Enabling Course Promotions

Promotions, like Price Codes, are set in Courses the same way they are set for Plays or Events.

To set the price codes for your course, you perform the following steps:

  1. In the Play window, click the Promotions tab.
  2. On the left side, highlight the Course to populate the promotions for that Course in the list on the right.

  3. Highlight promotions you do not want to use for that Course and click the Disable button to turn those promotions "off".

    Promotions are set to "Enabled" by default.

    If you change your mind or later decide to allow a promotion for use in the Course, you may have to change the drop-down in the bottom right corner to show All promotions (it may be set to only display enabled promotions)

  4. Highlight the one or ones you'd like to enable and click the Allow Use button to turn those promotions back "on".

    For more information about Promotions, please click here.

  5. Once you have completed the entire process from entering the course title, accounting information, performances, prices and promotions, you are ready to start selling Courses.

    If you want to make further adjustments to the Course, click here for information about accessing the Performance Detail tabs.
