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Setup Considerations for TM Server

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Make sure you have enough permitted connections in postgresl.conf setup for the postgres database to handle the processes you configure to run by contacting the second generation server at Typically, Depending on the number of CPU's on the machine you have, you may see:
  • cores-1 'Theatre Manager Server' processes start. Meaning a 4 core machine will start 3 processes, an 8 core machine will start 7 processes, a dual 4 core with hyperthreading will start 15 process.
  • 3 'Logging' connections will be started for logging activity to the database. These are used by the new server
  • 1 or more 'Housekeeper' connections are started to handle worker activity. Worker activity currently means things like:
    • Cleaning up expired carts on a periodic basis
    • Sending out emails automatically that are due to go, whether created by an eblast or from the customer when they ask for their password or get a purchase confirmation. The email worker is very fast -- over 12,000 emails/hour.