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General Web Page Content

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The Web Pages used by the Web Sales Module contain tags and strings required by Theatre Manager to send and receive the correct data to and from the database. The Pages themselves are provided by Arts Management Systems upon purchase of the Web Sales Module, and the source code remains the property of Arts Management Systems.

All pages can be edited to fit within the overall scheme of the pre-existing website and the web sales component will fit seamlessly.

However, there are many different strings and types of tags required to be kept as they are provided, so that the site will operate as it was designed.

You can edit the Web Pages provided, but Arts Management Systems is not responsible for supporting or debugging errors that may occur.

Hidden Text/Comments

There are several types of texts within the code of each page that use the comment tags (i.e. <!-- BLANK -->).

The Disclaimer
<!-- comment: Created by: Arts Management Systems Limited - Calgary Alberta Canada (888) 536-5244 This web page integrates with Theatre Manager to support online ticket sales and donations and provide a single intregrated database for online and inhouse sales for arts and entertainment venues. If you see this and want to use for your own venue, please check us out at Alter this source code as you see fit to suit your needs, but if you do, Arts Management Systems is not responsible for supporting or debugging errors that may occur -->
This string must be kept in each page. Removing this string will remove responsibility for supporting or debugging errors.
Sets of <include> tags throughout the pages. For example:

<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmnavButtons.html" -->

These tags allow you to include the code from an outside file into any given page. In this case, the <include> tag is set in each page to insert the navigation buttons contained within the tmnavButtons.html file.

Although the <include> tag looks like a comment tag, it is read in by the page.

Each page will include the TMtemplates/tmnavButtons.html page listed above as well as the TMtemplates/pleaseWaitMessage.html and the TMtemplates/tmFooter.html.
The TMtemplates/pleaseWaitMessage.html displays warning messages regarding actions taken on the pages. The TMtemplates/tmFooter.html will pull the footer information directly from Theatre Manager.
There are also two other pages in the TMtemplates folders that are called using the <include> tag: tmContact.html and tmContactHours.html.
these pages contain the venue's contact information with the latter also containing the hours of operation. These pages are included on any webpage that would display the venue's contact information, such as on the TMsys404 page.


If a mistake is made, or a user needs to be prompted to do something, a message appears at the top of the pages. By default this message appears in red. Within the code of the pages you these messages are pulled in by the <field>F_HTML_PAGE_MESSAGE</field>.

If you want to change the wording of these messages, you can edit the TMError.txt page in the WebPages directory. We recommend using Microsoft Excel to open the document. You may then edit the Error Text column. Change the wording of the messages to whatever you like.

Any message that has the double dollar signs ($$) in it indicates that a database field inside Theatre Manager is being pulled into the message. For example, if you look at error number 10021, the message is "Welcome $$". The dollar signs in this case represents the first name of the patron that will be pulled into the message.


Almost every page uses Javascript. The Javascripts are called in at the beginning of each page using <include> tags. these should remain in the page through any changes, unless the developer is sure that the function of the javascript is not needed. If the javascript is removed, and the site is no longer able to function as it was intended, Arts Management Systems will not be responsible for recovering the code.

Click here for more detailed information about the different functions javascript plays in the web pages.

Variable Theatre Manager Fields

When viewing the web page code, there are strings that appear as <field>XXXXXXXXX</field>.

These fields are internal Theatre Manager fields, and should never be altered. In most cases, they reference information entered within Theatre Manager. If these values need to be changed, you should change them in Theatre Manager, not in the web page code. Any text within the X when viewed as source code, will identify what the string is linked to.

This string is linked to the F_HTML_FIREWALL, which is the URL found in Web Server URL field of Setup >> Company Preferences under the Apache tab.

The Web Server URL field will contain the sub-domain or A record for the online ticketing site and will looks something like The setup of the A record should point to the external IP address of the organization for routing purposes. The external IP can be determined by going to The internal network will then redirect the communication to the Apache machine.

<base href="<field>F_HTML_IMAGE_SERVER</field>">
This string is linked to the F_HTML_IMAGE_SERVER, which indicates the location of the images to be referenced within the pages. The string adds to the F_HTML_FIREWALL listed above. When the source code for the pages is viewed it appears as:

<base href="">

Where is pulled from the F_HTML_FIREWALL reference and the F_HTML_IMAGE_SERVER adds the /1/WebPagesEN indicating the path of where the images will be referenced.

This string is the page message sent by Theatre Manager to update any information relative to the current web page.
These strings extract information relative to the month, year, event, etc. of the current information for the web page.

Click here for Internal Variable Theatre Manager Fields.

Button Names

The buttons used by Theatre Manager for navigation within each Web Page (not tmnavSide.html) are regular form input buttons. They have been altered using Cascading Style Sheets and javascript so that they are customizable in colour and style.

<input name="btnGetEventRange" type=submit value="Update Performance List">
The names of each button name="btnGetEventRange" must be kept as they were when the pages were provided. The values of the buttons value="Update Performance List" may be changed as needed.

Click here for information about Navigation Buttons.

Cascading Style Sheets

The style sheets are used with the Web Pages are: stylePages.css and styleButtons.css. They are linked to each page with strings.

rel="stylesheet" href="TMgifs/styleButtons.css" type="text/css">
k rel="stylesheet" href="TMgifs/stylePages.css" type="text/css">
ePages.css contains the font and background styles for the text of the site.
eButtons.css contains the font, background and border styles for the form buttons in the site. This style sheet works in conjunction with a javascript function to create the customizable rollover effects.

href="/installing-theatre-manager/stylebuttons">Click here for details on the different styles for the buttons.

href="/installing-theatre-manager/stylepages">Click here for details on the different styles for the pages.