Ticket Face Detail Window

The Ticket Face Detail window displays all of the information about a ticket.

Parts of the Ticket Face Detail Window

Inserts a new ticket face. For more information on creating new ticket faces click here.
Saves changes made to the current ticket face.
Creates a duplicate copy of the current ticket face.
Reverts changes made to the ticket face back to the last saved point.
Deletes the selected ticket face. For more information on deleting ticket faces click here.
Generates a report of the ticket faces to the screen or default print location.
Ticket Face# Unique number given to the ticket face by Theatre Manager
Outlet Outlet responsible for the ticket face.
Description Name of the ticket face, if it is for a ticket, receipt, renewal notice etc.
Code used to create the ticket face. For more information on the ticket face code tab click here.
Equations calculated prior to printing the ticket. For more information on the constants tab click here.
Additional options for ticket printing. For more information on the options tab click here.
Adds a line to the bottom of the ticket parameters and opens the Ticket Face Detail window. For more information on the Ticket Face Detail window click here.
Removes the currently selected lines from the ticket face.
Ticket DPI Conversion Allows the conversion of the row and column information to a different DPI.
Enables printing of a sample ticket to the printer. Ensure the printer is correctly set up in the options tab. This is designed to print a sample ticket with sample information. To see an actual ticket with correct information the ticket face number must be entered into the Plays and Dates information for a particular play. Sell tickets to a test patron account and print them as a final test of the ticket design.

Ticket Face Code Tab

Parts of the Ticket Face Code Tab

Row Row the calculation is applied to
Column The column the calculation is applied to
Rotation The rotation of the data
Font The font used to display the data
Height The height of the characters
Width The width of the characters
Calculation Exports the ticket calculations
Add a line to the ticket face calculations.
Remove a line from the ticket face calculations.
Ticket DPI Conversion Allows the conversion of the row and column information to a different DPI.
Enables printing of a sample ticket to the printer. Ensure the printer is correctly set up in the options tab. This is designed to print a sample ticket with sample information. To see an actual ticket with correct information the ticket face number must be entered into the Plays and Dates information for a particular play. Sell tickets to a test patron account and print them as a final test of the ticket design.

Constants Tab

You use constants to add to ticket face equations. Constants replace long lines of equation that need to be repeated or in conjunction with pick statements. A pick statement may read if the constant is not met to print one thing on the ticket but if the constant is met to print something completely different. Constants allow for more editing options and can be used as many times as is needed in the ticket face.

Parts of the Constants Tab

Constant #1 First constant equation.
Constant #2 Second constant equation.
Constant #3 Third constant equation.
Constant #4 Fourth constant equation.
Opens the constant equation window. For more information on creating constants click here.
Print Ticket Depending on Value of Constant #4 If the value of constant #4 equals zero the ticket face will not print.

Ticket Face Constants

You use constants to add to ticket face equations. Constants replace long lines of equation that need to be repeated or in conjunction with pick statements. A pick statement may read if the constant is not met to print one thing on the ticket but if the constant is met to print something completely different. Constants allow for more editing options and can be used as many times as is needed in the ticket face.

An example of a constant value is:

  • This statement says:

  • Print the patron's first name, a space and the patron's last name.

Rather then having to type this information several times, CONSTANT1 can be typed to generate the patron's name. A more complicated constant may be used within the ticket face when something other then the regular ticket information is to be printer.

In addition to acting as a constant, line #4 can be set to require a value equaling something other then zero. If the value of the equation is zero, a ticket will not print. This feature can be used when a ticket is not required if a patron meets specified conditions.

Adding a Constant

  1. Open the Ticket Face List window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

  2. Select the ticket face you are adding a constant to.

    Single click on a ticket face to select it.

  3. Click the Open button.
  4. Click the Constants tab.

  5. Click the Lookup button.

    The Constants Detail window opens.

  6. Enter the Constant equation.

    To enter information under 'Calculation', click on 'Category' drop-down list.

    Once you have selected an option, click the 'Available Fields' drop-down list.

    This pop-up menu has two columns.

    The left column is the fields to be entered and the right column is the sample information. Select a field (for example - company name). The information that appears in the field calculation (D_COMPANY) instructs the printer to put the company name (found in Company Preferences) in this location on the ticket.

    You can type this information into the field calculation, however, if all event data is typed onto the ticket face, this prevents the tickets from being able to be used for other events. Click here for more information on Calculations.

  7. Click the Save button.

    The Constant has now been added to the ticket face and can be used in conjunction with other equations.

Options Tab

Parts of the Options Tab

Print to Port

Printer #1 Option 1 for ticket printing. Any ticket printed using this ticket face will be sent to the printer specified in the hardware setup as printer #1

This allows you to print a batch of tickets to two printers with different stock in them, depending on the event purchased. Printers do not have to be identical types or models or ports.

Printer #2 Option 2 for ticket printing. Any ticket printed using this ticket face will be sent to the printer specified in hardware preferences identified as printer #2.

This allows you to print a batch of tickets to two printers with different stock in them, depending on the event purchased. Printers do not have to be identical types or models or ports - they have to be the same manufacturer.

Dual Path Printer

Ticket Printer Path #1 Port 1 on the ticket printer. Select this option if the ticket should print to this port.
Ticket Printer Path #2 Port 2 on the ticket printer. Select this option if the ticket should print to this port.


This capability is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE. PCX images must be 1-Bit Black & white (not 24 bit colour or shades of grey). There is no support provided from AMS with the feature.
Some printers support downloadable pcx graphic files. PCX is is an old black and white graphics format, not often used anymore. You can only use 1-Bit (i.e. black and white) 200 DPI impages and is not as clean as pre-printed logos on tickets. Choosing to have the printer do this affects the printer performance because of the large amount of data required for the image.
PCX Logo File File name of the logo to be printed on the ticket
Search button to locate the logo file.
Opens the logo in it's designated program for viewing.
Opens the folder the logo resides in.