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How To

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REST API full syntax

The full syntax of the REST API for is shown below. This summarizes how to use it within Theatre Manager. The following conventions are used:
  • [ item ] - means that this part of the syntax is optional
  • [item, ....] - means that the item can be repeated
  • item1 | item2 - means you can use either Item1 or Item2 in the syntax

https://RestServerURL/api/v1 [/endpoint]

Putting it all together

the following examples show some of the power of the api to get exactly what you want.

REST API Querying for Specific Results

There are multiple ways to search for data from the database. You can retrieve data using:

REST API Adding Relationships to Other Tables

The endpoints of the REST API specify a particular table from the database that you want to access. Some of those tables are related to other information - tickets are connected to the patrons that bought them, the event that it is for, and the performance time that the patron purchased. You can add in some fo that additional table connections by specifying them.

The starting place is finding what data is related to a particular endpoint using the related feature. The following shows:

REST API Selecting Columns

You can select specific columns by adding only= to the parameter line. The names of the fields for the particular endpoint must be known and these can be determined by looking at the columns returned for a particular record or page of records.

Each column you want to see in your output is separated with a + (plus sign)


REST API Sorting data

The output from the REST API can be sorted by any field in ascending or descending order, whether you display it or not, by adding a sort= parameter to the api.

You can:

  • add multiple sort fields, separated by a '+' as long as the fields are recognized for the endpoint
  • sort in descending order by prefacing the field name with a '-'.


Logging in to the REST API From Browser

The email address and password for the REST APR are the SAME as the email address and password for logging into the ticket web site.

For first time users:

Merge Results-Duplicate Patron Search

After initiating the process of merging, the patron list will show records that match and alternate the colours if the record indicating which groups it thinks match. They are shown in dark red and dark cyan - colours that are different from normal colours used on the patron list.

It is suggested that you only show the possible duplicates in the list. If you chose to leave others within the list, they will show between the groups in their original colours.

Merge the resulting list according to:

Merge Results-Email Search

When searching for duplicate email addresses, there are two possible conditions that can occur. Neither of them are permissible and must be fixed before those patrons can log in online.
  1. Two (or more) patrons in different households could have the same primary email address.

Remote Ticket Printing-Ethernet via RDP/Teamviewer

This setup assumes that your are connecting to you ticket server using Remote Desktop, Teamviewer or some other remote access program.

Things you will need:

  • A Printer with an Ethernet connection
  • A portable router that supports NAT forwarding of the ticket printer port at the remote site.

Upload Text File to DonorSearch

The Theatre Manager export text file is already formatted and prepared based on data submission requirements from DonorSearch. This step transfers the patron prospects exported from Theatre Manager to DonorSearch for processing.


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