Upload Text File to DonorSearch

The Theatre Manager export text file is already formatted and prepared based on data submission requirements from DonorSearch. This step transfers the patron prospects exported from Theatre Manager to DonorSearch for processing.

  1. Log into the DonorSearch Web Portal.
  2. Click the Tab.

    The Upload File section will appear.

  3. Click to select the Theatre Manager export text file.
  4. Enter your first and last name into the "Your Name" field.
  5. Enter your Email address into the "Your Email" field.
  6. Select Production File = Current Client Users for the "File Type".
  7. Enter a File Description to describe the type of prospects being uploaded.
  8. Enter Any Special Instructions you may have for the file being uploaded.
  9. Click to upload the Theatre Manager export text file.

    The file will be uploaded to DonorSearch for processing. It may take a few moments to complete the upload process depending on the filesize and speed of your internet access.

It is recommended that you send a direct email to your DonorSearch Contact to notify them that a prospect file has been uploaded. This will enable them to follow the process on their side to get the results back to you as quickly as possible. Your DonorSearch Contact will be able to provide an estimated time when the results will be ready.

After you have received back the analytic results on the patrons you have just uploaded, proceed to the steps on how to Import Analytic Results from DonorSearch..
