Editing a Season Package

Following are the diiferent areas of the Season Subscription module and details on how to use them.

Managing Favorite Options

There are a number of tools you can use in the Manage Favorite Seats Window. The Manage Favorite Seats window is another way of accessing the patrons subscribed to a season package.

You access the Manage Favorite Seats window by clicking Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Manage Favorite Seats:

Or by clicking the Subscription button found in the Theatre Manager ribbon bar.

The Season Subscriptions window opens.


For more information on the Manage Favorite Seats window, click here.

Altering Favorite Seats in the Manage Favorite Seats Window

In the Manage Favorite Seats window, you can change patrons’ performances, seating locations or their pricing structure. To do this, you perform the following steps:

  1. To start, click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Manage Favorite Seats.

    Alternatively, you can click the Subscriptions button in the main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.

  2. Find the patron you are changing the seats for, in the Patron list.

  3. Double click on the patron to open the Patron Subscription Detail window.

  4. Highlight the patron's existing seats in the Seat Selection area of the Patron Subscription Detail window and click the Delete button.

    The Delete Confirmation dialog opens.

  5. Click the Delete button in the confirmation window.

    This removes the seats from the favorite seats for this season package. It does not remove the seats from the control house.

  6. Make the necessary changes, such as:

    Select the desired Performance Code from the Series drop down.

    Change the Desired Seats field to equal the number of subscriptions in the season package.

    Choose the correct Promotion and Price Code for the subscription.

    Choose the seat(s) for the Subscription.

  7. When you have finished making changes, click the Add Seat button.

    The seats are added to the Seat Selection area.

  8. Close the Patron Subscription Detail window.

The patron's favorite seats are updated in the season package.

This doe not effect the seats in last years control house. The patron's seats appear in the Subscriber Seats section of the window and they are shown on the map represented by a lower case s.

Removing a Subscriber in the Manage Favorite Seats Window

Patrons can cancel or choose not to renew season subscriptions. You need to remove them from the season. You can do this in the Manage Favorite Seats window.To do this, you would perform the following steps:

  1. To start, click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Manage Favorite Seats.

    Alternatively, you can click the Subscriptions button in the Theatre Manager ribbon bar.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.

  2. Find the patron you are removing in the Patron list.

  3. Double click on the patron to open the Patron Subscription Detail window.

  4. Highlight the patron's existing seats in the Seat Selection area of the Patron Subscription Detail window and click the Remove button.

    The Delete Confirmation dialog opens.

  5. Click the Delete button in the confirmation window.

    This removes the seats from the favorite seats for this season package. It does not remove the seats from the control house.

  6. The Manage Favorite seats window opens. The patron has no seats in the Seat List section.

  7. Click on the name of the patron in the Patron List and click the Remove button.

    The Delete Subscription for a Patron Confirmation dialog opens.

  8. Click the Delete button in the confirmation window.

The subscription for the patrons has been deleted. The Subscriber will no longer appear in the Patron List of the Manage Favorite Seats.

However, if the season is rolled over, the patron's seats will still appear in the as sold seats in the Map of the Manage Favorite seats. The map reads seats from the Last Years Control House as well as current, new and updated season subscription information. To remove the sold seats from the Control House they will need to be refunded in the patron record.

Moving a Patron from the Wait List

In the event that a patron decides to stop renewing their subscription, the seats that the patron held will need to be released. However, there may be other patrons that are on a wait list for those seats, and will now need to be made primary holder.

  1. Select the patron from whom you are releasing the seats.

    In the seating section of the window, the patron's seats are listed. The seats are also highlighted on the map.

  2. Select the seats in the Subscriber Seats section of the Favorite Seats window, and click the Delete button at the bottom.

    A warning dialog opens.

  3. Click the Delete button.

    The seats are removed from the patron's subscription.

  4. In the Wait List Seats for Selected section, select the seats and patron who has next priority on the seats.
  5. Right click on the selected seats to open the context menu.

  6. Select the Set Seat Primary option.

    Theatre Manager makes the new patron primary holder of the seats, and removes them from the wait list.

    To ensure the seats moved properly, select the patron in the patron section, or click on the seats on the venue map. The new primary patron for the seats is displayed.

Auto Renewal in the Manage Favorite Seats Window

The Auto-Renewal process gives you the ability to renew season subscriptions within a series on mass. When you do this you create an order, books the season subscription and authorise the payments using the options you select. Alternatively, you can place the payments for outstanding orders on account.

This process cannot be easily reversed.

To start, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Manage Favorite Seats.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.

  2. Select the season from the Season Package drop down list.

  3. Choose the performance from the Performance List.

  4. Highlight the patrons in the Patron List, whose subscriptions you are Auto Renewing.

  5. Click the Auto-Renew button.

    The Season Subscription Auto-Renewal window opens.

  6. In step 1, you choose the season packages to be auto-renewed.

    The Selected Patrons option auto-renews only the patrons you selected in the previous window. The Subscriptions option will auto-renew all the subscriptions you have not cancelled or already renewed using the individual series code.

  7. In Step 2, select the Auto-Renewal Status.

    When checked, only those subscriptions with auto-renew options checked in the Patron Season Detail window, are Auto-Renewed. If left unchecked, all the selected season subscriptions are Auto-Renewed regardless of the Patron Season Detail preferences.

  8. In Step 3, you determine the Payment option.

    The Do Not Create a Payment option will place the outstanding balances on account creating an entry in the Accounts Receivable. The Create Payment option will add a payment to the newly created season subscription order. The payment will either appear in the Deposit window of the End of Day Wizard if the Authorization option is checked off it will appear as standard authorized transaction. If it is left unchecked, it will appear as an unauthorized card.

  9. Click the Auto-Renew button.
  10. The Auto-Renew Confirmation opens.

  11. Click the Auto-Renew button.

    The Auto-Renewal process can tak some time to run. This process should not be interrupted.

  12. When comple, in the lower left corner of the Manage Favorite Seats window displays a confirmation message that the Auto-Renewal process is complete.

The selected season package(s) are renewed. The seats, for each performance in the subscription have been sold into the order. Depending on the payment option selected, the order may or may not have an outstanding balance.

Holding Season Seats in the Manage Favorite Seats Window


Holding Favorite Seats filters through the events within the season and holds the patrons favorite seats for each performance within the season package. This feature is often used when single ticket sales begin prior to the renewal process completing.

Holding Season Seats through the Manage Favorite Seats window offers the ability to pick and choose which patrons seats should be held. If all unrenewed seats require holding the Season Package List Hold option may be a faster solution.

  1. Click Subscription button at the top of the window.
  2. The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.

  3. Select the correct season from the Season Package drop down list.

  4. Select the correct performance from the Performance List.

  5. In the Patron list, highlight the patrons with subscriptions to be held.

  6. Click the Hold Season Seats button.

    The Hold Season Subscription Options window opens.

  7. In Step 1, choose the assignment option.

    Choosing to assign the holds to the patron allows you to hover over the seat, within the performances, and see to whom the seat belongs. If you choose not to assign the seats to the patron, the seats are held, but the subscriber details will remain anonymous.

  8. In step 2, establish the date and time the seats are released.

    Theatre Manager automatically releases the holds on the date and time entered.

  9. In Step 3, enter any comments about the holds.

    The comments entered, appear when the cursor hovers over the seats within the performance.

  10. Click the Hold button.

    The Hold Confirmation window opens.

  11. Click the Yes button.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens and the seats are held within the performances.

The patrons' seats selected are held until the date you entered, then the seats are released. If you need to extend the hold, you can repeat this process. Booking a season subscription will override the hold without having to release it.

Altering Season Subscriptions in the Manage Favorite Seats Window

You use Altering Season Subscriptions to change price code or promotion structures assigned to the favorite seats of a season subscriptions.

Examples are: The end of the Early Bird Renewal deadline--where you convert Early Bird Sales Promotions to standard Season Subscription Sales Promotions. Alternatively, when the season pricing structure has changes and an option offered last year is not available for the coming year.

You cannot undo these changes. You must plan them out before using this feature. The Altering Subscription tool accesses the favorite seats within the season package and alters the pricing structure. It does not affect historical season subscription packages. Changes made affect the entire season package not only the selected patrons or series.

  1. Click the Subscription button at the top of the window in Theatre Manager.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.

  2. Click the Alter Subscription button.

    The Alter Promotion Window opens.

    • Step 1: select one or more Sales Promotion to be converted FROM.
    • Step 2: select the Sales Promotion that you want it to be converted in to
    • Step 3 enter one or more specific Price Codes that you want to convert from.
      • If you want to convert two or three prices codes into one, enter price codes like ABC
      • If you want to limit to only converting the promotions on one price code, enter it into both the FROM and the TO fields
      • If only the Sales Promotions require altering leave the Price Code fields blank.
    • Step 4: enter the Specific Price Code you want to convert to.
    • Step 5: if you have selected some subscription packages before clicking the 'alter' button, you can confirm that you wish to only change those ones, or ignore al of them and change all subscription packages for all evenings
      Only one TO Price Code can be entered at at time. Theatre Manager takes the Price Codes listed in Step 3 and combines them into the Price Code listed in Step 4. If multiple Price Codes require exchanging you will need to run the process separately for each Price Code to be exchanged TO.
  3. Click the Alter button.

    The Alter Confirmation window opens.

  4. Click the Alter button.

    The Manage Favorite Seats window opens when the alteration is complete.

The Promotions and Price Codes are changed in the Season Package. Theatre Manager has updated the Favorite Seats for the coming season.

Season Package List Options

Options available in the Season Package List window. They can be accessed by clicking Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Package.


Roll Over


The Season Roll Over will prepare the season for the coming year by creating a new Season Package. It will alter the Last Years Control House by replacing it with the This Years Control House and will prompt for a new Control House for the This Years field. It will match Performances within the Control House from the Last Years Control House with those in the This Years Control House. It will then move the patrons into the new season package and prepare them for the renewal process in the coming season.


For step by step instructions on Rolling Over the season package click here.


Verifying Counts

Verify Counts recalculates the number of patrons and seats within a season subscription. It is not to be confused with Verify Holds.
To start, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

    For more information on the Season Package List window, click here.

  2. Single click on the Season Package you want to Verify the Counts for.
  3. Click the Verify Counts button.
    The Verify Season Package window opens.

    1. Verification is used to validate the Season Renewal Notice information within each of the patron Subscription Packages (or after information was imported into favorite seats and you wan the Season Package to account for this imported information).
    Patron favorite seats will not be affected.
    The option goes through each of the Patron Subscription Packages and verifies:

    • The Season Renewal Notice printed data.
    • The Season Renewal data pertaining to renewal status.
    • All the seating preferences.
  4. Click the Verify button.
    You are retruned to the Season Package List window.

The counts in the season package have be recalculated and updated. They appear in the list and inside the Season Package Detail window.

Initializing a Season Package

Using the initialize button on a season package will clear all renewal information. This is used for the purposes of starting over.

  1. On the main menu bar, click on Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

    Click here for more information on the Season Package List window.

  2. Select the season package to be initialized and then click on the Initialize button.

    The initialize Season Package dialog opens.

    This process clears out the following information:

    - Season Renewal Notice information
    - Date season renewal notice printed
    - Date the season subscription weas renewed
    - Employee who renewed the information
    - Order Number assigned to the season subscription
  3. Read the warning, if everything is appropriate, click the Initialize button.

    Theatre Manager initializes the season package. When complete, you are returned to the Season Package List window.

Whos In Season Package List Window


The Who's In List will display the patrons appearing in the Season Package in a Contact List window.



Holding Seats in the Season Package List Window

Holding Favorite Seats filters through the events within the season and holds the patrons favorite seats for each performance within the season package. You use this feature when single ticket sales begin prior to the renewal process completing.

Holding Favorite Seats within the Season Package List window holds the seats for every patron within the season package who has not yet renewed. If more selective holds are required the Manage Favorite Seats Hold options may be more applicable.

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

  2. Click on the Season Package to select it. Then click the Hold Season Seats button at the top of the window.

    The Book Season Subscription Options window opens.

    For more information on the Book Season Subscription Options window click here.

  3. In Step 1, choose the assignment option.

    When you assign the holds to the patron, you can hover over the seat, within the performances, and view who the seat belongs to. Choosing not to assign the seats to the patron, holds the seat but the subscriber details remain anonymous.

  4. In Step 2, set the Date and time the seats are released.

    Theatre Manager automatically releases the holds for the date and time entered or, at the set Auto Release time.

  5. In Step 3, enter any comments about the holds.

    These comments will appear when the cursor hovers over the seats within the performance.

  6. Click the Hold button.

    The Hold Confirmation window opens.

  7. Click the Yes button.

    The Season Package List window opens and the seats are held within the performances.

The subscribers seats are held until the date indicated in the Hold Season Subscription Option window. At that date and time, the seats are released.

If the hold needs to be extended, access the Season Package List window run the Hold Season Seats process again. The seats are held until the release date, the patron renews their subscription or the hold is overridden in the event. Booking a season subscription will override the hold without having to release it.

Season Packages Detail Options

Options available in the Season Package Detail window. They can be accessed by clicking Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Package and double clicking on the desired package.


Verifying Holds in a Season Subscription Package

You use Verify Holds to recalculate the totals for the selected Season Subscription Package.

You can also use this tool to add patrons to the season when they were not booked through the Season Subscriptions Module but, booked manually, such as, a regular ticket sale. The options you select, determine the details of the Verify process.

To Verify Holds, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

    For more information on the Season Package List window, click here.

  2. Click to highlight the Season Package you want to verify. Then, click the Open button.

    The Package Detail window opened.

    For more information on the Package Detail window, click here.

  3. Click the Verify Holds button.

    The Verify Season Subscription Packages window opens.

  4. Highlight all the performances listed. Make your check box selections, then click the Validate Subscription button.

    Let the process run.

  5. Click the Done button.

Auto Renewal in the Season Package Detail Window

Using the Auto-Renewal process, you can renew season subscriptions within a series en mass. The process creates an order, books the season subscription and authorizes the payment using the options you choose. You can also place the payments for the outstanding order on account.

You can mark an individual subscription as auto-renew in the patrons subscription detail window - auto renew tab
This Process cannot be easily undone.
  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Package.


    The Season Package List window opens.

  2. Double click on the Season Package to be Auto Renewed.

  3. Click the Auto-Renew button.

    The Season Subscription Auto-Renewal window opens.


    For more information on the Season Subscription Auto-Renewal window click here.

  4. In Step 1, choose the season packages to be auto-renewed.

    The Selected Patrons option only auto-renews the patrons you selected in the previous window. The Subscriptions option auto-renews all subscriptions that have not been canceled or already renewed for the individual series code.

  5. In Step 2, select the Auto-Renewal Status.

    When enabled--only subscriptions with the Auto-Renew options checked in the Patron Season Detail window are Auto-Renewed. If left unchecked, all the selected season subscriptions will be Auto-Renewed despite the Patron Season Detail preferences.

  6. In Step 3, pick the the Payment option.

    The Do Not Create a Payment option places the outstanding balances on account and creates an entry in the Accounts Receivable. The Create Payment option adds a payment to the newly created season subscription order. This payment will appear in the Deposit window of the End of Day Wizard. If the Authorization option is checked, it appears as standard authorized transaction. If left unchecked it appears as an unauthorized card.

  7. Click the Auto-Renew button in the lower right corner.

    The Auto-Renew Confirmation window opens.

  8. Click the Auto-Renew button.

    Auto-renew can take time to complete. Do not interupt the process.

The selected season package is renewed. The seats for each performance, within the subscription have been sold into the order. Depending on the payment option selected the order may or may not have an outstanding balance.

Booking a Patron's Subscription from the Season Package Detail Window

When a patron has been added to a season package and their subscription contains favorite seats, the season package can be booked

To booking a patron's subscription from the Season Package Detail Window, you would perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

    Click here for more information on the Season Package List window.

  2. Click to select the desired season package. Then, click the Open button.

    The Season Package Detail window opens.

    Click here for more information on the Season Package Detail window.

  3. Select the Patrons tab.

  4. Click the patron to select them. Then click the Book button.

    The Order opens to the Payment window.

    For more information on the Payment window click here.

  5. In the Payment Method drop list select the form of payment. Enter the payment details and accept the payment.

    If the tickets are to be printed now, select Print Tickets. If the tickets will be Batch Printed at a later date select the Accept Payment button.

    The payment window closes and the Season Subscription Detail window opens.

    The patron status in the season package is updated.

The patron's tickets are booked and the Season Subscription Detail window shows the changes.


Holding Season Seats from the Subscription Detail Window

This function filters through the events within the season package and holds the patrons favorite seats for each performance within the season package. You can use this, when single ticket sales begin before the Season Renewal process completes.

To hold seats from the subscription detail window, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Package.

    The Season Package List window opens.

  2. Double click to open the desired season package.

  3. Click the Hold Season Seats button.

    The Hold Season Subscription Options window opens.

    For more information on the Hold Season Subscription Options window click here.

  4. In Step 1, choose the assignment option.

    When you choose to assign the holds to the patron, you can hover over the seat in the performances and view who the seat belongs to. Choosing not to assign the seats, holds the seat but the subscriber details remain anonymous.

  5. In Step 2, you determine the Date and Time the seats are released.

    Theatre Managerautomatically releases the holds on the date and at the time entered or at the set Auto Release time.

  6. In step 3, enter any comments about the holds.

    These comments will appear when the cursor hovers over the seats within the performance.

  7. Click the Hold button.

    The Hold Confirmation window opens.

  8. In the confirmation window, click the Yes button.

The patron seats you have selected are held until the date set in the Hold Season Subscription Option window. In that date and time, the seats are released. If the hold needs to be extended, the Manage Favorite Seats window can be accessed and you can do the Hold Season Seats process again. The seats are held until the release date, the patron renews their subscription or the held is overridden in the event. Booking a season subscription overrides the hold without releasing it.

Adding Events To a Season Package

To add events to a Season package, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

    For more information on the Season Package List window, click here.
  2. Select the Package to add the Events to. Then click the Open button at the top of the Season Package List window.
    The Season Package Detail window opens.

    For more information on the Season Subscription Detail window click here.
  3. Select the Events tab.
  4. Click the New button in the lower left corner.
    The Event List window opens.

    For more information on the Event Lookup List window, Click here.
  5. Select the events to be added to the Season Package.
    To select multiple events, use the <SHIFT> key to select a series of events, or the <CTRL> key (Windows) or the <OPTION> key on the Mac.
    Click the Select button.
    The Events for the coming season will populate into the Events tab.
  6. Close the Season Subscription Detail window.


Altering Sales Settings

To Alter Season Subscription Sales Settings, you perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patron Sales >> Season Reservations >> Setup Season Packages.

    The Season Package List window opens.

    For more information on the Season Package List window, click here.

  2. Select the Package where the Sales Setting needs altering. Then, click the Open button at the top of the Season Package List window.

    The Season Package Detail window opens.

    For more information on the Season Subscription Detail window click here.

  3. Check or Uncheck the Sales Setting options as required.

  4. Close the Season Subscription Detail window.