Check Order and Transaction Balances

The Check Order and Transaction Balances report can be found under the Ticket Printing, Invoicing and Inventory Analysis category. This report has additional criteria options. Click here for more information about the Sort & Subtotal tab. Click here for more information about the Formatting tab. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

After the report runs, if there are any out of balance orders, you can now get all the patrons who own the orders added to a mail list.

Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Purpose of the Report

This report generates a listing of orders and the balance between the transaction and the order. This report should be run when deposits and sales entries have been done in the End of Day Wizard, and the amounts are out of balance.

Departments Who Benefit From This Report

Box Office Use this report to find problems with the balance between the deposit and the sales entries in the End of Day Wizard.

Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run with the date that the End of Day is being run for as the criteria.

Parameter Field Condition Value
Order Date Updated >= (Date)