub-options:
    • do not store any credit card data in AMS cloud at all.
    • refunds are done by tokens for a period of time (currently seems to be 120 days after purchase).
    • (optional) implement any need for post dated payments via use of merchant profiles, if supported by your merchant provider. This adds card tokenization (not subject to PCI) specific to your merchant processor. Cards are still never stored in the database. Most merchant providers do not charge for this, Moneris does.
1.2 Make sure that their internet is of sufficient speed and robustness to accommodate web sales.
  • It needs to be at least 5 megs up/down.
  • Far better is higher download like 50+ down and 5 or 10 up.
  • Test speed if need be using a login to an existing cloud client from client venue
    • Make sure client knows that we expect this to be dedicated to the sales process and not used for simultaneous download of large video files.
1.3 Identify if the migration is also including an upgrade in the version of Theatre Manager and/or migration of web pages. This will affect estimates Sales
1.4 TLS Certificates:
  • We will create a custom TLS certificate for the venue (such as using the standard processes
1.5 If migrating to the AMS Cloud from an existing client, identify the prospective date for conversion, with alternates. Sales
1.6 The client will lose the ability to sell tickets or make changes to their database for a period of time. If an guesstimate is needed, it can be derived as follows:
  • Stop all their services on their site
  • Make a backup copy of the database. Typically 30-45 minutes and depends on size of database. This can be determined exactly by looking at backup start time and last modified date on any backup.
  • FTP the database to artsman. This is probably longest step and is mostly dependant on the client's upload speed. It can generally be calculated by testing their upload speed using a reading from inside their network and calculating

    Approx. time (minutes) = upload speed * database size in bytes / (8* 60)

  • Load up the database to the cloud server. A reasonable estimate going to be about 10% of the time it takes to make a backup.
  • Add in an estimate of time for updating versions of Theatre Manager to the latest. eg:
    • From any Version 10 should be short.
  • Add an hour for contingency or (if the timing must be precise, do a practice run).

Prior to Migration

Item Notes Responsible
2.1 Create initial settings in AMS cloud Server Database. This involves:
  • Make an TheatreManager[myVenue] user in the main AMSCloud Postgres server and create a complex password (PGadmin can be used)
  • Create an empty main Database and Test database for the customer with owner being the TheatreManager[myVenue] user
  • Make an entry in the AMScloud database to register these two databases under the CustomerNumber
  • Find the customer in Daylite and look for the Remote Access note. Add in the connection information for the AMSCloud which will include:
    • The customer number
    • The password for accessing the AMSCloud database.
    Note that is password is only for connection and is not the TheatreManager[myVenue] user account info. The patron can be told what this is, so it needs to be reasonably complex with mix of upper/lower/numbers. It should not be really obvious or follow a pattern from customer to customer so that it is predictable.
  • Set up the backup script for dumping the database individually to another machine. It will be part of replication automatically
2.2 Set up Web Sales
  • PFSense Router
    • Determine an IP address for the virtual machine and assign to the DHCP settings
    • Edit the routing table on the to point to this virtual machine
  • Virtual Machine
    • Create the virtual machine to be used for web sales and make sure it works
2.3 Setup main web server with routing/TLS
  • Edit the config to point to this virtual machine
  • Set up the TLS that was purchased for the client
2.4 Setup Web Sales
  • Log into the Virtual Machine that was set up for the client
  • Install apache or web services as required
  • Put the initial web pages in place
  • Set up a git repository so that we can maintain version control on web pages and back them up

Migration Days

Item Notes Responsibility
3.1 Initiate change of your external DNS record CNAME for to point to

we will create the DNS record for

3.2 Start the backup an migration process for the database
  • Shut down web sales at the client site
  • Turn off all user access by editing the ph_hba.conf so that only pgadmin and local clients can log in
  • Run a backup
  • FTP it to artsman site
  • Set access on the file to be RWXRWXRWX - can be done with fetch
3.3 Load up the database
  • Drop and recreate the database if it has anything in it
  • Use PGadmin or terminal to load the database from the FTP folder to the production AMScloud postgres server
3.4 Make sure that the database has a unique DB USER SUFFIX specified in system preferences. If building a training database, also make a unique one for it by clicking the 'test' database option. Development
3.5 Upgrade database to latest version - always done on our cloud computers.

This occurs automatically when Theatre Manager Server started on the Sites Web Sales VM

3.6 Make sure timezone is correct on the system preferences and then update all performances to make sure the performance date time is set correctly for the timezone. In PgAdmin, use:

set timezone 'xxxx'; Update F_PLAYBILL set PB_PERFORM_DATETIME = null returning PB_SEQ,PB_PERFORM_DATETIME

3.7 Test the AMS login procedures with the info that was saved in Daylite.

When it works internally:

  • Relay that information to the client and assist them logging on the box office work stations
  • Provide them with an email detailing how to do this for their other workstations
  • Have them do a test purchase, including authorizing a credit card - using their card
  • have them run a void on the credit card sale
3.8 Start and test web sales, including:
  • Adding a patron to their web site
  • purchasing tickets, donations and gift certificates
  • finishing the sales process and using a test card 4242 4242 4242 4242 - and getting a rejection
This should make sure that web is working and client can communicate with their credit card service provider
3.9 Test Client's email server settings by making sure you:
  • Create an account on their web site and receive an email -or
  • Request a password change for your own id, if you have one on their web site
Also have the client request a password from one of their employees. If emails are problematic, help them set up a mailgun account an enter the information into Company Preferences.

If the client uses Facility Management, make sure the scheduling email and pop/imap server work.

3.10 Test Reveal Setup - have one of the employees sign in and view their Reveal Dashboards and see that they can see/create graphs. Support
3.11 If the client has built services that rely on the REST API for their main marketing site, make sure that they are working. Support

AMS Cloud Backup Strategy

The following lists the backup strategy for private cloud databases in Montreal:
  • ONSITE at Data Centre
    • Streaming Replication: every database transaction is replicated on a 24x7 basis to second database server on another machine so that latest transaction is always on second sever. This serves as generally instant-on response in case of total failure of one machine.
    • 2 Daily Snapshots: are made and put on 3rd machine. The purpose is to provide redundancy in case the two primary master/slave machines die at exactly the same time. This allows restoration of a database that is no more than 12 hours old - and 30 daily copies are kept of snapshot backups
    • 24 Month End Backups: The backup process is designed to retain at least 2 years of monthly backups at the data centre
  • OFFSITE at another location
    • 7 Days of Offsite Backups: 7 days of daily snapshots are saved at an offsite FTP server in 'live mode' (i.e. 14 backups). This is in case there is a physical unforeseen act of god at the data centre (eg fire, insurrection, etc).
    • Recyclable NAS Storage: The offsite backups are also saved to a separate NAS box and stored until the device runs out of space and older backups start to recycle. This provides typically months worth of offline backups that take a little longer to access
    • ** periodically, the offsite backup cycle may get reset and the storage retention start again as they are not the primary backup
  • Customer Backups at location of their choice
    • Personal Backups: Each venue, per contract, can have a copy of the database sent to them daily by FTP, they just need to make and ftp site. The venue can specify how many days they want to keep and we’ll delete anything older -- The customer can pick that retention period

Comparison of Web Sales with other vendors

This page is intended to show comparisons with Theatre Manager ticketing site and other vendors. If you notice something about the site changes, please keep up to date -- its valuable sales intelligence.
# Pages till purchase completes
Branded to Client
Sample Site Comments Quirks or Additional Features
Arts Man
  • leads you through process
Choice Tickets
$1.50 fee
$2.00 academic fee
Kingsbury Hall  
  • not bad at process
Patron Manager  
  • using back button at any process seems to hang system