Emails associated with Mail List

This window shows which emails are associated to this mail list for the purposes of allowing the user to unsubscribe from the mail list.
For mails to appear in this list, they MUST have been sent out using and unsubscribe list in the form letter merge.

You can:

  • Search by date sent to see what went out on a particular day or for a time period
  • Search by letter to see who got a particular bit of correspondence.
    • You can see who opened it the letter
    • Highlight a number of the lines based on status to see how many were sent and how many were opened
  • Have a look to see what is due the future
  • Select a number of emails and:
    • change their status to Not Done to resend them -or-
    • mark them done if you need to have them on the patron's file but never intended to send them, -or-
    • delete them - which means that the patron could no longer unsubscribe from the email.