Statistic Tab

Clicking the Statistic tab on the bottom half of Patron Window will open the Patron Statistic Tab.

Parts of the Statistic tab

Year-Statistics The fiscal year range the statistic belongs to.
# Donation The number of donations made within the fiscal year.
Donation Actual Amount The cumulative value a patron has confirmed they will donate within the fiscal year.
Soft Credits The cumulative value of soft credits made within the fiscal year.
Hard Pledges The cumulative value of hard pledge donations made within the fiscal year.
# Tix The number of tickets bought within the fiscal year.
Tix Sales Total The cumulative value of tickets bought within the fiscal year.
Regular The dollars spent purchasing tickets using standard ticket sales procedure.
Subscription Dollars spent on Subscription ticket sales based on show setup.
Other Type 1 Dollars spent on Other Type 1 ticket sales based on show setup.
Other Type 2 Dollars spent on Other Type 2 ticket sales based on show setup.
Other Type 3 Dollars spent on Other Type 3 ticket sales based on show setup.
# Member The number of membership items bought within the fiscal year.
Pass Value The dollars spent by the patron on the purchase of passes, memberships, Gift certificates or other items.
# Fee The number of times a fee paid within the fiscal year.
Fee Total The dollars collected from the patron for fees on ticket orders.
#StaffVoluneer The number of scheduled times a patron has Staff, or Volunteer or Personnel activities within a fiscal year.
#StaffVoluneerAmount The rate charged for Staff, or Voluneer or Personnel activities with in a fiscal year.
Resource Value The cumulative value of Merchandise or Resources bought within the fiscal year.
#Projects The cumulative value of projects within the fiscal year.
Stat# The stat database sequence number.
Outlet The Outlet control number.
Outlet-Owner The Outlet reporting the transactions.
Fiscal Year The year based on account setup within Company Preferences. Click here for more information.