VIP List | Alert Employee if patron is on the mail list. If a patron is marked on a list as a VIP, the employee will be reminded that the patron is on the list via a popup-dialog window each time they open the particular patron's record. |
External List | Allow Patrons to subscribe/unsubscribe via the internet. For most mail lists, this is never checked. However, if it is checked, this flag allows patrons to add (or remove) themselves to the mail list using the online sales module.
Possible uses for this setting on mail lists are where the customer can elect to belong (or remove themselves) such as:
Patrons must be logged in to subscribe |
If this is:
Double Opt in Emails | This feature is only valid for mail lists that are 'external'. If enabled, then patron who is added to the mail list (manually or automatically) will be sent an email asking them to confirm that they want to be on the list. If the patron:
This feature is very useful
Description | Detailed description of the purpose of the mail list (in 'descriptive plain language') so that others will understand its purpose or suggested usages. |