Postal Code Report

To create a report of the Postal Codes of your labels, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Patron Address window.

    Click here for more information on how to open the window.

  2. Click the Postal Code button.

    The Record Count Criteria window opens to the Sort & Subtotal Tab.

    For information on how to change a Sort, click here.

  3. Review the sort fields, making any afdditions, deletions or changes as necessary.
  4. Click the Next button.

    The Distance tab opens.

  5. Review the tab, when complete, click the Next button.

    The Display Fields Tab opens.

  6. Review the tab, when complete, click the Next button.

    The Titles and Formatting Tab opens.

  7. Review the tab. Click here for more information on this tab.
  8. When complete, click the Done button.

    Your report is displayed.