Version 9 is a major release for PCI PA/DSS 1.2 compliance and UTF8 converison. All components of Theatre Manager need to be updated to meet the new PCI requirements and we have tried to aggregate everything into one large upgrade step for the year to optimize work effort. If you would like to contract ArtsMan to do this for you, please read about the upgrade options.
Specifically you will need to:
Please refer to the 8.xx-9.00 upgrade steps and allow 4-6 hours for the upgrade from version 8 as all components have changed to latest versions for PCI compliance.
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 8.24
this checkbox must be set before the last payment is taken and the order window closed otherwise credit card receipts will not print. |
There is a significant underlying change to donation management in this release. A new field has been implemented called 'Receipt Not Required' that is applicable to each donation. If it is set, no receipt can be printed
If the end user's Outlook client is set to send emails as RTF or HTML (in some versions), the response sent back by Outlook is in a Winmail.dat file which we do not yet read. You will be able to still go in with your Outlook (or other) client and view the message by hand and update your Theatre Manager information. |
On PC Apache servers, please find all files called '.ds_store' and delete those for PCI compliance. |
Files in the main htdocs directory | |
TMsysNoListeners.html | this is a new file. It is activated if there are no listeners for any outlet active and/or if the user attempts to get a listing of the /TheatreManager directory. use it to redirect the user to the correct outlet. |
Files in the each outlet directory (1) | |
TMsysBusyListeners.html | compare old page to new |
TMsysErrorListeners.html | compare old page to new |
TMsysNoListeners.html | compare old page to new - this is similar to but not the same page as in the main htdocs directory. It indicates that a specific outlet has no listeners running. |
eblastimages | this is a new directory that will contain all jpegs used for eblasts and for pictures used in the 'event' marketing tab. Please make sure that the FTP user in 'Company Preferences' has full read/write access to this folder, and all other users have read access |
Files in the main WebPagesEN directory | |
TMpatronUpdate.html | compare old page to new. Changes are to better handle multiple patrons in the household. |
TMpatronNew.html | compare old page to new. Changes are to better handle patrons trying to add themselves twice. |
TMpatronNewEmail.html | minor changes to add company name to the email |
TMpatronUpdateEmail.html | minor changes to add company name to the email |
TMCheckoutConfirmation.html | Remove the credit card expiry date from the confirmation per FACTA. Also provide capability ot printing receipt, printing ticket bar codes in controlled manner. |
TMCheckoutInvoiceEmail.html | Remove the credit card expiry date from the email per FACTA |
tmTemplates | |
rowPatronEmail.html | compare old page to new, specifically remove HTML email preferences CCL_PREFER_HTML |
rowPatronEmailLimitedProfile.html | compare old page to new, specifically remove HTML email preferences as above |
rowCheckoutDonation.html | removed the bar code column. This was done for esthetics, performance improvements and to direct the user to askingfor a specially formatted bar code page that contains only ticket information. This and similar changes are optional, but recommended |
rowCheckoutFestival.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutMailFee.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutOrderFee.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutPass.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutReserve.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutSub.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutSubNewGroup.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutCoupon.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutCourse.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutOrderCouponFee.html | removed the bar code column |
rowFutureTicketHeader.html | revised to to remove an extraneous </script> tag |
rowPatronAddress.html | markers to identify mandatory fields |
constantPATRONCONTACTEXISTING.txt | new file |
constantPATRONCONTACTNEW.txt | new file |
setPROMOTIONSUB_LIST.html | used to present alternate options for price/promotion/price code for subscriptions. Example. Regular tickets might show price, subscripitons mught just show promotions as in 'Subscription' |
setPROMOTIONSUB_LISTempty.html | used to present alternate option for 'no subscripitons available' if Theatre Manager cannot find a price. |
tmFooter.html | New file containing google analytics code and addition of possible footer for each web page (see version 9.01) |
tmCampaign | |
tmCampaign1.html | compare old page to new, minor changes |
tmCampaign2.html | compare old page to new, minor changes |
tmCampaignDefault.html | compare old page to new, minor changes |
tmEvent | |
tmEventDefault.html | revistions to show an picture placed into the 'events' window on the marketing tab. This allows you to put pictures into the default 'about this event' page within Theatre Manager and not touch the web pages. |
tmEvent1.html | same as above |
tmMaps | |
TMSubscriptionMapDefaultf.html | compare old page to new, minor changes. |
Please send a note to to get the links for theatre manager before starting the upgrade if you are attempting the process yourself as we will need schedule the upgrade support (we can't do everybody in one day).
The steps to upgrade generally involve:
You will need a Macintosh intel machine to do the work on (all downloads are free). It assumes that you have:
If you have not done the above successfully, the next steps in the process will not work.
If you do not have at least one Macintosh at your venue, there is no available Windows equivalent to this process yet. You will need to FTP your database and we will return it in UTF8 encoding for you.
where YourDatabaseName is the name of the database that you log into each day. This will backup the database to a file in the /Users/Shared/Backup folder called YourDatabaseNameV9.sql. You may need to supply the postgres user password if you do not have 'trust' set for the server IP address in the pg_hba.conf file.
Depending on the size of your database, this step could take as long as 4 hours. The pg_dump shows obvious activity. The 'Recode' step may look hung, but it is not.
If the 'Recode' completed successfully, it will display some instructions at the end of it similar to the following screenshot.
/library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/createdb VenueDatabaseNew -U postgres -E UTF8 -O TheatreManager
/library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/psql -U postgres -v -d VenueDatabaseNew -f /Users/Shared/Backups/VenueDatabasev9new.sql
The simple answer is no. Your Theatre Manager will continue to work, regardless of the upgrade.
However - in order to become PCI compliant, you must upgrade to Theatre Manager Version 9 AND Upgrade to Paymentech Orbital or one of the other direct processors for improved credit card authorization.
For those who are already PCI compliant, you can continue to use Theatre Manager version 8 until December 2010 when you need to upgrade to Theatre Manager Version 9 AND switch to one of the direct processors to achieve PCI 1.2 compliance.
There are several components to the installation process. Please refer to the 8.xx-9.00 upgrade steps for the complete installation instructions. The process takes about a day and should be performed by proficient IT personnel as it will require changes to:
If you choose to self-install, and then require support assistance, the regular hourly billable rate of $100 per hour will be applicable. Please note that support for a self installation is not covered under the After Hours Emergency Support contract. Please plan your time accordingly to ensure that if you do have questions, Arts Management support will be available to assist you. |
If you choose to have Arts Management perform this work for you, you will need to send a request to our sales office. They can be reached at or (888) 536-5244, ext. 2 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST. They will process the request and then forward the request to the Support team for scheduling. Because of the high demand for conversions, your scheduled date may be as much as 4 months away. Please plan accordingly.
The actual upgrade process takes about one business day, during which time your offices will not be able to use Theatre Manager (even to "look things up"), and web sales (if applicable) will be offline during the upgrade process.
Finally, all upgrades are cumulative. For example, if you are upgrading from verison 8.1 to 8.16, read all the release notes for each version in-between and follow all steps for each version
![]() |
When downloading any update for Theatre Manager, please make sure your personal firewall is turned on per PCI requirement 1.4 |
You can visit for our updated Version 9 help. If you have not already subscribed to our RSS feed, please take this opportunity to subscribe by visiting the RSS link (click the icon) in the upper right corner of the main page.
Release Notes
Read the release notes to see if there is anything special that impacts your organization in Version 9. This is a long list of enhancements from the version previously being used.
Installing Theatre Manager on Each Workstation(s)
Please see the following online help page for steps on installing the Theatre Manager application on a work station:
Starting Theatre Manager After Upgrading
The following window will appear.
Version 9 of Theatre Manager is designed to meet the latest PCI Compliance. One of the features within this version is stronger security for Employee Passwords. If you have not previously used PCI Compliant passwords each Employee will need to enter their old password all in CAPITAL letters. When they click the login button they will be prompted to change their password to a format that meets compliance. The requirements for compliant passwords are listed in the image below. For more information on PCI Password Requirements click here.
Employees Disappear From the Login Window After Incorrect Password Attempts
After six attempts at entering an incorrect password Theatre Manager will remove the Employee from the login window per PCI requirements. Theatre Manager resigns the employee to protect the database and all you need do is follow these steps to reinstate the employee.
Theatre Manager List of Employees does not appear
In some rare cases following the installation of Theatre Manager the application opens but does not display an employee list to login. The common characteristics of this situation are a blank gray screen containing File, Edit, Help options in the upper left of the window and nothing more. If you encounter this issue please follow these steps.
Employee Access
Some employee settings have been changed due to PCI Compliance. One of note is the Accounting >> Create Bank Deposits for Current Payments Received - Authorized Credit Cards Only option. This is found in the Functions tab of the Employee Access Data window. By default, all Employees who do not have Master User access will have this option unchecked. If you have Employees who run the End of Day Wizard and are not Master Users you will need to check this option for those Employees.
Power Saving Settings for Apache Running on a Mac
To increase stability for Apache running on a Mac you will need to adjust some of the settings for the machine. Click here to learn more about the settings.