Revenue Summary for Royalties - Credit Card Discounts

The Revenue Summary for Royalties - Credit Card Discounts report can be found under the Ticket Printing, Invoicing and Inventory Analysis category. This report has additional criteria options. Click for more information about: Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.
The report may display Accounts Receivable. Receivables should be resolved or removed from the report to ensure correct totals. If Receivables are not removed they will be included in the totals and could result in over paying royalties.
The revenues by payment method report provides similar information and shows the fee and tax breakdown.

Purpose of the Report

This report generates a listing of the payment types used for an event and shows the credit card fees that were charged for payment.

Departments Who Benefit From This Report

Box Office Use this report to show how much money was charged in credit cards fees from the sales for an event.
Accounting Use this report to show how much money was charged in credit cards fees from the sales for an event.

Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run with a specific event or events as the criteria.

Parameter Field Condition Value
Event # is one of (Event)

Use the SHIFT key to select a series of events, or the OPTION key (Mac) or CTRL key (Windows) to select multiple individual events.