Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program)

The Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program) can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.
  • Patron,
  • Household,
  • Campaign, or
  • combinations of the above.

  • Click here for information on generating a report.
  • Click here for information on the Finished Report window.


Fields to include on the report

You can include or exclude the various donation types such as:

  • Real monetary donations
    • donations marked as 'gift'
    • those marked as 'hard pledge'
    • Matching Gifts that are associated with either of the above donation types
  • Not yet realized donations
    • soft pledge - those marked as potential donations
    • prospects - also marked as potential donations in their own category
    • soft credits - which given as a 'match' against real donations in the style of 'give or get'. usually applied to solicitors or board member campaigns.


Purpose of the Report

You use the Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program) to print an annual program Donation total across thepage for each patron. This indicates the giving trends for a donor.


Departments Who Benefit From This Report

Development Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each program year and assist with projecting future donations.
General Manager Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each program year and assist with projecting future donations.

Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run without criteria or using a group of patrons for larger databases as the criteria.

Parameter Field Condition Value
Patron Name-Last between (Last Name) and (Last Name)