Patron Detail Tabs

This section presumes you:

The Patron Detail Tabs are located in the upper right hand corner of the Patron window. With one exception, the Marketing tab is automatically selected when you open a patron record.

The one exception is if there is information stored in the Patron tab, and the 'Remind Employee of Notes' checkbox is enabled.

Clicking on a tab will highlight the tab.

In some instances, one of the tabs may have a bullet preceding its name. The bullet lets the user knows that there is information stored in the tabbed field. For example, entering information in the donor module causes a bullet to appear on the Donor Tab.

Data stored within
The Marketing Tab displays the major marketing details for the current patron.
The Profile Tab contains Formal and Greeting names, birthday and anniversary dates, and an optional picture of the patron.
The The Household Patrons Tab contains a list of all the patrons in the selected household.
The Contact Info Tab store phone numbers, email addresses and websites for the selected patron.
The Address Tab stores the physical address(es) for the selected patron.
The Web Tab stores information about the patron's first and last login, and their total web sales to date.
The Patron Tab stores information about the Patrons's special needs (Wheelchair, Visual Impairments, etc.), a Tax ID number (for schools or churches who may be tax exempt), general patron notes, and ticket and membership balances.
The Donor Tab stores information specific to the Donor such as their preferred publication name and general donor notes. There is also a section on Moves Management.
The Stats Tab stores statistical information for the donor stretching back 7 years. Averages, minimums and maximums are also tracked. Optionally, you can also track assets such as homes/buildings or businesses owned, or other luxury items.
The Media Tab allows you to track patrons who represent media outlets such as Newspapers, Radio, Television, etc. You can plan lead time, track the community served byt he media outlet, and what items you send them for marketing purposes (PSA's, Invitations, Brochure, etc.).
The Volunteer Tab stores basic information about the patron as a volunteer, including general volunteer notes and hours served by year. Much more information can be stored in the Volunteer Module.
The Credit Card Tab is not visible to most users for PCI Compliance purposes.
The Household Tab stores general household notes.
The Match Tab stores information if the patron represents a matching gift company (IBM, Pfizer, etc.). This tab sotres information on the percentage match, minimums and maximums. Edit these values on the Corporate record only (IBM), not the Donor (Fred Smith, who works at IBM).

From here you can:

  • Return to the top page to learn about how to navigate through the demonstration tutorial.