Event / Play Tab

The Event / Play tab is used to keep track of which events / plays a patron or household has purchased.

Parts of the Tab

Play # The unique number used to distinguish between events / plays.
Year The year the event / play is associated with.
Play Code A unique code used to distinguish between events / plays.
Play Title The title of the event / play.
Count Count of tickets purchased to that event.
Price Total value of the tickets that the patron has purchased
Outlet-Owner The outlet the created the event / play.
Not supported on this tab.
Not supported on this tab.
Not supported on this tab.

Adding an Event / Play to a Patron Through the Event / Play Tab

This functionality is no longer supported as the Event/Play Tab calculates automatically based on a patron's ticket purchases.

Editing an Event / Play From the Patron's Event Play Tab

This functionality is no longer supported as the Event/Play Tab calculates automatically based on a patron's ticket purchases.

Deleting an Event / Play from a Patron's Event / Play Tab

This functionality is no longer supported as the Event/Play Tab calculates automatically based on a patron's ticket purchases.