Employee Prefs: Windows Tab

Parts of the Windows Tab

Main Toolbar Settings

Settings for main Theatre Manager toolbar.
Icon Size Choice between Small and Large icons.
Text Position Can either have no text or text showing below icons.
Menu Position Where you would like the menu positioned on the screen: None, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Floating

Window Tooltips

Display tooltips on windows and buttons Displays tips on windows and buttons when the mouse is hovered over top of the window or button
Display tooltips on a theatre map Displays seat information when mouse is hovered over top of seat on a theatre map
Reset Window Positions This will reset all window positions and other column and sort settings back to the default when clicked. Optionally, if you are a master user, you can reset for all user. Otherwise, only your settings are cleared.

The steps are:

  • Close all windows (except this one)
  • Click the Reset window Positions
  • Quit Theatre Manager so that window preferences are saved
  • Start Theatre Manager again

Notifications and Badges

Display some messages in notification centre Displays some alerts in the notification centre on your Macintosh (no Windows equivalent as of yet)
# Days to show update messages You can set the number of days that update notices will show in the daily notification window on startup of TM. This can be useful if you've been away and want to see auto-updates or manually installed updates. Clicking on a row in the notification window will let you click 'explain' to see the release notes.

Set this number to zero if you do not want any notifications than an update occurred.

Preferred Toolbar Icon Settings

Icon Size Choice between Small and Large icons.
Text Position Can either have no text or text showing below icons.

Windows Status Bar Position

Position Where you would like Theatre Manager status bar positioned. This status bar displays information and any errors you may receive. Options are: Bottom, Top, or Operating System Default

Windows Theme

Theme You can set the general colour theme of Theatre Manager which affects every window, instantly. Choose the theme from the drop down. Using default sets it back to the Theatre Manager default for the platform.

Note: a new walk-around install of Theatre Manager on your machine may automatically reset the theme to default.

This is an example of the window using the green theme.

Language/Locale Settings

Language Preference Sets default Language, Date and Time. Click on the drop down bar to select a language - Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais or Italiano.
Date Display Click on the calendar icon to set the default date. A popup window will provide a listing date formats from which to chose.
Time Display Click on the clock icon to set the default time. A popup window will provide a listing time formats from which to chose.