Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing

The Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

  • Click here for information on generating a report.
  • Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Purpose of the Report

You use the Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing for a listing of emails or letters for a given patron.

Departments Who Benefit From This Report

All Print letters associated with a patron according to the criteria. They are not necessarily donation letters

Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run using:.

Parameter Field Condition Value
Last Name (or any other patron field) Between And
Date on Letter/Email Between And

Warning: This report only selects emails/letters connected to the criteria you enter. For example:
  • Only patron criteria - will retrieve any letter or email associated with the patron
  • Donation Campaign criteria - will only select the letter if it was specifically connected to a donation - all others are ignored
  • Donation Receipts - will only select the letter if it was specifically connected to a donation receipt - all others are ignored. Letters can only be attached to a donation receipt by
    • Using the form letter merge feature
    • Picking a letter that is specifically designed or donation receipts
    • Merging against each individual donation receipt and
    • Saving the letter history
  • Volunteer Data - will only select the letter if it was specifically connected to a volunteer activity receipt - all others are ignored
  • etc.