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Creating the query requires some planning and foresight. To start, you must decide what criteria you want the patrons to meet. If you are looking for very specific patrons, you must know what makes them unique from the rest. You may also narrow down your search by removing certain data from a returned query.
There are rules around creating a list of deceased patrons. The names and information of deceased patrons can never be emailed to or have mailing labels printed - ever. If you require a listing of deceased patrons, you can create a mail list of those patrons and print or export the completed listing. Theatre Manager will ask if you want to export deceased patron data when it notices you trying to do that. |
You can download quick reference information for Creating a Query by clicking on the icon |
Cheatsheet |
To create a Query, you would perform the following steps:
For more information on accessing the Mail List window, click here.
The Mail List Criteria (inserting) window opens.
This is extremely important for other users who may use the mail list. If the description of the list is good it will not need to be deciphered to understand the reason for the list.
You can now enter the Criteria.
The Mail List Data Selection window opens. To search for data, you must select a file for the primary source of information for the mail list. Theatre Manager will include information in related parent files.
Patron Data is the PARENT for most data stored in Theatre Manager. When defining criteria, if you select any file as the main file, you can also set criteria for the patron record. However, the converse is NOT true. Selecting the patron file as the Merge File, it does not include the child information - such as donor inormation. |
Select a file that contains the data you are searching for. As the example list is searching for patrons who have made donations; the file to use would be "Patron Address Link". Click here for more information on selecting the file.
The Parameter window opens.
Click here for more information on this window. This tab displays the added criteria for the query on the database.
The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.
The list contains all the possible searchable fields available in your selected file. The selections on the top left side of the window (and, or, not) are used for searching multiple fields when more then one line of criteria is added within the same file. Click Here for an overview of conditions and search criteria.
In this example "Patron Addresses>>Address Line 1", will be the selected search field criteria.
The condition displayed above will find any patron has aan entry in the street address section of the Patron Record.
The Criteria window remains open until save or cancel is clicked.
The Parameter window will return and the entered criteria will appear in the list.
Now the group and its criteria have been added to the main query. For this example, another group needs to be added to include the patrons who have email addresses.
Choose a file containing the required data. This example requires the "Patron Contact Link" file.
In the Edit/Add Parameters window, leave the And
button selected. The field for this example would be "Patron Contact Data>>Contact Data (eg Phone/email/website)" while the condition would be "contains" and parameter would be "@" (to search for an email address).
You are returned to the Parameters window.
Both of the Search Criteria are added to the query. The group criteria says add any patron who has volunteered their time as well as any patron who has made a donation to the list.
Now, all the criteria have been added to satisfy the description, the database can be searched.
If you have criteria that you'd like to print and save, while on the |
The patrons satisfying the first criteria will be found and
added to the list. Once complete, the second criteria will be
performed and any patrons matching the second criteria will be added. Any patron matching both criteria will only be displayed once. The Mail List will default to the Who's In tab displaying all patrons who match the criteria and are in the list.
If you are designing a very specific mail list you will need to use some complex criteria to ensure you receive the desired data. Complex criteria uses brackets combined with operators and conditions to find specific groups of data. Click Here to view the different types of operators and conditions along with a description of their function.
Mail Lists can answer many different "Who" questions.
To create a Mail List that answers the question of the number of Patron Households that have more than one patron, you perform the following steps:
The Mail Lists window opens.
The Mail List Criteria window opens.
The Mail List Search window opens.
The The Parameters Search window opens.
The Edit Report Parameters window opens.
You are returned to the Parameters window, Search. Note your selected criteria Patron # is greater than or equal to 1.
You are returned to the Mail List Criteria window. Your final criteria should look EXACTLY like below.
You now have a list of all patrons in the database who are part of a TM household with at least one primary member and one tertiary member.
After creating mail list criteria and building the mail list, over time some of the patrons on the mail list may no longer meet the criteria to belong to the mail list. The most effective way to remove the patron that no longer meet the criteria is to rebuild the list.
Click Here to learn how to access this window.
The following warning screen will open.
This will remove the current patrons from the list and perform the query again on the new data. Clicking Proceed would have left all current patrons in the list, added patrons who fit the entered criteria and only remove patrons who fit within any "remove" criteria.
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Default search or sort order for the selected Parameters. |
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Inserts the last used criteria for the merge field selected. |
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Displays saved criteria options within the selected merge field. |
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Saves selected criteria. |
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Saves the entered criteria to be used again. |
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Opens the criteria window to insert new criteria. |
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Opens the criteria window and allow for modifications. |
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Removes the selected line of criteria. |
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Removes all lines of criteria in the parameters window. |
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Inserts brackets around lines of criteria. |
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Removes brackets around lines of criteria. |
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Searches the database for patrons who "have" a specified line of criteria. Having criteria is criteria that is based on aggrigate values within the search. Click here for more information on using Having. |
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Cancels the entry of criteria. |
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Completes the entry of criteria. |
For example: if you used criteria to find all subscriber records in the past 5 years, you would get 1, 2 ,3 4 or 5 records - depending on how many years the person has been a subscriber. Since we know each subscription package has a year associated with it, if you make a having criteria that is having a unique count of subscription year >= 4, you would find people who were 4 or 5 year subscribers.
To create the query, you need two things:
The Mail List Criteria window opens.
The Mail List dialog opens.
The Parameters window opens.
The Edit Report Parameters window opens.
Note the criteria for selection on the left side of the window gives yous different options to choose from.
You are returned to the Parameters window and your criteria selection appears in the search.
You are returned to the Mail List window.
The normal criteria is optional. If you don't specify anything, you will retrieve all donations. Some things you might want to include in criteria are one or more of:
In short, you can limit the donations selected to ANY criteria you could enter (or select all donations)
The HAVING clause re-examines the set of data is found using the normal criteria. It then imposes a further restriction on the aggregate set of data. Examples could be:
The query is based on ticket data for a patron and you can add other criteria such as:
The example below shows the user of Ticket Quantity from the ticket data per performance in the having clause to obtain people who bought more than 20 tickets (in all time). The first line of criteria was added to make sure that they were Paid tickets and not comps.
If you wish to remove a large number of patrons from a list and they all have a common feature, using a query is the best technique. It is the same procedure as adding a new group except for selecting the Remove function. To ensure that you are removing the correct patrons, place the remove criteria group as the last group to be performed. Click here to learn how to rearrange groups.
Click Here to learn how to open the window.
The Criteria Groups for the selected mail list are displayed.
The group selection dialog opens.
Select a file which contains data all patrons to be removed from the list have in common.
Using the Example List created in Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through a Database Query patrons with last names starting with the letter A will be removed.
The "Patron Data" file will be used for this example.
The Parameters window opens.
Click Here for a detailed description of the window.
The Add/Edit Parameters window opens.
For this example the "Patron Name-Last " field.
For the example use "begins with A".
The Parameters window returns and the selected criteria will appear in the window.
The Mail List Criteria window returns.
An Options dialog opens.
A confirmation dialog is displayed.
Theatre Manager will highlight each group as it is executed.
The Mail List Criteria window opens to the Who's In tab. Patrons with last names starting with the letter A will now be removed from the list.