Play Information |
Play # | Unique play number generated by Theatre Manager. |
Play Code | A quick reference for a Course. It is recommended that course codes start with the fiscal year of the course, followed by the course number. This allows for quickly generating reports on courses by year. If there is more than one venue or different types of series, a character code can be included after the year. |
Play Colour | You can override the normal course colour displayed on the calendar by selecting a different colour from the colour palette. |
Play Title | Official title of the course as it will appear on the ticket or internet. |
Season | Year the course takes place. This is based on the financial year. |
Theatre Map | Number of the venue map where the course takes place. Courses which are to be sold with reserved seats must take place in venues that have had seats created. Courses sold as general admission, Festival Sales or Traveling Troupe, may be sold to plays with or without seats created. |
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Theatre map search button. This button is only available when a new course is entered. To open a list of possible theatre maps to choose from click the button. From the list double click on a map to select it. |
Additional Information |
Corporate Sponsor | Name of the sponsor for the production. Additional sponsors could be entered in the notes field. This information can be printed on tickets. |
Special Note | Additional information such as warnings or special messages that may be required for an play. This information can be printed on tickets. |
Director | Director of the play. This information can be printed on tickets. |
Playwright | Playwright of the play. This information can be printed on tickets. |
Show Status Information |
Active | Status of the course for reporting purposes. |
Closed | Status of the course for ticket sales and postings. |
Date Closed | This field displays the date the course was set to prevent sales and financial changes. |
By | This field displays the initials of the employee who closed the course. |
Web Sales Controls |
Stop Sales in Advance | Number of minutes prior to the course start time the course will be removed from web sales. |
Patron Purchase Limit | Sets the maximum number of tickets to be sold in an order for this course via web sales. If the Box Office will allow a patron to have more than the allotted number of tickets, the tickets will need to be sold by a Box Office staff member and not via the internet. |
Ticket Printing Information |
Print selected ticket face | Choose to print ticket for this play (is the default setting) |
Ticket Face | The ticket face selected for the play. The ticket face number can be typed manually or selected. |
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Click to open a list of possible ticket faces to choose from. Double click on a ticket face to select it. By leaving this field blank a built in default ticket face design will be used for printing tickets. |
Mark ticket as printed (but don't print) | Will not print a ticket for the course, all though when tickets are sold they will appear printed. |
Only Print Sales Promotion ticket face | Prints a ticket based upon the promotion selected. For more information regarding printing tickets by promotion refer to Promotion Detail. |
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Click to print a test ticket for this course. |
The Accounting Tab displays the accounting information for a course. It shows the general ledger accounts set for the event and the applicable taxes applied. As well, when the revenue will be received into the general ledger can be determined.
Accounting Stype |
Use same accounts - When checked, you can enter the accounts once and use for all ticket types. |
Tax Code and Pricing |
Ticket Tax Code | Select the tax rate to apply to the BASE PRICE ONLY. If there are taxes on the various fees in the promotion, then they are set in the sales promotion Calculation Tab. |
Currency | The Currency the event is priced in |
Deferred Revenue Allocation |
Revenue earned at time of sale | When selected, All sales go directly to the revenue account without deferral |
Defer revenue until performance | The revenue will be deferred until the performance occurs (normally
these are liability accounts) After the performance a G/L entry is created
to automatically transfer the revenue drom the deferred account to the Earned Revenue Account (normally income).
Refer to the section, General Ledger Setting Up the Chart of Accounts for more information on determining a Chart of Accounts. |
Sales Target | Target income |
Also Defer Tax | Deferring taxes requires deffered tax accounts be set up in the G/L |
General Ledger Accounts |
Regular | Accounts to use when posting tickets sold using a sales promotion marked as 'Regular' |
Season | Accounts to use when posting tickets sold using a sales promotion marked as 'Season' |
Other-Type 1 | Accounts to use when posting tickets sold using a sales promotion marked as 'Other-Type 1' |
Other-Type 2 | Accounts to use when posting tickets sold using a sales promotion marked as 'Other-Type 2' |
Other-Type 3 | Accounts to use when posting tickets sold using a sales promotion marked as 'Other-Type 3' |
Depending on how your accounting system is designed, you may want to set up all account types with the same general ledger account. For example, the same general ledger account can be entered for all revenue accounts -- the general ledger will record all revenue for the event into one account. Separate general ledger accounts can be entered for all revenue accounts -- the general ledger will record each type of revenue for the event in a separate account. Refer to the section, General Ledger Setting Up the Chart of Accounts for more information on determining whether to use a detailed versus a simplified general ledger number setup.
Sales Account | Designates the general ledger account number used to record revenue received through new ticket sales for the event. |
Exchange Account | Designates the general ledger account number used to record revenue gain or revenue loss through ticket exchanges for the event. |
Refund Account | Designates the general ledger account number used to record revenue loss through ticket refunds for the event. |
Discount Account | Designates the general ledger account number used to record the net value of ticket discounts through ticket sales, ticket exchanges, and ticket refunds for the event. |
Markup Account | Designates the general ledger account number used to record the net value of ticket markups through to ticket sales, ticket exchanges, and ticket refunds for the event. |
Ticket Fee Accounts | Designates the general ledger account number used to record the net value of per ticket service charges applied to ticket sales, ticket exchanges, and ticket refunds for the event. |
The Performance Tab is used to create the classes that make up a Course. Class information cannot be added (and the tab will not be made available) until Course information and Accounting information have been entered and saved. If a course has already been set up you can access the Performance Tab at any time.
Sale Settings |
At the Box Office | Checking this box allows you to sell theCourse at the Box Office. |
Via the Internet | Checking this box allows you to sell the Course on the Internet. |
At Other Outlets | Checking this box allows you to sell the Course at other outlets. |
Season Control Performance | Checking this box allows the performance to be used in a Control House for subscribers. |
Prevent Overselling | Checking this box prevents the performance from being oversold. |
Sell Security | Allows you to control what security levels have the ability to sell this performance. Click here for more information on Sell Security. |
Performance Information |
Performance # | Unique performance number generated by Theatre Manager. |
Performance Code | A quick reference for the course. |
Date | Date of the course. |
Time | Time of the performance. |
# Sold | Number of seats sold for this course. |
# Held | Number of seats currently held for the course. |
# Available | Number of seats currently available for purchase for this course. |
Box Office? | Whether the course is available for sale at the Box Office. |
Web? | Whether the course is available for sale on the Internet. |
Outlet? | Whether the course is available for sale at an outlet. |
Subscription? | Whether the course is available for sale via a subscription. |
Oversell? | Whether overselling is allowed for this course. |
Play # | The Play number that this course is part of. |
Additional Buttons |
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Creates a new class and opens the Course Setup Window. Click here for more information. |
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Opens one or more Class Setup Window(s) for the selected course. |
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Deletes the selected course. Click here for more information. |
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Shows all transactions for the selected course. |
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Verifies all seats for the selected course. It is best to do this when no other users are logged in. |
The Course Detail window opens when you double click on an existing Course. Through this window you are able to edit course data. Depending on which sales method is being used you may not have access to some data fields. For example if you are using the festival method you will be allowed to modify the quantity of seats you can sell whereas with reserved seating since every patron requires a seat you cannot access this field.
The tabs available within the Course Detail window include:
As indicated in the image, many fields in the Performance Tab are not accessible once the Course has been created and built. For instance, the Quantity to Sell field cannot be changed.
The fields available for editing are:
Performance Code | Defaults to Course for Course events |
Default Price Code | You can change from the highest price default setting |
Ticket Tax Code | where applicable |
Check Box | for including the performance in annual patron statistics |
Held Seat Count |
For holding seats (useful if you have overestimated the quantity to sell and have not yet reached full capacity). For example, if the venue usually holds 24 people but you *could* add 6 more chairs, you may have set the Quantity to Sell at 30 and you can hold 6 of those seats here for release once the 24 seats sell. |
In the Sales Management Tab, you can set future onsale dates and times for sales outlets.
Though not necessarily valid for Courses, you can set a Performance as a Season Control Performance here.
The field for setting a Course or Performance as a Pay What You Can performance in Before Event Sales is found here. Courses can be sold in this way if you choose. For more information about Pay What You Can, click here.
The Web Settings tab allows you to define a number of parameters for how the course is handled in Web Sales.
The Web Settings Tab allows you to set:
Performance Flags | These are most often used for Web Sales plug-ins |
time limit to stop advance sales | For example, You can shut down sales an hour before the class starts to "cap" it./td> |
specify a limit of tickets | Limit the number of seats a patron can purchase (defult is 10) |
Notifications | You can assign notifcations from the drop-down |
Performance Notes | Anything entered here will be visible to ticket purchasers online |
Returning tickets to "hold" only applies to Reserved Seating venues.
If your course is in a General Admission venue, this tab appears as in the image above, with the selection grayed out.
To set a number of holds in a GA venue, use the Holds area on the Performance Tab.
On the right side of the Courses Tab, Report Cards issued for a Course are displayed. For more information about Report Cards, click here.
On the left side of the Courses Tab, Class Dates and information are displayed.
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Using an alternate venue will not affect the quantity of seats available for sale.
It only affects where you tell the instructor or students where to meet for that particular class - and shows in your facility management calendars. |
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The performance runs from and through dates are automatically calculated as follows:
Ticket printing and e-ticket delivery for print at home are normally enabled and disabled on the play window. You can over-ride the settings if you would like them to be different for every performance.
Box Office Settings | Options are:
E-Ticket Delivery | Options are:
In the Pricing tab, you set course pricing the same way Price Codes are set for any other Play or Event.
Pricing information for the selected performance on the left, displays in the price list on the right side of the Play Setup Window. When you click on different performances the price list will change. From left to right the price list displays:
Pricing Panes |
Code | Displays the single character code that is associated with this price. This character was assigned in the Price Code field in the Venue Map window. |
Use? | Check box field. If the box is checked then the price code is available for use by the performance that is highlighted in the performance list. |
Description | The description you give to easily identify the price code. For example, Adult, Child, Senior, Student. Or alternatively: Front, Mezzanine, Loge, Balcony. |
Price | Displays the dollar value of the price code. For example, $10.00, 15.00... etc. |
City | Displays the amount of city tax charged on the price code. |
State/PST | Displays the amount of provincial / state tax that is charged on the price code. |
Federal/GST | Displays the amount of Federal tax charged on the price code. |
Price + Tax | Displays the total price of the price code with all taxes included. |
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Duplicates the entire pricing structure from another course to this course. |
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Copies prices from one play to the selected structures. Click here for more information on Copying Prices. |
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Set the default price code for the selected courses. Click here for more information on setting a default. |
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Opens the selected price code for editting. |
In Theatre Manager , you can copy prices to a single performance or group of performances, from any performance saved in Theatre Manager.
Pricing information should now display on the right side of the Events and Dates window.
To do this, click on the first performance you want to copy prices to, then drag you cursor over the remaining performances from the performances list on the left side of the window. Alternately, you can click the first performance, and then hold <CTRL> (Windows) or <COMMAND> (Mac) and click each additional performance.
The Copy Price Wizard window opens.
To further refine your search click the drop down list under the 1. You can then choose a different five search fields. They are:
Select a search field, and you can further restrict the search using the "from" and "to" fields to enter criteria. For example, the (picture) below displays a successful search for performance that have Play Codes starting with 07.
As you select plays on the right, their price codes are displayed on the left and the performance's price codes are displayed on the right.
Highlight the Price Codes you want. You can select all, none, or some of the price codes to be copied.
There are four parts of the price code that you can copy across. The Description, the Price, Able To Use Flag, and Enabled/Disabled Promotions. To copy an attribute put a check in the box beside the attribute desired.
Each course (series) can have its own default price code setting.
Pricing information displays on the right side of the Event Setup Window.
Click on the performance from the performance list. The prices for this performance display in the price list on the right side of the window.
A list of usable price codes is displayed.
Select a Price Code to be the Default.
Do this by clicking on a price code from the list.
The Promotions tab is where you can add, edit or remove promotions availble when selling courses.
Promotion Name | The descriptive name of the promotion. |
Promotion Type | Similar to the report groups, these classify similar sales promotions together. There are four possible selections to choose from. Regular Admission, Season Ticket, and three user defined fields. These promotion types are used in the same manner as the report groups. |
Used | Sales outlet where the promotion can be used |
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Sets or disables the default promotion to be used for this class |
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Allows the selected promotions to be used when selling this class |
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Indicates that the selected promotion will not be used when selling this class |
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Allows you to choose which promotions are seen on the tab |
Performance # | Number of performance assigned in order of creation. |
Performance Code | Code assigned based on the week and day of the performance. |
Performance Date | The date of the performance. |
Purchase # | Purchase reference number. |
First Name | Patron's first name. |
Last Name | Patron's last name. |
Company | Company the patron works for. |
Quantity | Number of admittance per ticket. |
Section | Section the patron is seated in. |
Row # | Row the patron is seated in. |
Seat # | Seat number the patron is seated in. |
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Sets the attendance for the course. This is only available on the day of the course or after it has taken place. |
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Clears the attendance of the course. This is only available on the day of the course or after it has taken place. |
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Print the selected tickets for this course that are not yet printed. |
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Refunds the selected ticket(s). |
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Transfers the selected ticket(s) to another course. |
This tab displays a detailed summary of the revenue taken in for each course of an event. The Play is broken down into individual course.
Performance Code | This is the code used to track the course by. |
Date | The date of the course. |
Time | The time of the course. |
# Sold | The current number of tickets sold to the course. |
# Report | The number of tickets being used for reporting. |
Price | The base price pf the ticket. |
Discount | The total of all discounts. |
Gross Sales | The total amount of sales minus all discounts, fees, and taxes. |
Ticket Fee 1 | Total of all fees categorized to this fee. |
Ticket Fee 2 | Total of all fees categorized to this fee. |
Ticket Fee 3 | Total of all fees categorized to this fee. |
City Tax | The total of all City taxes. |
State / PST Tax | The total of all State or PST taxes. |
Federal / GST Tax | The total of all Federal or GST taxes. |
Total | The total of all money collected during payment. This includes fees and taxes. |
Journal No Code | If the course has occured, the G/L number that it was posted to. |
Performance # | The performance number assigned by Theatre Manager based on order inputted. |
"Volunteer" is a broad term meaning "Personnel," "Volunteers," "Staff," or a variety of other terms. The field refers to any person assigned to an activity - whether they are paid or unpaid. you may have a mixture of paid and unpaid staff within the same event, for example Ushers (who are unpaid) and Run Crew (who are compensated). Since the name of the field is customizable, some organizations may retain the term "Volunteer," while others change it to reflect their own terminology. The nomenclature in your database may be different than "Volunteer." |
This Volunteer tab displays a list of the volunteers (personnel) assigned to each course, and what their task will be.
Performance Information | On the left side of the window, the listing of courses including the sequence number of the course, series code, and date. |
Volunteer Information | On the right side of the window, the listing of volunteers assigned to a specific course. |
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Allows you to look up and add a volunteer to the selected course date. |
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Brings up the Volunteer Activity Detail window for the selected patron. |
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Allows you to remove a volunteer from the selected course. |
Show volunteer working entire event | This feature is currently under development. |
More Information to come.
The G/L Entries tab displays a detailed summary of the transactions created and journalized to the general ledger for the general ledger accounts defined for this course.
You can adjust the summary options by choosing the drop down menu in the bottom right hand corner of the window.
In the Marketing tab, you can configure the Marketing notes for the course. You can also add the course to a mail list and include external and internal notes for your Box Office Staff. Information you enter on this page will appear on your page in the Ticket Trove iPhone and iPad app.
Available Actions |
Notification | The email notification that will be sent when tickets are purchased to this course. Click here for info on work flow notifications. |
Default Mail List | Allows you to assign this play to a specific mail list. |
Running Time | Running time of each performance in minutes. Also displays for Web Sales. |
Genre | Genre is a setting for events that is common across all Theatre Manager customers. Currently, there are about 30 classifications which will be used in the iPhone/iPad app to help customers find entertainment to their liking. |
External Sales Notes | Marketing notes for both your Box Office staff and for Web Sales. |
Internal Sales Notes | Marketing notes that appear to you Box Office staff, but not on the Web. |
Event Icon for Web/iPhone App | If there is a graphic in the event, entering it here will display the graphic for all performances of the event. |
Any tasks associated with a course can also be seen in the Course window. From here you can add tasks and associate them with resources, so you can create all the tasks needed for a particular course. These can then be added to a project and billed.
Tasks are added on the left side. Once a task has been added, you can select the task and add the resource on the right side.
Click on the Calendar button in the window's top toolbar to view all tasks, performances, and/or volunteers associated with the event / play in a new calendar.
For more information on Tasks, click here.