
Tasks are a major feature of Theatre Manager's newest versions and the Facility Management module. For more information about the Facility Management module click here. To read more specifically about tasks and their place within Facility Management, click here.

This section shows how to set up an organization's resources for use within tasks. A resource can be anything from a consumable item (like paper cups or candy bars for concession), to reusable items like tables and chairs, to rooms for rent, or even employees or volunteers whose time can be considered a resource for a task (and billed to clients using the Facility Management billing/invoicing feature). Resources can be as broadly or narrowly defined as you decide you need them to be.

To open the Tast Resource setup, you perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Setup >> System Tables >> Resources.

    The Resource List window opens to the All resources tab.

For more information about the List window for Resources, click here.

Resources List Window

The Resource List window allows you to Add, Edit and Delte Resources from the Theatre Manager database.

Parts of the Resource List Window

Click on a link to learn more about the features.

Accesses the Help section for this window.
Inserts new Resource. For more information on inserting resources click here.
Edits the selected Resource. For more information on editing resources click here.
Copies the selected Resource.
Deletes the selected Resource. Click here to learn how to delete resources.
Generates a report of the resources to the screen or default print location.
Exports a list of resources.
Click to add inventory for the selected Resource. Opens the Pricing and Inventory Tab.
Description The name of the Resource as setup in the Description Tab.
Active/Inactive Checkboxes When checked, will pull a list of either Active or Inactive Resources (or both).
Shows a list of All Resources.
Shows a list of Resources that have been designated Generic Resources.
Custom tabs are added in the System table Facility Resource Groups, Click here to go to the Resource Groups help page. Resource Groups are categories for different types of Resources. The default setting in Theatre Manager is the Generic group. Other groups can be added as needed.
Table Columns
Resource # The unique number in the database assigned to that particular resource.
Code The unique Resource Code assigned to the particular resource.
Description The name of the resource.
Quantity The quantity of the specific resource listed in the database.
Internal Description The internal description for the resource (shows only inside the Theatre Manager application).

Generic Tab

Resources can be grouped under different headings. The default heading in Theatre Manager is the Generic Resource.

Additional groups can be added in Setup >> System Tables >> Code Tables >> Facility Resource Groups. Click here for more information about adding a group in the Facility Resource code table.

Custom Tabs

Setting up different Facility Resource Groups in the System Code tables creates new tabs in the Resource List window. This allows you to group resources under different headings.

Resources can be grouped under different headings. The default heading in Theatre Manager is the Generic Resource.

Additional groups can be added in Setup >> System Tables >> Code Tables >> Facility Resource Groups. Click here for more information about adding a group in the Facility Resource code table.

Resource Detail Window

The Resource Detail Window is where all of the specific information about a resource and it's usage is put into the Theatre Manager database.

The following pages describe in detail the different tabs of the Resource Detail Window.

Description Tab

The Description tab of the Resource window is where you enter the Resource Group, the type of units, the owner, vendor any special instructions, notofications, size and color of the resource.

Parts of the Description Tab

Accesses the Help section for this window.
Inserts a new Resource. For more information on inserting resources click here.
Saves changes made to the selected Resource
Copies the selected Resource.
Undoes any changes made to the last saved point.
Deletes the selected Resource. Click here to learn how to delete resources.
Generates a report of the resources to the screen or default print location.
Does a spell check of the record.
Click to add inventory for the selected Resource. Opens the Pricing and Inventory Tab.
Resource Code A unique code assigned to the specific Resource (similar to an Event Code, for example).
Outlet The outlet to which a Resource belongs (for organizations using Outlet Edition of Theatre Manager).
Resource Description The internal name of the Resource that will show in the Resource List Window and elsewhere in Theatre Manager.
Status Box When checked, the Resource will be marked as an Active resource in lists.
Resource Group The Resource Group to which a resource belongs. Theatre Manager's default Resource Group is "Generic." Click here, for information on how to add another group or groups.
External Description the name of the resource that is viewable by the general public.
Picture of Resource You can drag and drop an image from your computer into the Picture box. You are limited to a graphic less than 500k. Click here, for more information on adding an image.
Unit The unit of measure for the resource for use in inventory management.
Owner If the resource is owned (or managed), you can include that person by using the patron lookup button and searching for the owner/manager in the database.
Vendor The preferred Vendor from whom to obtain the resource (if applicable)
Special Instructions Include any special or important information about the resource in the Special Instructions field.
Notifications Notifications can be set to alert employees about usage of resources if desired.
Item Colour, Size and Picture Item colour and size description may also be included. You may also drag a picture into the picture field if you'd like.
Tags You can add any number of tags to the resource.

Accounting Tab

The Accounting tab determines where the funds go for Expenses and Income.

Parts of the Accounting Tab

Deferred Accotning For each resource, you can indicate if expenses and income should be deferred.

Even if you select deferred revenue accounting for the resource, it only comes into effect if the resources is attached to a project that is marked to defer revenue on the project's accounting tab.

Expense Accounts

Expense Tax Code The tax rate that applies to the purchase of the resource.
Deferred Liability A liability account as set up in the Chart of Accounts to be used with this resource when it it purchased for later sale.
Earned Expense Account An expense (or cost of goods) account as set up in the Chart of Accounts to be used with this resource when it it purchased for later sale.

Income Accounts

Sales Tax Code The sales tax rate used when selling/renting the resource.
Deferred Asset The deferred income account - usually an asset to track future work (from the Chart of Accounts) to be used when this resource is sold or rented.
Income Account The income account (from the Chart of Accounts) to be used when this resource is sold or rented.

Resource Sales Options

Pricing and Inventory Tab

Parts of the Pricing and Inventory Tab

Sales Method The three options are:
  • Component Only - the resource is intended only as part of a larger resource and is not used on its own (for example, a mic cable as part of a PA package).
  • Facility - the resource is rented or used over and over again without need of replenishment (for example, the PA package).
  • For Sale - the resource will need to be replenished as it is used (for example, paper cups).
Resource Cost The replacement cost per unit of the resource (unit is set up on the Description Tab).
Resource Pricing The suggested amount is how much should be charged per use of the resource. Usage is defined by the lookup button to the right of the entry field (in the example, it's set to Per Day).
Customizable checkbox When checked, the Suggested Price can be changed when the resource is used.
Inventory Management
Enable Inventory Tracking checkbox Sets up the inventory management for this rental resource. If inventory tracking is enabled, then Theatre Manager will ensure that no more than the available quantity is rented at any given time.

Click here to see how to Add Inventory Tracking.

Enabling Inventory Tracking

Tracking inventory allows you to specify the number of units available. If tracking is not on, Theatre Manager assumes the number of units available are unlimited. To start tracking inventory for the selected resource, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Pricing and Inventory window, click to enable Inventory Tracking.

    If required, enter Notes about the inventory modification.

    Optionally - You can enter the number of units to track.

  2. To start inventory tracking, click the Start button.

    The inventory number appears on the Pricing and Inventory tab and in the Resource List.

Adjusting Inventory Tracking

This page is under construction.

Removing Inventory Tracking

You can disable the tracing of a particular resource. To remove tracking for the selected resource, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Pricing and Inventory window, click the check box to disable Inventory Tracking.

    If required, enter Notes, such as a reason the tracking was disabled (for example, the particular unit has been replaced).

  2. Click the Stop button.

Components Tab

The Components Tab can be used for those resources which may require the use of various components (a PA System in the example). It is not a required tab for resource setup.

Parts of the Pricing and Inventory Tab

Components List Add or remove components to/from a resource here using the Add or Remove buttons at left under the list.
Component Detail This section on the right side applies to the currently selected component resource on the component list on the left. In the example, the selected component is Speaker Cables, so the items under Component Detail apply to Speaker Cables as they are being used as a component of the PA System (the current selected Resourse)
Component The currently selected component resource.
Component Type Component resources are either a Standard part of the current Resource, or an Optional part of the Resource as designated here.
Amount Used Set here how many units of the selected component resource are to be used in the instance of the current Resource.

Notes Tab

In the notes tab, you can enter any internal notes about this particular resource. The Notes tab is not a mandatory field to fill out when setting up a Resource.

Usage Tab

Parts of the Usage Tab

Task # The unique number in the database assigned to the particular task.
Rental Start Date The start date for the rental of the respurce.
Rental Expected End Date The ending date for the rental of the resource.
Description The name or description as it appears on the calendar.
Quantity How many of the current resource are set for use.
The New Button is grayed out on this tab as it is not possible to add usage to a Resource.
Opens the selected Task Resource Detail window in order to edit the resource details as they pertain to that task.
Deletes the resource from the Task.
Opens the selected Task for editing.
Drop-down that allows searching the Task list for All Resources, by Task Description, or by Task Begin Date.

G/L Entries

G/L Entries

  • The G/L Entries tab shows all G/L entries associated with the specific resource.
  • Transactions Tab


    • The Transactions tab shows each transaction associated with the resource. This tab and the G/L Entries tab will be populated as you use the resource and has no set up requirements.

    Adding Resources

    A Resource can be any tangible item you wish to sell through Theatre Manager. They may be a space/room rental, a concession item like food and drink or merchandise like CD's, DVD, clothing and more. The break down of resources can be as broad as a concession snack or as granular as a specific t-shirt size. The scope depends on the level of inventory tracking you engage Theatre Manager to do.

    You can have direct links to inventory (like t-shirts) from any web page.

    Adding a Resource

    1. Click Setup >> System Tables >> Resources.

      The Resource List window opens.

      For more information on Resource List, click here.

    2. Click the New button at the top of the window.

      The Resource Detail Window opens to the Description tab.

      For more information on Description tab, click here

    3. Enter a Resource Code.

      Resource Codes are abbreviated shorthand that help quickly identify and sort items. For example, a Coffee Mug Gift Basket might be represented as MUGGIFTBSK.

    4. Enter a Resource Description.

      The Resource Description is the internal name of the resource and will show in lists and on reports in Theatre Manager.

    5. In the Description tab enter the External Description for the resource.

      This will be the name that appear on Invoices and is displayed online to the general public.

    6. Select a Resource Group from the drop down.

      A Resource Group can be used to indicate a collection of like items. Examples might be a concession group for all concession items, a specific t-shirt design to group together individual size resources or a physical location to group spaces for rent in a venue. For more information on setting up Resource Groups, click here.

    7. Add a picture to the Resource Icon for Web field by dragging and dropping the image.

    8. Select the Accounting tab

      For more information on the Accounting tab, click here.

    9. Enter the Expense Tax Code, Deferred Liability and Cost of Goods GL Accounts.

      Expense Accounts will not effect your End of Day or GL Reports. They are added for future implementation to help with the expense side of reporting and inventory.

    10. Enter the Sales Tax Code, Deferred Asset and Income Account GL Accounts.

    11. Select the Sales tab.

      For more information on the Sales tab, click here.

    12. In the Accept Resource at area indicate where the Resource is to be sold.
      • In Conjunction with a Ticket Sales - Allows item to be sold at the Box Office
      • Accept on the Internet - Allows item to be sold online
      • Visible in Internet List/Grid - Allows item to be sold and displayed online

    13. Select the Pricing & Inventory tab.

      For more information on the Pricing & Inventory tab, click here.

    14. Select For Sale bullet in the Resource Sale Method section of the page.
    15. Enter the retail value of the resource in the Suggested Price field.

      If tax is to be charged on the item the Suggested Price should be the retail value less tax. Tax will be added on top of this price based on the Sales Tax Code selected in the Accounting tab.

    16. Select the Notes tab.

      For more information on the Notes tab, click here.

    17. Insert text into the External Sales Notes field.

      This is where marketing language is inserted and is made visible online to patrons. This text appears online in a highlighted box next to the Resource Icon for Web image from the Description tab.


    To access Merchandise items online a "Merchandise" or "Shop" button may need to be added to the Navigation Bar if not previously added. For instructions on how to edit the Navigation Bar click here.


    Editing a Resource

    1. Click Setup >> System Tables >> Resources.

      The Resource list Window opens.

      Click here for more information on the Resource List window.

      Highlight a Resource from the list by single-clicking on it.

    2. Click the Open button.

      The Resource Detail window opens.

      Click here for more information on the Resource Detail window.
    3. Edit the information for the Resource as required.
    4. Click the Save button.

    Delete a Resource

    1. Click Setup >> System Tables >> Resources.

      The Resource List Window opens.

      Click here for more information on the Resource List window.
    2. Highlight a Resource from the list by single-clicking on it.

    3. Click the Delete button.

      The Delete Confirmation dialog opens.

    4. Click the Delete button.

      The Resource Record is deleted.