This web page is shown when the patron tries to add tickets to an event TM Server determines that they can no longer buy tickets because it is:
- sold out, or
- no longer can be sold online (see reasons below)

- Tickets for an event area available to purchase online until the event is sold out, it is manually removed from online sales or the performance has reached the minutes prior to start remove time.
- If a performance sells out while a patron is in the middle of the sales process they will receive this page. However, if the performance is already sold out prior to their attempt to purchase tickets it will be indicated in the Availability column of the TMtickets.html page.
- The Remove Minutes Before It Starts is set under the Web tab in Setup >> System Preferences within Theatre Manager.
- The Stop Sales in Advance for an event is indicated in the Event tab of Setup >> Events within Theatre Manager.
- The Stop Sales in Advance for a performance setting can be found by clicking Setup >> Events, selecting the Performance tab, double clicking in the desired performances and selecting the Web Settings tab.
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