Address Tab

This tab is used to store address information for a patron.

Parts of the Address Tab

Location The location for the patron information. This is a customizable field. Click here to edit the options.
Addr-Line 1 Patrons street address or P.O. Box.
Addr-Line 2 Additional line for patron address details if needed.
Addr-City City of the address.
Province Province or state of the address.
Postal Code Postal code or zip code of the address.
Country Country of the address.
Opens the patron contact card. Click here to learn more about the contact card.
Clicking Add, opens a flyout to select the address type you want to add (Home, Others, Summer, Winter, Work). Making a selection, opens the Contact Card with the correct tab for that address added for data entry. Click here to learn more about the contact card.
Removes an address from the patrons record.
Changes the primary address for the patron. The primary address is recognized by the symbol.
Highlighting a patron's address in the window changes the display to show the number of miles/kilometers from the patron's home to the address set in Company Preferences. The calculated distance will replace the existing text and now display like this:

Address Functions

When a Patron's address is highlighted from the Address Tab several additional functions are available setting column Preferences, Add, Open or delete a patron address, Export, Get Google Map and Geocode Address.

Additional Address Features

Preferences These Preferences pertain to the Patron window Toolbar allowing the Toolbar to be customized. Customizations include Hide and Show Toolbar or Text Under icons. Icon size can also be customized Small Icons.
New Adds a new address to patron's record.
Open Opens a selected address from patron's record.
Delete Removes an address from patron's record, unless it is the primary address for the patron. If the primary address needs to be removed, set another address on the account to the primary address.
Duplicate For future development.
Print For future development.
Import For future development.
Export Allows for the patron address record to be exported to text or MSExcel document. Exported data includes: Patron number, address lines 1 and 2, city, Province/State, country, first and last names household number and title.
Hide Selected Lines For future development.
Get Allows the patron's address to copy patron name and address to the clipboard, Show map of address using MapQuest through a Web browser, and show weather at patron address using WeatherUnderground through a Web browser.
Google Map Allows the patron's address to link directly to Google Map through a Web browser.
Geocode Addresses Allows for the patron's address(es) be converted a into a geographic location using latitude and longitude.

Delete or Remove A Patron Address

A Patron's address can only be removed or deleted when the address is not the primary address on the patron's account.

There are two methods to Remove or Delete a patron address.

Select the patron address. Use the Remove button at the bottom of the Address Tab window. OR Right click on the address will bring up a flyout menu. Click on Delete.

This brings up a dialog box to delete the address selected. Click Delete

If the address is the primary address, it can not be deleted.

This dialog box will appear when attempting to delete a primary address.


Export Patron Address

Patron's name and address can be exported to a spreadsheet through the Address Tab. Exporting multiple patron's name and addresses at once and can be done by highlighting multiple different patron records from the Patron Contact List Window.

  • Select the address and right click on the address this will bring up a flyout menu
  • Left click on Export will provide a sub menu with a list of file types to choose from

  • Mouse over the Export file type and save the file to a designed location
  • Open exported file in designed spreadsheet program

  • If the patron has more than one address, all or selected addresses can be exported to the same file.


    Geocode Addresses

    Theatre Manager will geocode all patron's addresses listed in the Address Tab of the patron recorder. There is a setting in System Preferences (edit Tab) that determines where Theatre Manager will get geo-location data for addresses. Choices are:
    • to get generalized information from the zip code/postal code table (zip codes are accurate only to a fairly large area and Postal Code may ba accurate to street (for cities) or area (for rural postal codes)
    • or use Google Maps to obtain data - which is generally more accurate to the buildings actual location.
    Click here for more information about System Preferences.

    The database will display a message like the one below in the bottom left corner of the Patron Address Tab indicating that geocoding of addresses can not be performed because Google look up for Addresses has not been set in System Preferences. No database error message indicates Google has been enabled in System Preferences.

    Google may limit the number of addresses being geocoded in a given day.

    Geocoding an address makes use of data from a street geographic information system where the street network is already mapped within the geographic coordinate space. Each street segment is attributed with address ranges (e.g. house numbers from one segment to the next). Geocoding takes an address, matches it to a street and specific segment (such as a block, in towns that use the "block" convention). Geocoding then interpolates the position of the address, within the range along the segment. More can be found on the Web by searching geocoding addresses.

    Distance Patron Address is from Venue

    Theatre Manager uses the geocode of the patron's address to determine the patron's distances from your venue. The distance from your venue is determined by the address listed in Default Company Information in Company Preferences.

    Mail List with Address Latitude and Longitude

    Mail Lists will display the patron's address latitude and longitude. Adjusting the column header Preferences will allow the latitude and longitude to display in the Mail List under the Who's In Tab Column headers may need to be added to view latitude and longitude in the Who's in Tab.

    Get Function

    There are three Get functions related to a patron's address from the Address Tab. The Get function can also be used through the Patron Contact List Window. These are helpful actions within Theatre Manager related to patron data that is commonly used.

    • Copy patron name and address to the clipboard.
    • Show map of patron address using MapQuest.
    • Show weather at patron address using Weather Underground.

    • Copy Patron Name and Address to the Clipboard

      Theatre Manager allows the patron name and address to be copied the clipboard. Then the name and address can then be pasted into any document by using the Edit >> Paste menu.

      For more information on how to Copy Patron Name and Address to the Clipboard Click here.

      Show Map of Address using MapQuest through a Web Browser

      Theatre Manager takes the patron address and opens MapQuest through a web browser. This will display an interactive map showing the patron's address. From here MapQuest, provides directions to or from the patron address.

      Show Weather at Patron Address using WeatherUnderground through a Web browser

      Theatre Manager takes the patron address and opens WeatherUnderground in a web browser. WeatherUnderground web site provides real-time information surrounding the patron's address.


    Copy Patron Name and Address to the Clipboard

    The Get function of the Address Tab allows a patron's address(es) to be copied to the clipboard for use outside of Theatre Manager.

  • Select the address and right click on the address this will bring up a flyout menu
  • Left click on Get will provide a sub menu with a list to choose from
  • Mouse over the option Copy Patron Name and Address to the Clipboard.
  • Open any word processor or spreadsheet program or document.
  • Paste the patron name and address information using the Edit >>Paste Menu.

  • If the patron has more than one address, all or selected addresses can be copied to the clipboard to the same time.


    Show Map of Address using MapQuest through a Web Browser

    The Get function of the Address Tab allows a patron's address be used in MapQuest to pin point where the patron lives. Show Map of Address using MapQuest through a Web Browser will display an interactive map showing the patron's address. MapQuest provides directions to or from the patron address.

    This feature can also be reached by using the "gear" icon next to the contact on the Contact Card

  • Select the address and right click on the address this will bring up a flyout menu
  • Left click on Get will provide a sub menu with a list to choose from
  • Mouse over and click on the option Show Map of Address using MapQuest through a Web Browser
  • Theatre Manager automatically opens MapQuest in a web browser

  • Diataxis: 

    Show Weather at Patron Address using WeatherUnderground through a Web browser

    The Get function of the Address Tab allows a patron's address be used to pin point the current weather where the patron lives. Show Weather at Patron Address using WeatherUnderground through a Web browser will display an interactive map showing real-time weather information surrounding the patron's address.

    This feature can also be reached by using the "gear" icon next to the contact on the Contact Card

  • Select the address and right click on the address this will bring up a flyout menu
  • Left click on Get will provide a sub menu with a list to choose from
  • Mouse over and click on the option Show Weather at Patron Address using WeatherUnderground through a Web browser
  • Theatre Manager automatically opens WeatherUnderground website in a web browser

  • Diataxis: 

    Google Map

    The Google Map function allows Theatre Manager to use the patron's single or multiple address(es) to plot the patron's address on a Google Map. The web browser displays a static map of the patron's address(es). Google Maps is also available through Patron Contact List, the WHO's IN Tab of a Mail List of Patrons, or anywhere a listing of patrons are generated.

  • Select and right click on the address to bring up a flyout menu
  • Left click on Google Map will launch your web browser and place the patron's address on a static map image.
  • If there is more than one address for the patron, several addresses can be selected and displayed on the same static map. This is helpful if you wish to see a graphic representation of where your patron, subscribers or donors live.

    Needing an interactive map to get directions to a patron's address use the Show Map Address Using MapQuest Through Web Browser
