The above concept also applies to any data in Theatre Manager such as ticket buyers last year, subscribers this year, gift certificate users in the past 3 years, volunteers since the beginning of time, etc.
There are 4 combinations that seem a little harder that might require either 'Add' and 'Remove' groups or more than one mail list as illustrated in the Venn Diagram above. These slightly more complex groups are:
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The key difference in the above searches is that multiple data records must be considered before the patron is selected. In the simple example of gave last year but not this, Theatre Manager needs to consider two DISPARATE SETS of data records to find the difference. |
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Multiple criteria are represented by add/remove groups .. which you can think of as combining multiple Venn Diagrams together. |
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Individual criteria groups can use the having clause to create very powerful queries that find very targeted groups of patrons.
eg: you can find all donors that gave 3 or more times last year and didn't give 5 or more times the year before. |
Last year but not this(Blue group but not in Pink) One way of thinking of this is people who are in one group, but not the other. There are two ways to accomplish this:
The above example shows:
This is similar to the above since it has both add and remove groups. The criteria within the group just happens to refer to previous mail lists that have been built to identify the SETS of patrons. |
This year but not last(Pink group but not in Blue) This is similar to the case for 'last year but not this'. The criteria is simply reversed - since in both cases you are taking one SET (group) of patrons and removing the second SET (group) of patrons. Again, you can:
This example shows the use of two mail lists to find the difference in the groups of people. You could use the add and remove group approach as per the previous example. |
In both groups(in both Blue and Pink) Something that must be in two groups is called the intersection set. To find patrons like this in theatre manager, you need to do it be creating two temporary lists. eg:
In neither groupNOT in Blue and NOT in Pink) Finding people in neither group is a little tricky. You need to find the group of everybody you are considering and then remove group 'A' and then remove group 'B'. You can do it in one of three ways:
In this example, everybody is explicitly defined as all patrons with a patron number greater than zero and the remove group says patrons belongs to mail lists 'is all of' last year or thins year. They means remove patrons who are on both prebuilt mail lists (or all people who are not in last year or this year)
In this sample, everybody is patrons who are subscribers and part of the control house for dinner theatre. It then removes all donors and them removes all volunteers.
This results in subscribers who have never donated or volunteered.
In this example, we are looking for everybody who does not belong to any of the two prebuilt mail lists. Everybody is implied since Theatre Manager scans for all data, unless explicitly told not to. In this case, Theatre Manager was told to only include people 'in none of' the mail lists. |
By combining mail lists you can gain access to the data of many lists and from that data form a new list. Unlike merging the mail lists, you are able to keep the original mail lists and their data intact and unchanged.
To combine mail lists, you perform the following steps:
Click Here to learn how to open the window.
The Mail List Inserting window opens.
The Parameter window opens.
The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.
For this example the field will be "Mail List #" found under Mail List Setup and the condition will be "is one of"
Hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key to select multiple lists at a time.
You are returned to the Parameters window.
You are returned to the Mail List Criteria window.
The data from the selected mail lists will be combined.
If the criteria is changed in one of the combined mail lists the combined mail list must be executed again to update the information.
You can apply it in many ways to ANY DATA in the database. For example, Patrons who:
In Theatre Manager, to identify WHO falls into this category, we use a mail list with two groups.
In the the example below, a very simple data range has been used for both criteria. You can make the criteria as complex as possible, by including items such as:
IN ALL CASES, THE CONCEPT IS THE SAME -- add people matching data, then remove people matching other data to find out who used to be part of the group and is now not part of the group. Refer to editing mail lists to create your query to find what you want.
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Variation: Sometimes you may want to remove people if anybody in the household gave the second year. This means you must remove primary and non-primary members of the household (in two steps) |
This is possible, but involved a small nuance to the remove steps.:
When removing Primary FOLLOWED BY removing Non-Primary patrons, you will end up removing all patrons in the household.
The general steps to find purchasers to multiple events are:
Click here to learn how to open the window.
The Mail List Inserting window opens.
The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.
The Edit Report Parameters window opens.
You are returned to the Parameters window.
The having criteria should be the 'Event #'.
Pick Unique count on the left.
On the right, enter the range of unique events such as between 3 and 6.
When you execute the mail list, you will get people who have bought 'distinct' events out of the criteria you selected.
You can make the first part of the criteria as complicated as you wish, such as 'all regular tickets' that were 'sold by user xxx' and were 'sold on a thursday afternoon' just by adding more lines to the regular criteria as you've done before.
In this example, of creating a mail list of Patron Attending an Event, the event name will be "Rolling Lego Concert". This mail list will only function if the Confirm Attendance function is being used.
Click here to learn how to access this window.
This mail list is comprised of patrons who attended the recent Rolling Lego Concert.
Once this information has been entered you can now begin to enter your criteria.
The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.
The Parameter window opens.
The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.
You are returned to the Parameter window.
You are returned to the Mail List Criteria Groups tab.
This will give you a list of donors who have donated between the time frame where the sum of the receipts ( payments ) is $1,200 +
If you want to know donors who have donated in the past whose sum of their receipts during this time span is greater than or equal to $1,200 - do not use Donation Date is between XX and YY. |
The steps to find Patrons Whose Combined Payments in a Fiscal Year total $####+ are:
Click here to learn how to open the window.
The Mail List Inserting window opens.
The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.
The Edit Report Parameters window opens.
You are returned to the parameters window.
The Add Parameters window opens.
This will restrict the list to all donors whose combined PAYMENTS in the date range specified totals the amount you want plus.
For example: A list of donors whose combined payments in the fiscal year totalled $1200+.
You are returned to the parameters window.
You are returned to the Criteria Groups tab.
To create a mail list of all of your current subscribers, you perform the following steps:
Click Here to learn how to access this window.
2012 Subscribers.
This is a list of patrons who are season subscribers for the year.
The Mail List Data Selection dialog opens.
The Parameter window opens.
The Add/Edit Parameter window opens.
You are returned to the Parameters window.
Order of Criteria is very important. If we had selected the Promotion FIRST, The query would search for the Subscription promotions in ALL performances, then search for the matching performance codes. To optimize searching, you would search for the performances and then the matching promotions. Click here to learn how to re-arrange criteria. |
You are returned to the Mail List, Criteria Groups tab.
In the sample picture below, the criteria shows 'Primary Email Address'. You can just as easily search for the other 'primary' fields when adding them to the criteria. So you can use primary email address, primary fax, etc in any query.
The trick is that if somebody:
Marketing Primary Email Unique # 0
This criteria can be combined with just about any other criteria.