Version 11.00

The current version of TM runs on:
  • Macintosh
  • Windows (64 bit only)
    • Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro.
    • Windows 8.1 Note: The upgrade to Windows 10 is free.
    • Win 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 server
    • Theatre Manager may still work on Windows 7.
Theatre Manager Version 11 is the official release incorporating PCI PA/DSS 3.21 certification. Visa/Mastercard requires periodic certification of software that processes credit cards to ensure that the software observes their strict controls and recommendations.

Arts Management Systems has enthusiastically participated in the PCI process since 2000. The Visa/Mastercard audit process requires defining the technical requirements for the version and testing many combinations.

Technology Included in Audit Process

For Theatre Manager version 11, the technology audited in the PCI certification process is below. If earlier versions work, they are noted in parenthesis.

Postgres Postgres 11 or later.

Any version of PostgreSQL you are currently using will still work (Postgres 9.6 or later).

Macintosh Workstation, TM Server or Database Server:
  • macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or later
Windows Workstation, TM Server or Database Server:
  • Windows 10 Pro or later.
  • Windows 2016, 2019, 2022 server
  • Note: while Windows 7, 8.1, and 2012 servers are at their end of life, we have seen no issues running Theatre Manger on them.
Linux Database or TM Server:
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS later - 64 bit
Merchant Providers Certified and tested against direct processors such as Paymentech Orbital, Worldline, Moneris, Elavon and

Version 11.00

Version 11.0.0 (Nov 1, 2021)

  • Payments
    • Theatre Manage now enforces TLS 1.2 (or later) when connecting to your merchant provider.
    • Added support for 19 digit Visa, JCB and Discover cards - if and when they appear in the market place and your merchant provider supports them.


Historical Version 10.x.x change log

You can review recent version 10 change history if you wish.